Welcome to MLOC Forum


1,500 RPM
Senior Member
Mar 27, 2005
Kuala Lumpur

Hello All,

Welcome !! Selamat Datang !!!

We are the united owners of Mitsubishi Lancer and it's variants, be it a Mitsubishi Lancers Saloon, Lancers Mivec, Lancer GLX, Lancer MX, Lancer Cedia, Lancer GT or Lancers Evolution (any Lancers were missed out ?) trying to stay together, exchange notes as well as ideas and at the same time, to have fun with our rides and passion of the same.

We organise regular gathering and outing events, 'Teh-Tarik' meet-up and drive around convoys. Is no fun driving alone so please come in, hang around MLOC and find out what you can do more together with us now that you already have your Mitsubishi Lancer.

If you do not own a Mitsubishi Lancer yet, now this community is one reason to add to your list of why you need to own one !

Enjoy your stay with us.... !!


MLOC Malaysia.
Mitsubishi Lancer Owners Club - Malaysia


MLOC Official Monthly Activities

1st Week Sun - Official TT / Gathering (DAY)
3rd Week Fri or Sat - Official TT / Gathering (NIGHT) and Speedruns for some.
Ad-hoc SMS annoucement gathering / Convoy

About our Activities:

What are Speedruns?

Speedruns gathering is a convoy where 'speed' and 'runs' combined and are meant for those hot blooded MLOCian and this will be done either on Friday or Saturday night. But take note that MLOC is NOT a Motorsports Club hence Speedruns is purely voluntarily done as self interest and not compulsary in any club TT/Gathering events.

Why the theme speedruns ? Because this will mostly be a little out of town / city convoy which will serve the purpose of releasing some steam out of our everyday traffic jammed bumper to bumper city driving !

Does this means no convoy ? No, we do have plenty of ad-hoc town and outstations convoys whenever we meet-up. Speedruns or not depends in this case on the driver themselves ! : P

However, we will usually have TT/Gathering session prior to the actualy 'runs' so members who can't join the speedruns can join the TT session instead and enjoy their nice warm bed thereafter while some hot blooded MLOCian decides to 'waste their tyres + fuel' out ! :-)

Our Gathering + Convoy details ?

Venue will not be disclose for security reason. If you have updated your contact, SMS will be send occasionally but do check in our MLOC calendar (in Yahoo) for the venue & timing details updated 2-3 days before any actual day of an runs or gathering events.

Please visit our Club official web site by clicking here for more contact information and our club details.

You can click here on a quick link to information on how to join MLOC and it's member application form.



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wow........!!!...............look very good ah.......................can i join u guys !!!???.......................bump.!!!!!!!!..................haha............
Hurrrrray, finaly we have our own forum space in zth....
Thanks to Tom & ZTH!:top:
B18C-R ,

er....!!!.........u " cabut " my g.t wing than i " cabut " ur spoiler.!!!.......ok ma..........no need cabut la............i exchange with u la............ha ha...........
wo wow wow.....kool....now we can have a bigger place n more topics to discuss....maybe we can try to setup some technical threads ? like suspension, tyres, srcurity, ecu tunning....pasar malam, thigns like dat ?
Ya, ya. I think a simple FAQ will also help new members, things like where to service la, what parts to use la, where to go kau lui la...
aahhhh.......feels good with ur very own room hah..............
thanks to mr.VP and Tom
Members n Frens,

Yahooooo.... This is de place where MLOC belongs to man... Hahaha... :_: I agreed with what DD said, v should hv some specific tecnical threads as what DD hv mentioned above - suspension, tyres, security, ECU tuning, RIMS, Electronics n etc... But most importantly is to hv a thread specially for AC oso!!! :shades_smile: Betul kah DD??? Hahahaha...
Then we must have technical consultant for each forum.......come come vote for it......alarm & Security, Car performance & modification, Exterior modification, Wheels and tyres, ICE and interior, suspensions, pecah cermin ......gauge ...racing, drag and etc.....

Hey everybody!!! Am doing a head count on who wanna to join us for de day trip down to Melaka for our JB member Shaboy wedding this coming Saturday 03/06??? Pls sms/PM either B18C-R or myself!!!

Time n location wil b confirm later through sms, but need to know how many of us going as v need to inform de wedding boy or lanevo6 on this!!!

Thx n cheers for all!!! :_:
kampoon ,

B18C-R r the consultant for MLOC la....any of the alarm & security , car performance & modification, Exterior modification, Wheels and tyres, ICE and interior, suspensions, pecah cermin ...ke...gauge ..ke......racing, drag and etc...............all aslo can get info with our mr. B18C-R,.......^_^
I created a tread for the Melaka trip liao..pls use our forum and post new tread for specif items/events ok...

Can you eloborate what is AC ?? **hehe...**

Hoi Gordon,
Put me on the table ah ? We must all sama-sama contribute to the forums la. Even u cut n paste from other website also ok..hehe.
A Great Welcome To All Mloc Members And Friends!!!!!

Thanks To Our Mloc Commitee Members And Friends For Their Commitment's And Affort To Make This Club Successful!!!

Without You Guys We Would'nt have made it!!!

President of MLOC
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Hahaha... AC = Amble Chia lo... LoLzzz... Wil go to Tom sticker n ask them to do me a big big AC face n put in onto my car together with some Ralliart stuffs... Hahaha... Like Ah Beng not???

I am back lah....Cant login Streamyx for pass 2 weeks times...#$%^&*%$#@#$
S9, U want to stick a big AC face at ur car ah...OKOK.
I help u to ask how much. How big u want? Half a car size?
Later AC saw it then she will admire u.

Hahaha... remember to ask them to do a Sexy sexy 1 for me ah... LoLzzzz... Cos if not Sexy hor... AC is nothing special la... Hahaha... :_:
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