TTT Session on 18th Feb 2005

Originally posted by netmatrix@Feb 17 2005, 16:45
Woi! Who is that notti fella change my stories to cerita berbulu? haaaaaiiiii....... :lol: <_<
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Thats why i activated the password with encryption mana tau itu binawe pigi bukak itu password.. dats y all dis berbulu thing happen.. n name started to add in by itself.. ahhahahaahahahahaa.. :D

woi wong, i'm not married yet la...... still collecting ang pao la....

make u bring the ang pao for everybody here hahahaha.....

if no ang pao just bring the money........hehehehehehe
2moro dun 4get bring some mandarin oranges or watsoever also can la.. bring to TTT session n share with all members.. sambil makan can tok kok oso mar.. hahahahahaah.. errrr den uncle roland mau kasi ang pao so all must wish him gong xi fa cai.. den said ang pao gia lai.. ahahahahaahaaa... :D :lol: those who dun bring anything will kena bulu ayam rotan.. wahahahaahahahahaaha! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Originally posted by TRD16v@Feb 17 2005, 16:29
wah.. attendance number 2 and 3 macam main tukar rim je.. ekekekekeke! :D :lol:

macam onlyyyy :lol: :D :D
Originally posted by olskool+Feb 18 2005, 05:44 --></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (olskool @ Feb 18 2005, 05:44 )</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-TRD16v@Feb 17 2005, 16:29
wah.. attendance number 2 and 3 macam main tukar rim je.. ekekekekeke! :D :lol:

macam onlyyyy :lol: :D :D [/b][/quote]
keekekekekek... :lol:


still at work oredi 9.03 p.m. don;t know when can finnish.. this stupid new boss arrr.... want things very fast one.....

ask him.. when you want it ... he said... last night....aarrrgghhhh!!!!!

so you guys enjoy you TTT,,.....

wow.. after a long cny holiday finally 2nite all of us have meet again.. sorry la no ang pao but got nice makan like chocolates, kueh tah pek, mandarin oranges and some light snacks sponsored by myself and wong sifo.. thank u :) me arrive home exactly at 1:10am n mandi now post dis report from the TTT session :) enjoy!

TTT Attendance
(1) trd16v
(2) olskool & a fren
(3) ae80typeD
(4) acoustic
(5) yoga & gf
(6) tom's & gf
(7) QiW
(8) netmatrix
(9) banzai
(10) mysecasx & family
(11) shamburke & family
(12) EFN
(13) chef_akina
(14) limandy
(15) acbc
(16) levin818

Hopefully no name is missing out from the list above and if got do let me know.. apa mau buat sulah tua.. tak leh ingat manyak.. haahahahahaahahahaa...

TTT Field Report

(1) I as usual arrived earlier at 9pm n chose a nice sitting in front of the large screen TV watching final off from channel 16 astro.. nice oso enjoying music while having my dinner.. kesian belom lagi makan.. was thinking wah usually at dis time got member arrive earlier den me one wor but how come.. nevermind continue to enjoy tv n food.. ehhehehe.. den in short while olskool call me up n says he is on de way.. so i said ok la.. hope 2 c u in short while..

(2) As the time passes, members start to arrive one by one... followed by khairul bringing a CD n i tot wat CD rupanya mau kasi acoustic chin sifo one.. ehehehehehee.. i tot project punya CD.. ahahahahahaahahahaa.. den later chin arrives n followed by yoga san sifoo.. eheheheheeh.. den de tok kok begins... chin was saying aiyah 2moro go see paneer de pj mechanic in front of armada hotel one.. den we buli chin says chin's car left there for throttle body clean up but he himself go into de hotel n *ahem* cuci plug.. ahahahahaahahahahahaahhah! eh chin dun kena tangkap k? ahahahahaahahahaaha..... we told chin me, yoga, khairul normal la if allan is here now sure lagi ketawa besar one.. wahahahahahaahahaah... :D chin keep asking me to join him den yoga says yalah mike u go la n teman chin go cuci plug.. ahahahahahaahahahahaa....

(3) Later tom's alvin n gf with allan arrives den duduk again tok kok starts.. chin talk about de effectiveness of the ah pau welders.. wah chin seriously i would admit although din let him do his work is marvellous from de way u said it.. its worth to let him do but problem is u had to left ur car at KL n u must have transport for work.. but one man show so cannot expect car to come out fast also..

(4) Wong sifo arrives wif mandarin oranges and then i oso bring out de kueh tah pek to distribute out for member to sample it.. hope it is nice.. simple homemade kueh tah pek.. ehehehehehe..

(5) The cerita berbulu from netmatrix is actually not suspense one.. its about he did some drifting! walau.. thank god man luckily u r safe.. de bridge there kotor one so better be careful.. de drift took off as soon de rain stops.. really test skill.. next time u shud ajak chin acoustic sifu come out play play also.... ahhahahahaahahaha..

