Dr. M goes again

peoples are always bashing about Tun about this & that
but we need something called 'evidence'.....
we can talk anything that we know via e-mail & any mass media but still anybody
how true is it ?
want to show us any hard proof ?
have you seen what happened at twin towers & at kedah ? its real & the gov didnt want us to see it, no local medias are reporting it, why ? wheres the transperencies ?
change our lifestyles ka Najib ?, you are talking shits( as always )
does the below make any sence ? form LKS blogs by the way

Let's to do some calculations here. In Malaysia the average family income is RM3000 (Father works, mother doesnt). I understand there are a lot of families whose income don't reach RM3000, but, to make things simple, lets take RM3000 as the figure. ok la right?

Okay, let's start rolling with a family which has Papa, Mama, 1 daughter and 1 son. ngam ngam..

Calculation starts...

Electricity and water bil RM100 (no aircond, no home theatre, no water heater k?)

Telekom and Handphone bil RM100 (cannot make a lot of calls one you know? NO Streamyx also)

Meal for the whole happy family RM775 (3 meals on RM25/day, RM25 for 4

Papa makan/teh tarik during working hours RM155 (RM5/day, RM5 can eat

Car repayment RM400 (a proton saga aeroback, 7 years repayment)

Petrol RM300 (Living in City, Jam) Go to work, bring son to school, only can afford one car running.

Insurance RM650, (kids, wife and myself).

House repayment RM750 (Low cost housing repayment for 30 years, retired still have to work to pay house!)

Tuition RM80 (got that cheap meh?? No, I don't think so)

Older children pocket money @ school RM20 (RM1/day, eat bread??)

School fees RM30 (enough ah??)

School books and etc etc. RM100 (always got extra to pay in school)

Younger children milk powder RM50 (cannot have the DHA, BHA, PHA one,

Miscellaneous RM100 (shampoo, rice, sauce, toilet paper)

oh wait!!! I have to stop here, so... No Astro, no movie @ cinema, no DVD, no CD, no online, cannot KFC, cannot Mc Donald, cannot go Park walk during weekend(petrol expensive), no chit chat on phone with grandparents, and etc...

Let's use a calculator to total up... WALAO EI.. Shit! RM3610 already.. EPF belum potong, income tax lagi,........ oledi --- RM610... How to survive laa tuan-tuan dan puan-puan sekalian??? Our Deputy Prime Minister ask us to change lifestyle? How to change? Don't eat? Don't work? Don't send children to school and study? Besides that, I believe in Malaysia population, there are millions of Rakyat Malaysia which still don't earn RM3000/month!!!

What is this? Ini lah Malaysia Boleh.. Sorry.. it should be Malaysians

Boleh, because we're still alive and kicking!!

Our politicians must be mad!!!!!!
Yes, DrM has his valid points but to openly blast the current PM is SILLY and UNCALLED for!

An ordinary citizen may criticize him even more with past scandals and corruptions added into recipe.

Yesterday's statement was a complete JOKE! DrM is asking the G to spend more money on MEGA projects... saying we can afford it. Yeah right! Look at Cyberjaya! It's still a GHOST town! And why do we need 3 bridges in Putrajaya? Yes, it benefits the contractors or 3rd party but for WHAT?

We need a super public transport system like Singapore! Not waterparks or glamour bridge linking Johor to Singapore.

RM 300 bil is not a LOT! When u compared to Singapore which has the same amount but in USD!

Take this, it's like a boss in a typical company... u implement this and that but after u retire / resign and new replacement comes in, he or she can throw away the whole thing and start from fresh. Now, what can u do? NONE! Just move on with life and start fresh...

I've been there b4... while I'm not very happy about it but hey... it's life and I moved on to start another business.

Get used to the current G, if not... just vote for another... simple as that. No need street demos or stupid childish teasing in the print media.

It's a pity that the current PM is NOT strict ENOUGH! But, that's his style...

After 22 years. we must thank DrM but please let the current G implement their own policies... after all, it is still a democratic country and not ruled by a dictator.
I think we do need street demos to show & express our thoughts, we have no options.
the medias are biased towards gov. The gov told them too. so what choice do we have. just keep quiet ?

