TTT on 18th August 2006


1,500 RPM
Senior Member
Feb 9, 2004
Tokyo, Japan.
TTT Schedule
Date: 18th August 2006
Day: Friday
Time: 8.30pm onwards
Venue: Restoran Syed Ariff, USJ Taipan.

Confirm List
1) TRD16v @ Mike
2) AE82GT @ Seng
3) Banzai @ Chang
4) EG9 @ Chu
5) QiW @ Allan
6) Yolk @ Yoga san
7) Netmatrix @ Mike San
8) tom's @ Alvin san
9) Clement @ TA Sifu
10) chinozie @ SEG King
11) GT20v @ Pendekar Selatan
12) Acoustic @ China tok guru
13) Levin818 @ Wong sifu @ Dr.ECU
14) shamburke @ AE86 Dorifto King

*Auto submit virus activated but because due to the program being lacked of memory therefore others name are unable to published so the program says "Sorry and memory error code number 877".. ahahahahahahahahahaahah!

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things to be discuss ???

how far are ??? :shocked: :mouth_closed:
After an early TTT session will leave mamak early & chow to SIC to watch MME preparation race.. eheheheheheheh! go go go!

TTT Schedule
Date: 18th August 2006
Day: Friday
Time: 8.30pm onwards
Venue: Restoran Syed Ariff, USJ Taipan.

Confirm List
1) TRD16v @ Mike
2) AE82GT @ Seng
3) Banzai @ Chang
4) EG9 @ Chu
5) QiW @ Allan
6) Yolk @ Yoga san
7) Netmatrix @ Mike San
8) tom's @ Alvin san
9) Clement @ TA Sifu
10) chinozie @ SEG King
11) GT20v @ Pendekar Selatan
12) Acoustic @ China tok guru
13) Levin818 @ Wong sifu @ Dr.ECU
14) shamburke @ AE86 Dorifto King
15) Maz @ Stock
16) Briggs-Ivan @ Stock

*Auto submit virus activated but because due to the program being lacked of memory therefore others name are unable to published so the program says "Sorry and memory error code number 877".. ahahahahahahahahahaahah!
Mike... i'll be in SIC first.. if it's not too late then will come over for ttt..
TTT Schedule
Date: 18th August 2006
Day: Friday
Time: 8.30pm onwards
Venue: Restoran Syed Ariff, USJ Taipan.

Confirm List
1) TRD16v @ Mike
2) AE82GT @ Seng
3) Banzai @ Chang
4) EG9 @ Chu
5) QiW @ Allan
6) Yolk @ Yoga san
7) Netmatrix @ Mike San
8) tom's @ Alvin san
9) Clement @ TA Sifu
10) chinozie @ SEG King
11) GT20v @ Pendekar Selatan
12) Acoustic @ China tok guru
13) Levin818 @ Wong sifu @ Dr.ECU
14) shamburke @ AE86 Dorifto King
15) Maz @ Stock
16) Briggs-Ivan @ Stock
17) mcfurby @ Lim

*Auto submit virus activated but because due to the program being lacked of memory therefore others name are unable to published so the program says "Sorry and memory error code number 877".. ahahahahahahahahahaahah!
Eh why after i see this thred suddenly the sky turned black one? Haiyaaaa! Fuuuhhh fuuuhhh fuuhhhhh *blowing the clouds away*:X-:
fuhhhh fuhhhh fuhhhhh blow it away.. cause 2nite wanna enjoy nasi lemak ayam! + sotong! kekekekekekek!

eh scomatic, u can join wat...u start ur journey nw la...stay a nite in KL then next day go home lor....hehehehe!
Hahaha! Guys don't make fun of me la on the flag on the car la. hahaha. Its free from shopping at Tesco. so WFT i just stick it there.

GB so mana report? I see he is busy watching T3 all the way la.
ya lor!!!!

GB where's the report...

sorry can't make it... i was in Batu Pahat... sending cousin for his wedding....

err... any plans for the MME.... convoy.. and sits together and support our friend in race????

the report is during de TTT last week friday whole night i was watching terminator 3 and den they all sibuk2 talk to the MME honda driver where we all suppose to discuss abt de convoy so now de convoy close case oredi as i rest my case so dats all la de report for TTT.. ahahahahahahaahahahahahaaha! during MME nite me masok tolong kerja.. so senandung malam! ohhhhh best!

yalorr .. no one wwanna take the initiative to organise and set dates for convoy .. so 99% whatever plans to go anywhere will fail and not happen laa ..
but it was good getting lots of driving tips from sifoo driver maa .. haahahahahaa .. not often u get the chance oso what .. he is representing malaysia in the autoX in indonesia next month worr ..

IMO .. if u guys wanna do any convoy gathering type of any sort .. jsut get a few close frens .. then set a date .. then just do it !! huahahahaahhaa
coz u can never satisfy everyone one maa .. so just set a date that majority agrees with and just do it lorrr ..
sifu Qiw has spoken!!!!!..... coz impromtu jala2 is still the best......


tak pa lar!!!! after all the big 'one' always take your eyes away!!! hahahaaaa...

still who is going for the MME... ha! this one can convoy ler!!!!

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