What's the worse thing you will do to a thief!!

man now i realise Malaysians are damn sadistic arrr...man

anyway KEEP up the good work

hehee cause i'll do the same too la
why not we plan a night to trap these rats? i'm sure it would be fun. you can then see their be god damn shrunked balls and faces when they see all us. all we need is just a good looking car(worth to be broken into) and some patience. sleep early though...they come at about 3am-5am....i would say we start in subang...
Daaaaaaammmmmnnnnnnn............i like your methods 5-7!!!

when you're goin out to get these guys i'm in!

I lost a car last year and 2 intercoolers this year in bangsar.
they ripped my intercoolers twice in BP where my car was parked.
There was a cctv operational there but sadly i can't get their faces....only their backs.


after you've perform your torture, i'll do mine.

heeheehee..... hang them upside down on a tree. then grafiti all kinda shit all over their body with a BLUNT knife. then when you're done, throw a baldi of salt all over him and listen to the music he makes.
if he is malay, ill send him to the masjid and give him a pep talk. if anyone else, just tell them to F off. if they become aggressive, ill kick their arse with anything hard. learning aikido now, so maybe i can break their arms in several months, with no evidence.....
Thank God my car hasn't been broken into yet :) And hope nothing like that would happen... B)

If I was to bring down a freakin thief.. Wack him up kau kau wif my Tae Kwondo :P .. Then tie him to a tree or something upside down.. take blunt knife.. write on him ' I am a Fcuked THIEF' all over his body.. and then throw a baldi of salt & hydrogen peroxide mixed together onto him... like wad 'Groosfrabar' mention and listen to his music :P
Originally posted by goddfadda@Feb 9 2005, 16:30

3) Tie him down... if your too pissed and angst is all you've got in you... ask him to bite the curb of the road and then KICK THE MOTHERFUCKING PRICKS HEAD!!!! Show him how a head job is done when he messes with you...

7) You know how sometimes you shout at those thiefs and they don't listen to you... hehehe ... how to get back??? simple... make sure you have an air hon handy around the house... then just simply blow it straight into his ears!!!!


heheh i like these two...nr. 3 do it just like in american history x...
damn sick though... :ph34r:
If for me, I will what him until he no energy..then strip him naked tie him to a tree full of RED ANTS! Put a sign on him saying "I am being punished for STEALING cars".

Then call police...
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