JPM Integra Cup Malaysia 2006 - Launch | Kuala Lumpur

well, i'm being a busybody..


just asking yea (i'm an outsider)
have you been on a race team before?
have you worked on an event such as this before?

i think, maybe you expected differently than what you got.
being a driver myself (i'm not rich, i pay with my own money)
it's common to see the driver(s) stressed and tension and generally unpleasant during pre-race, and most especially pre-qualifying.
but after the race, the driver(s) will be more pleasant for all that tension and stress is gone.

we're all humans, most of us cant be all happy and pleasant all the time under pressure!

as GT3 said before, it's common to eat late and rest little. That's racing. That's reality. I prep my own cars, and i work like all the mechanics too. *PS: i'm not a pro (LOL) it's hard work!

to be in racing its purely passion. You should see the LeMans' mechanics. They work 24 hours non-stop and sleep on the pit floor!

thanx for explaining to them. it was nice to see u yday. sorry couldnt chat much as i was really tired due to jet lag.


i have ask some of my mechanics and they have told me there wasnt really a big problem with drink supply. maybe its a minority problem. nevertheless im glad u point it out, i would discuss this with my management team n deal with it.
GT3 said:

im the organizer for the event. while i think ur expressing ur feelings i would like to correct some of them as i believe u are new to racing.

first of all, racing mechanics are hardwork. ask any pro mechanic they wil tell u its a norm. pls don think its all glamour n easy. if u think so then im sorry if we dissapointed u regarding ur expectation.

another thing, yes u are probably voluntaring urself for it. however pls understand this is not charity work. this are serious racing and we need ppl who can work and learn at the sametime. also if we did scold any of u it would be because u have did something that annoys the driver (who eventually will complaint to us). while we don expect u to be a pro mechanics there things that are plain common sense. if u could screw this up then i believe the penalty is fair. oh ya, its not voluntaring, its call apprentice which like other jobs u get scold if u did not perform.

also mechanics alot of time does not have a formal lunch hour esp racing mechanics. their responsibility are to get the car ready no matter what happen which mean if u have to eat later sleep less u also have to get the car done. just so u know this is not what i think its from the opinion of the chief mechanic of team malaysia in a1 (of coz other racing teams mechanic will tell u the same thing, ask around if u would)

as well as food, we promise to take care the workers in the race track. how would this turn out i need to look into it properly before i could discuss with u. but i assure u if there is any problem it would be a miscommunication between the organizer and ur academy. we would not stave our workers intentionally.

transportation is the samething. we did discuss with ur academy regarding transportation for students. however we have not a deal by the first race due to some unexpected incidents. im sorry if its uncoveniant for some of u but we would finalised something by the second race.

allowance is something new. we have never agree with the academy regarding allowanace as we see this as an opportunity for the students to learn something about racing (which unfortunately for u it was negative) and not earning income. however just to clarify this i would contact ur academy and discuss about it.

car 51 belongs to the organizer that is true but im not sure where did u get the info he crashed at least on the race weekend. a car 51 did crashed but it was in the hand of some new driver n it happened a week before the race, jus so u know we got the car ready within a week so im not sure if we are as inefficient as u pointed. oh ya, car 51 driver is not a professional in case u misunderstood. he organize this race series to promote racing in msia and not for profit. so pls pay more respect when u comment. thanx

p/s: i know there is a student who was fired by us. however we are certain the reason is legimate as some drives has been complaining abt them and we justify their compaint after some observation. if u are the person i hope u don take it personal.

oh yea...i know u all tot we a voluntaring but we r the apprentice only...maybe this is our academy fault but about how did u feel u treat ur worker?like a dog?as u say we r worker should finish our job...i remember tat day i hav already finish D job so my senior ask me go for a rest 1st then i only leave the car but when i going D MR.Chin ask me come and no asking me anything just F*** me and go away...did he tot we r only the dog?did he feel ir our feeling?
nvm actually rich man is like tat i can forgive so i go back to my job but also nonit buy our lunch to us at 4pm izzit?Who also know we will hungry at 12pm or 1pm did u manage it b4?u still treating ur worker like a dog?
yes!!they taking salary from u but did u a good boss?
u just only the DOG under ur boss too did u think b4 if u treat us like tat?
if u r boss u should not be a good boss too...
GT3 said:
u have said urself u are dissapointed by it becoz u think ur mistreated. hence i think it is fair to say ur being bias when u give opinions?

again to clarify, some of the drivers are amatuers or even jus begin to race but many of them has been racing abroad or international series so i don think u can call it a kampong race. some AFOS drivers came from the same background jus so u know.

many ATCC cars are not sponsors by others but by themselves. its really normal in racing series so pls learn more abt racing before u embarass urself again, ok?

