TT Activities, Gathering & Convoys Updates


On another note, life have been bz but I am calling for a TT session this Thu night. Apoligize for it being a weekday than our weekly weekend this week since Leslie, myself and S9 is bz over weekend.

Time & Venue will be communicated in our calendar and over SMS.

As usual, if u're interested and not part of MLOC yet, do PM any of the committee to get the gathering details.

B18C-R said:
Notiguy, Sub7,

No offence at all bro..u guys are the coolest. Dun worry. And being MEOC, you have no problem hanging around in MLOC forum..My salute to you. If only you can work out with your leadership to allow the same, I'm sure MLOC members will start flooding in MEOC forum as well. I was told MEOC forum is meant for members only...didn't really check it out..yet.


No worries on that. No offence taken. First of all, I would actually like to thank you for allowing me & other MEOC members too, for flooding your forum in ZTH. I'm sure MEOC wouldnt mind MLOC (or others out there who share the same interest as us) in MEOC's forum, nevertheless, there is a boundary whereby there are certain threads whereby non-members are not qualify to view as it pertains to certain activities/where-abouts/etc on us and we would like to be careful with regards to this to avoid foul-play from others. (MLOC uses sms, MEOC uses a 'closed' thread). Besides that, its pretty much the same. The MEOC forum now is being hosted by a server (yes, the last one let us down) and we're still upgrading it till date (kudos to our VP) and hopefully it will be up and running smoothly in no time.

I would admit that MEOC is slightly on the slower side if compared to MLOC, due to the fact that we have to get things organised in proper manner with regards to ROS, and therefore, it takes more time to get things done. In addition, most of the members are quite tied up with work and family matters (we're majority old farts there) and do not have much time to chit chat in the forum (thus me flooding the MLOC forum as a non-MEOC nor MLOC member :angel_smile: as there are more fellow forummers with more time for their hobby)

The current MEOC members are majority new members who just obtained their new rides and so is the management. We have to thank our seniors for putting up so much effort with the ROS and passing it down to us (they've all moved up the ladder to Skylines and now, Ferraris & Porsches) for us to maintain it and hopefully, if any of us were to move up, we would do the same.

"only original Evolution owners are permitted to join MEOC" - yes, it is stated in the MEOC constitution. This was made up by our seniors and we would like to adhere and respect to the following constitution. They had their reasons for it and I think its fair enough not to have it changed. But then again, it doesnt mean that we cant minggle and befriends with fellow Lancer/Lancer converts etc. Hence, me approaching MLOC sometime ago to ask if it would alright to be affiliated as we're still under the same tree. So I hope, there wont be any hard feelings between the two clubs and its members and future, hope to have better understandings with one and other.

As for me, I already had stated that I am not a fan of politics. Nevertheless, I understand the leaderships in both clubs and rest assure, I do not drag or pull 'newbies/novice/etc" into either one club as the bottom line is, they should choose on their own and join either one that they think is right for them and at the end of the day, we're still under the same roof and still can be friends.

You guys ought to be sleepy after reading this... so I'd hope that I didnt bore you with my not-so-intellectual facts of mine.
both side of meoc n mloc are cool ppl wit cool ride...take it easy ddgreystar n cooljoey. i might not know joey buy jaacob is a nice guy to talk wit

ben: bila mau pergi ulu yam?festival is over dude
okay.... lets cool down guys..... if not this will be an endless fight...

if you want to join us for tt's you're always welcome!!! just pm me your hp number and i will update you!!..

you've always been very loyal to MLOC and we're proud to have you with us... so cool down bro!!! cheer up dude!!

On behalf of MLOC, i would like to appologise for this issue regarding MLOC and MEOC!... It created a lot of feedback's and i felt that even on MLOC there are some loop hole's that we need to mend and restore... I would like to oppologise to MEOC for this issue and especially to Sub 7.. (he's a very nice guy)...
Sorry for any missunderstandings in the past and present day!!! Our guys here in MLOC are very loyal and defensive over the club!! so i'm sorry if they bite a little pertaining some issue's!!!

This dotted line represents the end of this issue and PEACE!!!!
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well conclusion... :) so shall we start with the original topic as it should be.. TT!! :)

who is gonna show up ah?

someone can lead me there from PJ, cuz dono where n don wan to get sesat la :P thks
you can meet me at near bukit damansara if you know where it is... then we can go to kl together also..hehehe
jun_ek9 kena poison from one of our trips down there! hehehehe.... the 7th month ghost season is ending.... and we're coming back with more action!!!
leslie said:
you can meet me at near bukit damansara if you know where it is... then we can go to kl together also..hehehe

not really sure where is bukit d'sara :P sorry.. but i will be around Phileo D'sara, so if u may meet me around bangsar or mont kiara or sri hartamas then i know where to find u :) we talk later when we meet la.. c u..

everything fine bro, just try to make it peace. as Mr. P said, its end for this issue. just a small misunderstading, dun worry....

welcome to join any TT, i sure our lead will very happy to see u. no need worry is MLOC or MEOC, u can join both clubs if u like (just like me)..hahahahah...

Hey, no la... Am no Rich Man Son man... Infact its de other way round le... My dad hv a Rich Man as his son la... :_: LoLzzzzzzzzzz.... Jus Joking!!!

Yeah, de Ghost Festival ending this Thursday... Thursday is de last day!!! Hehehe...
hahhhaa... okok ..glad u still huh! :) post pics ah?? wait i took some pics first ah...hahahaha..long time no see my car already as it is under the blanket.. guess it has been bout 1 month plus already..hahahaha..

hey bro, i just got back from miri, witness the miri drag racing, the brunei e3 was damn chat fast..shiok man!!! but too bad i din took any pics as my camera had been brought to scotland by my parents..lolz. will try to source some pics for u all...

ya man, i saw the pic on, damn geng all the car and the timing got few is 10++ sec....the E3 is brunei mistubishi dealer team?
ya... the whole team wearin ralliart shirt, australian and japanese were there to tune tat car. damn chat geng ! just like the movie tat jackie chan acts, whole team comes with trailer and everything. too bad no chicks standing around the car.!! hahaah.. tat car using autronic ecu...hks sequential gearbox which i heard the gearbox he bought bout 120k ringgit at 3 years back! u should take some pics from and paste here ma..share share!! :)
leslie: havent been up to ulu yum wit u guys....
maybe this fri can set up a trip there. i will try bring some scooby for ben since he 'likes' scooby so much.more over my car stock car cant catch up wit u guys
hhaha.. tot ben would have brought you up there already!hehe.. puttting the red e6 with the scoobies is like letting go a rotweiler at some civilians!!! hehehe...very scary!!
the red skyline really damn fast, but too bad engine broke down on the 2nd gear, u just cant imagine tat 4wd drive launch but then still spins alot with semi slicks, even launching with wadever traction control the car still sengetalot ...damn scary..hahahahah..

is engine broke down or gearbox?...JUN tuned should be very reliable, right?..heheh...or they itchy go tune their self again..hahah....hahah..just like last time saw the 700whp evo3, 3rd gear also spin....geng...hahah...
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