(6) Erwandy was saying 2nite must have auto testing session den we ask auto drag pick up tak best.. den erwandy says no la we play drag using reverse gear.. sure power giler one.. aaahahahahaahahaha... wat if the reverse drag session de driver only can control its vehicle by looking at the rear and side mirror onli n cannot turn the head behind.. sure panic habis.. haahahahahahaahahaha....

(7) Chang might be de next potential buyer for alvin's car.. wahhh some ppl wanna jump from AE92 to AE101 liao.. somemore 6 speed goodies.. ekekekeekek.. potential buyer on de list.. ehheheheehehehe.... another one is wong sifo also he is testing erwandy's car.. walau car testing session begins..

(8) Shamburke, u finally did make it to TTT session.. wah new boss ar? susah la apa kerja mau cepat2.. next time bring him to TT session i rotan him since he dun allow u to come to TTT... ahahahahaahahaahahahaahaha!

(9) 2nite TT session oso saw one lady in black dem chun n short skirt.. but sayang no one offers to snap de photo! got ar? if got can post up ar? ekekekekeke.. cun melecun... slurrppp.... sit down oso signal can pick up from anywhere.. ahahahahaahahahahaha....

(10) Yoga, thanks for letting me try the Tungsten Palm OS PDA.. simple pda i would say but pack with features... haahahahaa.. not use to it.. had to play longer den onli catch up fast... btw, i did try to play de bejewelled.. nice! eeheheheheeh.. thanks again :)

Last but not least, a great night of TT session although not all attended but everybody are really enjoying themselves n enjoy de whole session.. during dis TT it also coincidentally know that yoga n olskool both of them are formally school mates.. AND also dis TTT session Erwandy did mentioned n warn all of us to beware n be careful of the monster green LE dat will submerge anytime n smoke us no more play tiong2 liao.. walau.. heard his ratio getting better n shifting gear technique much faster n oso new improvement done on de engine.. wahhh dis is more scary den netmatrix's cerita berbulu! wahahaahahahahaahahahaha! anyway stay tune n careful of green LE monster.. scarrryyyyy.. :o :ph34r:

Ok la, here i would like to wish u all a thank u for coming n sleep tight.. good night n sweet dreams.. :)

netmatrix onli came after u left about 15 minutes ago.. ehehehehehe.. aisehh sulah miss la cerita berbulu.. ahahahahahahaahahahaahah! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Aiiihhh!!! My story is hairy story la. Not berbulu laaaa..... haaaiiiihhh. :lol: <_<

Well all i can say is,

1: Never drift alone, u crash u die just like that.
2: Never be too confident.
3: If car under powered dun be smart ass and start drift from 3rd gear!
4: Do NOT drift using stock suspension!
5: Do not drift using 13" tyres! Use 14" instead! :lol:
6: Playing in sandy roads is very very different from wet road. Wet harder!

Some more worse if anything happen my new front bumper i had less than 1 month!!!!! AAAAiiiieeeeeee!!!!!!! All in after. Do i still wanna do it? ............................???

Mike still shopping for PDA ka? But u have notebook wat!
got one car like your signature 'terdasai' at my house at KDE(kelab darul edsan),Ampang,soo pity loh...still got sport rim...dunno what condition...
Sure or not! I think i wanna go and see and project. But make sure la, no uncle come out from bushes and ambush me!! :blink:
good report again as usual mike ... i had to leave earlier than usual coz nowadays old ppl like me cannot tahan to fight the sleepiness liauuu ... hahaahhahaa ... :P

the other mike with the TE ... next time call some of us go watch u drift maaa ... then maybe sifoo chin maybe can give some pointers leehh ??? he is afterall the master of RWD maaa ... hahahahahahahaaa ... :lol:
pda issue later la still thinking n having deep thought.. ekekekeek.. now use de notebook 1st.. ehehehehee.. :) :D

agreed.. old ppl body batt charges low so gotto sleep early signalling time to go for bed.. ahahahahaaha... :D

missed another TT... and thanks to wong for being the fung shui master and predicting that my lovely home minister wouldn't approve.
In that case we apply a counter fung shui tactic now so that next time you can come.

BTW, it is a simple remedy and requires everyones help.

Normally if this was started by a normal person it doesn't work, however lots of karma happen to me so this is work because I said so.

Now, everyone lets participate like TTT attendences

Those who support krow to come next TTT please sign

1) Acoustic @ Chin

BTW if no body key in, I'll autosubmit :) at the end of the day krow will come next TTT.
Those who support krow to come next TTT please sign

1) Acoustic @ Chin
2) netmatrix @ Micheal (inlcude complimentary magic calendar to come) :lol:
Those who support krow to come next TTT please sign

1) Acoustic @ Chin
2) netmatrix @ Micheal (inlcude complimentary magic calendar to come)
3) levin818 @ wong

Krow, after all print out and show it to your minister :lol:
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