if u have anything that u don understand or does not like pls reflect it to the organizer or ur lecturers and deal with us. it wouldnt help anyone if u jus post it and hide behind ur user id. so u would be kind enuff (or brave enuff) pls tell me who u are. i will see if whatever u mentioned is true or jus some bias view. thanx

i only the voluentier as u say i from times academy i not brave enouf u only sit in office did u feel ur workers feeling??i know my seniour tell me we must finish our job only can go hav a rest but i just wanna to get some race experian from this race but only get more F*** my senior ask me go for a rest then i go get a F*** form Mr.Chin did it fair??
i post this just need more ppl to understand our feeling not to telling u ok?if i tell u who am i izzit i got a good ending form this scool??u tot i brainless??but u r really guy ma...canot to understanding too much in this...try 1 day u work like a worker then u will feel it...
Haha.....10ss to all of u who had reply we just only wan 2 c how is u guys respon only.....we feel happy we hahahahahahhahahahahah...........idiot
teaz said:
oh yea...i know u all tot we a voluntaring but we r the apprentice only...maybe this is our academy fault but about how did u feel u treat ur worker?like a dog?as u say we r worker should finish our job...i remember tat day i hav already finish D job so my senior ask me go for a rest 1st then i only leave the car but when i going D MR.Chin ask me come and no asking me anything just F*** me and go away...did he tot we r only the dog?did he feel ir our feeling?
nvm actually rich man is like tat i can forgive so i go back to my job but also nonit buy our lunch to us at 4pm izzit?Who also know we will hungry at 12pm or 1pm did u manage it b4?u still treating ur worker like a dog?
yes!!they taking salary from u but did u a good boss?
u just only the DOG under ur boss too did u think b4 if u treat us like tat?
if u r boss u should not be a good boss too...

well put it this way, to us u all are like doing internship. therefore while we does not demand too technical stuff input from u all we do require u all to do simple job to a satisfactionary level. while u might be complaining some of the students did work well and i appreciate that. its jus some of u who reacted in a very unresponsible manner. for example mr chin did fired a student and the reason being he does not wanna work when we ask him to (according to him becoz he would not be attending on sat n sun so he does not see the benefit).

oh ya i can also assure u something, mr chin does not scold ppl for no reason. if he does scold u on things it would be becoz u did something wrong but u don realise. i know becoz i see him everyday n even though i do some good work for him i get scold as well when i make mistake, n pls don think if he scold me he will be polite. he is a demanding person that is why he is the boss. also he never get personal or at least he does not intent to be personal (if u are too sensitive n think its personal then no1 can help it).

also, this is ur first time in the track so u might not know some of the practice in track. im a driver and even in the track there are times when i usually need to wait for 2 to 3 hrs for food (n its not becoz we did not buy lunch, can u imagine how long would it take to buy 70 to 80 packs of rice? if u haven pls think it over). n normally by the time i have food it will be after my race at 3pm. not to mention the mechanics who might even have to eat later becoz of that. Kee who is the boss for mechanics sometimes even have to hav lunch at 5pm if the mechanics are not performing as well. so pls don think that we mistreated u. its a norm in racing arena. not only my team is this way other teams are like that as well. when u race the prep of the car is priorty over almost everything. in this event the reason the drivers does not need to wait so long its becoz they purchase the racing package n we are obliged (though not formally) to serve our drivers or sponsorship guess.

p/s: btw, its plainly that ur just being angry and trying to whine over everything. i have to say racing is not an easy business. while the management might not need to do those physical work in front of u all behind the scene we have to work even harder. so before u ask us to be considerate, pls look at ur workrate. sometimes if we do ask u to do something even when ur resting pls just do it. we would not ask u if we do not need u.
ops as u GT3 say asking cartoon dun try to be one of them izzit saying us?
but i just telling a truth...i know ur management r hardworking too izzit u say u hav no any mistake to us?we wait ur management for entering the pit for 3 hour under the big hot sun izzit u hav no correct?
i try is twice...1st day manage problem i will forgive but 2nd days do the samething izzit ur management dun hav do something??
i know we still studying many happen we duno but all we know is only the workers and student workers happen...
we complain this just only hope u all dun do the same happen to next race too but u all tot we just a kid telling a adult story...

p/s: our complain is trying to giv u inprove but u tot we just D workers to misunderstanding u so tat mean we r wrong enough...
oh....we ar voluntier izzit.....i tot we ar apprentice WTF....y our acaemy nit 2 lies 2 here we ar dissapontied now we ar even more dissapointed *died*

one more things y u wanna who ar we why we should tell u do u thing we ar stupid enuff 2 let u know who we ar ??? LOLX

Hey GT3 wanna be come a worker or boss let u choose n compare the feeling when u get f*** up by ur own boss ?? if u really do smt but he missunderstood how do u feel ???