IMHO the current gov. are just TOO weak. Najib are sucks at speach, really. & Badawi are not aggessive( i know as he tends to sleep while in a meeting ) , its just not up to the expectation & as usual the yes man cabinet lineup which Badawi have the opportunity to remove them but..sigh...he did not

things are not geeting better, even worse, street protest, lost some seat at sabah election, fuel & electricity hike, cancelled here & there - pay compensation but the everytime & everything gov. servant want, he just say YESSSS !

& yess I wont vote them anymore, they are just too weak to rule the country

& where is that promise to upgrade the transportation system ? they are formulating a new scandals perhaps

the question is... when the time comes... who will stand out and speak with candor? if one does do that... International Singing Act will always be waitin

I do agree our G are currently weak. Becoz many of ppl inside there just interest to make $$$ rather than do their job. Msia is having alot of talented ppl, malay, indian,chinese..i saw malay scientist who working in europe on fuel cell, indian engineer who work in US for aerospace project and chinese business men who earn respect with their good business skill....around the world, you will find many successful ppl were msian..but they choose to leave the country because of the policy of the country has given up on them.

but back to msia, we onli have those ppl who run the country for their own benefit...and our very best ppl are sick of these politicians and chose to leave our country.....

DR.M? Pak LAh? i am yet to see much of the big difference....both also spending alot of tax payer money on $$...some forum member ask for proof...i think within the forum we can already find tons of thread on it....real proof? if you have it you better escape becoz ISA will find you.....

why Dr.M so worked out? becoz his big time projects were stopped, and the resources are allocated to other ppl who are none of his croonies...He did great job to build msia...but he also ruin it with his own hand...

anyway, we are not able to do anything.....except sit back and watch the winner to have a hand on our tax money and slicing the flesh from fellow normal citizen....
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Malaysians are cowards, we have been brainwashed.
Today all want to protes, when get threatened all cabut
leaving the leaders behind
If ALL off us fighting & stick together, International Singing Act are nothing

lets hope that Tun will expose what he meant of "cabinets got their own agendas", now that is interesting.
We need high profile people like Dr M to bitch about the government. The more the merrier. Keeps them on their toes. Doesn't matter if they are talking out of their arses.

Like I said, whether you agree or disagree, wrong or right, Dr M should be allowed to say his piece.

Critics are always needed to keep things in check. Especially when it comes to the government. Bush and Blair repeatedly gets stabbed left right and centre by critics in their homeland. This ensures they know people are watching them. Malaysia never had many folks who dare speak up against the government. Now that we have another, is good news.
links said:
DR.M? Pak LAh? i am yet to see much of the big difference....both also spending alot of tax payer money on $$...some forum member ask for proof...i think within the forum we can already find tons of thread on it....real proof? if you have it you better escape becoz ISA will find you.....

why Dr.M so worked out? becoz his big time projects were stopped, and the resources are allocated to other ppl who are none of his croonies...He did great job to build msia...but he also ruin it with his own hand...

most off rumors talk in forums, through e-mail & mass media got an agenda, most of them are lies, I dont even fully watch tv news & newspaper, they are all not that transparent

we just want a reliable PM & DPM to lead the current corrupted Gov. thats all
Agreed with Silverfish
"We need high profile people like Dr M to bitch about the government. The more the merrier. Keeps them on their toes. Doesn't matter if they are talking out of their arses."

one of my best fren was working as contractor for the G....he told me aloto f those kinda craps in the G....like how they mark up the projects...how the money is distributed...FYI...he was indirectly involved in a road project in KL area which was amazingly cost the Gomen $700million rm for a 14km road....

if u r subcon, and without connection u will see the true face of those relevant officer...another fren experience is..when he is tender stuff from the G...someone in the dept called and told him, if he cooperate to giv him certain amt of the profit...he can tender his price lower alot than the market value and still get the deal....but..the amt that fellwo asking was too much and my fren reject and withdraw the tender....
links said:
which was amazingly cost the Gomen $700million rm for a 14km road....

