Battle RAP anyone?

Wei, dun say I support your ass la. Later people think we're married or something la. hahaha Honestly, the end times are near so I really would prefer to make more friends, make them laugh more rather than angry or cry, than any other things. hehehe I won't mind battling but if someone comes along and battle it out disrespectfully and spoil the fun, then guess we'll just give `em back their own medicine lor hahaha

Oh... haven't tried la. If I happen to be there, I'll go check it out. So far, the only good nasi lemak that I've tried is at Menara Citibank, 5th floor food court. Wah, the rice alone has got the lemak taste. Some more, if you go there, got lots of hotties to check out. hehehe Now we talk battle nasi lemak. hehehe

kelvio, yo ma main man G
Don't get worked up and angry
He may treat you like an enemy
But all we'all here treat you as family
Getting pissed for a person who's not worthy?
Nah, kelvio, you're smarter than that lil kiddy
Let him have his own broken fantasy
About him being rap king on his own M I C
We'll just chill and let him be
Cos when ignorance falls upon him indefinitely
He'll know that he picked on us wrongly
Come join our hunt for nasi lemak's that's tasty

And to you mr craziethug who now rests silently
To tell you really honestly
God didn't put us here to make any enemy
I was recently taught by God to love them closely
It's a big challenge but I hope in God I'll live obediently
And I pray for this nation for change to come quickly
So that we'll all live in peace and harmony
Wanna rap, sure but keep it friendly
It's how we do it here in the ZTH family
Cos I know the members would prefer to live peacefully
Have good chat, good laughter over a few cups of tea
But if you fail to see the ZTH unity
Then I hope you'll be humble and eventually be able to see
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Satria_95, damn we gotta save this thread (in the process of trying to close it) weih !! someone is talking about "raping" already... eheeahaehahahaahaa! (refer to d post above u) ... :rofl: :rofl:
Wow i dunno where is Menara Citibank, mayb try it out too ..

hahaha Actually... I'm a food person so battle food! hahaha Menara Citibank is just beside Nikko Hotel. hehe :) We must save this thread so we can talk about food in here. hahaha
hahaha good 1 satria
u say menara citybank nasi lemak very nice arrr which 1 the lotus mamak stall arr???
Nikko hotel??? all the way in ampang park there ..? blur ady... :hmmmm2:

wahaha , guys .... nasi lemak ?
curry laksa anyone ? im a curry laksa and char kueh tiu freak. anyone ??
Laksa Shackkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

Char Kueh Teowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
satria's rap is yeng
he is the most geng...
even that craizaifart mou chut seng
then now off topic talk about food that's peng, leng n jeng!
It's inside menara citibank, level 5. That floor is a food court. And yes! Bak Kut Teh at old town! when? when? hehehe

I also fried kuay teow fan! hehehe SS2 got one fried kuay teow, not too bad wan. There is 2 restaurant opposite Ss2 kfc. One is Sun Hin Loong. The other one is Hock Sin Leong. Go to the other one, Hock Sin Leong, and look for Robert Char Kuay Teow. Another fried kuay teow that I go to is at Sungai Wang, 5th floor food court there. Opposite the large economy rice, got one fried kuay teow. Not too bad also. hehehe

Ya lor... all the way to ampang park. hehehe

Let's do a diff kinda TT. We set diff days for diff food. For example, one saturday, we go dinner and hunt for fried kuay teow. Then after that, we go chill out at a cafe or something. hehe Then, the following week, we go for bak kut teh at old town. Then adjourn to a cafe or something for cheap drinks hehe

No ler, I not most geng wan la. I just have interest to do those stuff only. hehehe No big deal about it. :)
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wah satria u really food fan lol u know where to find good food in every corner lol
salute u lol.....
so long didn't check in and it turned into a food thread?!....

nasi lemak..shud try the uncle that comes to menara Citibank every evening at 6.15pm
used to be damn good and was Rm1 than.....but now still taste ok.still missed the old tase.....even after all this years!
oh; the curry puff is nice too
No ler. hehe I just happen to be there and found the food there. Also, just to add to those above, there is a wet market "hidden" somewhere in petaling street. It's behind a building in the midst of petaling street. Inside there, got 1 curry mee, not too bad also. For about RM4.50, you get one good sized bowl of curry mee with lots of stuff in it. Got pig skin (those semi translucent one), chopped long beans, brinjal, cockerels, tau-fu pok and chicken. There could be more stuff in it but I can't recall la. At the same place, there is also very nice yong tau foo. The white tofu, wah... can really smell the tofu smell. Well, that's what I think tofu smells like la, unless I'm smelling weed that they put inside the tofu. The fried stuff in the yong tau foo stall also quite nice. Freshly cooked in front of you so you can open your eyes big big to see how they handle the food stuff. haha I guess sometimes, good food ain't all that clean. Also, the chee cheong fun there is quite nice also. hehe

At paramount garden, O&S restaurant got quite alright prawn mee and prawn paste chee cheong fun. Chunz!

That uncle that sells nasi lemak comes in a bike or something, somewhere at the front lobby of citibank, right? I always see one whole crowd around there la. hehe
wah keng,
i dont go petaling street that often, so dunno what to find lol there, talking abt penang prawn paste chee cheong fun,
the ony best in town 1 is the night market in bangsar and ss2 dunno u tried b4 or not
if u 1 2 try penang curry mee or penang kuey tiau theng(dunno correct spelling or not hehe) u can go to usj, the shoplot opposite summit,the last conner shop beside houses(not beside petrol station)
the curry mee got the pig blood cube yumyum!!! lol

if i go paramount i sure go eat the claypot chicken rice
petaling street got lots of small not-so-visible streets which has alot of foo00ooodsss


hope Tom doesn't browse this thread.....
lol maybe tom view this thread then go find food hahahalol

cabut_____________*scared kena ban
b00n said:
petaling street got lots of small not-so-visible streets which has alot of foo00ooodsss

bot now petaling street is veli messy rite? especially those pirates cd seller......just saw it in newspaper...
the not so visible streets is inside the wet market there ar? It's called Madras Lane. If that's the one you're refering to, there isn't all that much food there but got nice yong tau foo and curry mee. hehe If that's not the place, can tell us where is the small not so visible streets ar? or we go together? hehehe

Dim sum anybody?
dim sum .... :
- taman mayang
- taman connaught
- concorde hotel -kl
-sri petaling near carrefour...opposite bkt jalil stdm

anywhere else? heheheh

jus wanna join the crap...not the 'rap'
wanna eat nice fried bee hon wit crab....
i can suggest....i know where to get. !! hahahahahah !

peace all !!
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