if u can reply in a good condition u ar great enuff
TA_members said:
Haha.....10ss to all of u who had reply we just only wan 2 c how is u guys respon only.....we feel happy we hahahahahahhahahahahah...........idiot

erm, could u put what ur trying to say in a more detail manner? as far as im concern we are trying to solve some issues, but if u are jus planning to fool around well pls do not waste our time (n urs for that matter).

pls act in a more mature manner if u really have unsatisfactionary issues, deal with it n don WHINE on it. its counter productive and does not help anyone.

also pls do not hide behind ur user ids, give me your name thru pm or if u wan u could post it here. ur lecturers have evaluate the students performance so i could know if u are really the hardworking student that was so called mistreated or are u the lazy one who trying to pull everyone down with u becoz we criticise u for ur laziness.
TA_members said:
oh....we ar voluntier izzit.....i tot we ar apprentice WTF....y our acaemy nit 2 lies 2 here we ar dissapontied now we ar even more dissapointed *died*

one more things y u wanna who ar we why we should tell u do u thing we ar stupid enuff 2 let u know who we ar ??? LOLX

Hey GT3 wanna be come a worker or boss let u choose n compare the feeling when u get f*** up by ur own boss ?? if u really do smt but he missunderstood how do u feel ???

if u can reply in a good condition u ar great enuff

erm i remember previosly i mentioned we see u all as apprentice which by my defination means internship for firms? anyway it doesnt matter as the point being we want to provide chances for u all to learn, but u want to learn more advance stuff before u even get ur hands on basic stuff. if u cant take im sorry then, u could choose not to work for us or in other racing teams becoz all junior mechanics have to do alot of tiring basic works.

as to why i wanna know who u are i already mention in previous post. i wanna know if u are really the hardworking type that got mistreated or jus plainly whining becoz u don wan to do work. dare to tell me ur name? pm or post is fine.

haha, i can tell u something, misunderstood is a very fluid concept. u might think u did something but if it does not meet ur boss expectation im sorry it would not mean anything coz u do not produce. i know becoz sometimes i work hard for something but becoz it did not turn out as well as its expected by my boss, i get screwed. this is working, understand it.
GT3 said:
well put it this way, to us u all are like doing internship. therefore while we does not demand too technical stuff input from u all we do require u all to do simple job to a satisfactionary level. while u might be complaining some of the students did work well and i appreciate that. its jus some of u who reacted in a very unresponsible manner. for example mr chin did fired a student and the reason being he does not wanna work when we ask him to (according to him becoz he would not be attending on sat n sun so he does not see the benefit).

oh ya i can also assure u something, mr chin does not scold ppl for no reason. if he does scold u on things it would be becoz u did something wrong but u don realise. i know becoz i see him everyday n even though i do some good work for him i get scold as well when i make mistake, n pls don think if he scold me he will be polite. he is a demanding person that is why he is the boss. also he never get personal or at least he does not intent to be personal (if u are too sensitive n think its personal then no1 can help it).

also, this is ur first time in the track so u might not know some of the practice in track. im a driver and even in the track there are times when i usually need to wait for 2 to 3 hrs for food (n its not becoz we did not buy lunch, can u imagine how long would it take to buy 70 to 80 packs of rice? if u haven pls think it over). n normally by the time i have food it will be after my race at 3pm. not to mention the mechanics who might even have to eat later becoz of that. Kee who is the boss for mechanics sometimes even have to hav lunch at 5pm if the mechanics are not performing as well. so pls don think that we mistreated u. its a norm in racing arena. not only my team is this way other teams are like that as well. when u race the prep of the car is priorty over almost everything. in this event the reason the drivers does not need to wait so long its becoz they purchase the racing package n we are obliged (though not formally) to serve our drivers or sponsorship guess.

p/s: btw, its plainly that ur just being angry and trying to whine over everything. i have to say racing is not an easy business. while the management might not need to do those physical work in front of u all behind the scene we have to work even harder. so before u ask us to be considerate, pls look at ur workrate. sometimes if we do ask u to do something even when ur resting pls just do it. we would not ask u if we do not need u.

but i think only u can telling me this...MR.Chin scold me bout wut u know?just come here F*** why i ask u do this u go do tat?when i say can giv u rest?where u go just now?u know wut job u trying to do? but i am D order by him follow my senior izzit i got do wrong thing?try to think la...i know u r his son will helping ur dad for me i also will do the same job...i just hope u can understand our feeling...not all the rich guy will do the same job..u r the special!
i know u will very busy and hard to control workers...but not all the workers can treat as ur dog...we telling u this just happen on my body if not why i wanna to post it?u think i dun care my study also?did any 1 understand me?maybe i am not too understand ur management becoz i still a student!did u think b4?and some more if we can think like u why i still tobe a student?i just hope u can understanding us 1st!
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teaz said:
ops as u GT3 say asking cartoon dun try to be one of them izzit saying us?
but i just telling a truth...i know ur management r hardworking too izzit u say u hav no any mistake to us?we wait ur management for entering the pit for 3 hour under the big hot sun izzit u hav no correct?
i try is twice...1st day manage problem i will forgive but 2nd days do the samething izzit ur management dun hav do something??
i know we still studying many happen we duno but all we know is only the workers and student workers happen...
we complain this just only hope u all dun do the same happen to next race too but u all tot we just a kid telling a adult story...