it has always been like that. even with whatever new G, it will be the same. its called "intangible cost" :angel_smile:

maybe if only they arent so many "sub-sub-subX2 cons". just cut it down to a managable level.
we know that most of the Gs big contractors are actually a wolf in disguise, owned by minister's using other peoples names maa, a "ministers agendas"
all want to be rich but ask us to change lifestyle

the fact is that for lower income level, lifes are just so hard on lately, next year more fuel hikes, toll hikes & all price goes up, so who suffer ? current gov. really dont know how to check & balance.

actually many of them are regular customer of mighty naza...my fren himself oledi own f355, porsche 911 turbo and many bimmer, merc 8 years ago....that time naza still in kampung baru his family oledi buying luxurious cars from them.

lost in touch with him, i think he should have more powerful collection by now...
try to cantact back maa, maybe you too can be like him
& pinjam the supercars & get some chicks....dont forget me heh.
people make mistake...we all not perfect...but at least plzz do remember what Tun Dr.Mahathir have done to Malaysia...
jombiee said:
try to cantact back maa, maybe you too can be like him
& pinjam the supercars & get some chicks....dont forget me heh.

i think he is quite busy nowadays, heard another friend said he took over his dad contractor business, and also he got lobang to get AP and running car import business.

I heard he mentioned last time his dad hold a position in UMNO...and his dad can get share of the listed companies distributed by the party. Actual is it UMNO has a distribution of share fro mthose stock listed company anuually? he mentioned something like this...

there was a time he asked me to drive his dad Porsche out for fun while his dad is away for a business trip....we go to his house and decided not to do so....coz the car polished until tire also kilat....that time i am just a poor little student...if anything happen to his porsche how can i compensate...so finally we go out in my proton...hahaha

u know even the table and sofa in his house also got gold plated...damn scary...haha..
si|verfish said:
We need high profile people like Dr M to bitch about the government. The more the merrier. Keeps them on their toes. Doesn't matter if they are talking out of their arses.

Like I said, whether you agree or disagree, wrong or right, Dr M should be allowed to say his piece.

Critics are always needed to keep things in check. Especially when it comes to the government. Bush and Blair repeatedly gets stabbed left right and centre by critics in their homeland. This ensures they know people are watching them. Malaysia never had many folks who dare speak up against the government. Now that we have another, is good news.

support ur point ....
We do need some one have the power to stand up and voice out ..... see the rest of retired politician, what do they do after retire ? they had earn enough for next three generation (might be more) but Tun choose to speak up (he earn my respect) .....

don't blame on curruption everyone will do the samething ( I will , don't reply n say u won't) .....
the only guys who will come out good in this this is najib....
1) mahathir said he supposed to be the one...
2) he can mark whoz Pak Lah mans......and he can see quite few ministers didnt said a word on his defenced.....eg: Dato Rais Yatim, Dato Mustapha Mohammad..etc..
3) Next UMNO ellection....popularity wize....he should bravely fight for president post.....coz pak lah gonna put his son in law at his seat...and he will be net anwar....so he should fight if hes scared....hes not qualified to lead us anyway...

anyway...6 years ago i was a stout supporter of Pak Lah....but now....nope not after what he have done.....what can of PM who create a cabinet in halve an hour? a bad one....
Saga Continue said:
the only guys who will come out good in this this is najib....
1) mahathir said he supposed to be the one...
2) he can mark whoz Pak Lah mans......and he can see quite few ministers didnt said a word on his defenced.....eg: Dato Rais Yatim, Dato Mustapha Mohammad..etc..
3) Next UMNO ellection....popularity wize....he should bravely fight for president post.....coz pak lah gonna put his son in law at his seat...and he will be net anwar....so he should fight if hes scared....hes not qualified to lead us anyway...

anyway...6 years ago i was a stout supporter of Pak Lah....but now....nope not after what he have done.....what can of PM who create a cabinet in halve an hour? a bad one....


ur opinion is true, infact according to my frens who is very close to the party, Najib is up against pak lah now...dr.m is on najib site. there is a fight of power in the party now.

hope it wont coz further bad damage to the econ of msia....well sadly, both party also use croonies to tie up their power.....so which one win also not benefit us...
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