p/s: our complain is trying to giv u inprove but u tot we just D workers to misunderstanding u so tat mean we r wrong enough...

again, think it this way should we?

we would not want u all to wait 3 hours under the sun becoz by then we would not be able to use the man power from u all. if we do not wanna use then why would we wanna ask u all to come for it? we are not that free to create a spam.

also if we were slow to get u in is becoz we have some other things to deal with as well. as with all my post getting the car ready is top priortity. we might have not be able to get u in the pits becoz we were working on the cars. of coz we would be trying to avoid this the next time.

i appreciate if u would wanna complaint, but i prefer to be in a more constructive method. and also jus to be fair, we have our complaints as well but we prefer to do it in a more subtle way becoz we do not wanna hurt the feelings of those who work really well.
Opss...we are not mature enough i m sorry ok...........but 1 things we are not pulling all the students from ur race wat for ......y u say we ar lazy y...coz we had already give up by the organizer who dare 2 go bck 2 the race i m telling the truth i m not pulling all the students out we quit just because we had buly enuff tat all :)
GT3 said:
again, think it this way should we?

we would not want u all to wait 3 hours under the sun becoz by then we would not be able to use the man power from u all. if we do not wanna use then why would we wanna ask u all to come for it? we are not that free to create a spam.

also if we were slow to get u in is becoz we have some other things to deal with as well. as with all my post getting the car ready is top priortity. we might have not be able to get u in the pits becoz we were working on the cars. of coz we would be trying to avoid this the next time.

i appreciate if u would wanna complaint, but i prefer to be in a more constructive method. and also jus to be fair, we have our complaints as well but we prefer to do it in a more subtle way becoz we do not wanna hurt the feelings of those who work really well.

lolz~this the thinking form u only~why did u do it b4?if i dun hav misunderstanding u r D 1 back from sunday?did u understand tat management?u talk like easy try to those happen on u why u will post at here?maybe u will complain more...lolz~now u say i say is canot settle this happen wait for other member to tell u more...we got time enough...just hope u can understand we...
Hi all,

sorry to hear these bad experiences from people that are new to the motorsport world. I've been through the experience of a new "rookie" technician; and yes motorsport world is very harsh. I have been through the experience of eating once a day, sleeping in the sepang pits (heck i even know what time the central aircon switches off), being shouted at by drivers etc etc... but hey im still doing it!! It is fun to be a part of something that most people does not even understand.

Dont be put off by these experiences. Motorsport is a very2 tough world. You can see the mechanics in F1 sleeping between pit stops not because they are lazy, but because they have not slept for 2-3days preparing and servicing the cars.

As for the drinks issue, it seems (from my observation from previous years) the JPM team doesnt have extra drinks for the crew and sometimes their crew will go to other teams for drinks. usually a person need 6-8 packets of drinks a day in the hot pits of sepang. hopefully they will remedy this situation for the next race.
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teaz and ta_member,

frankly i wanna understand what u are trying to say from the last 2 post of urs but i couldnt really understand. but anyway for teaz, yes i was back only on sunday but i have been asking around what was happening on sat. i know there is some mistake from the management but i can assure it wasnt intentional. moreover its jus a minority of them that make that mistake. that is why other mechanics or apprentice that i know was quite satisfied with the event that day. i do not comment on things that i dunno, i am only telling u that whatever u are complaining are jus some normal issues in the track, like alexz said u have to deal with it or leave it. hope u can deal with it becoz its a diff experiance.

btw, just so u know. the race was a success (though not perfect as there is some teething problems) coz almost all the drivers are satisfied with it. guest that has been watching are entertained by it. most mechanics enjoyed working for it (although they did told me its very tiring, they were smiling with satisfaction after the race ends) so maybe u 2 have exaggerated the issues. nevertheless i would still look into certain things u2 mention becoz i also have the responsibility to be fair to my workers (though i need to clarify i have other responsibility as well hence it might not be as important as others which like u said i might unintentionally overlook certain things).


hi, thanx for providing ur view as well. i would frankly say i wasnt aware of the drink supply issue as most of my mechanics have never complaint such a thing. anyway its worth knowing n i will look into it as i know its important to everyone.

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