Battle RAP anyone?

bah kut teh steamboat ?!

satria : really sorry ler , im workin on saturday. hahaha .... if i have the time i will give u a buzz alrite ?
no worries. hehe anytime la hehe

Yeah... come and try it. hehe We convoy there in 300 cars la. We'll carry a banner called "Mat Revits" haha
just last week i had porridge steamboat in sri petaling
not bad wor, of cos porridge is plain tasteless la, but after u dump everything inside then got taste lo
service was good too, but i duno the address of the place
i wanna try bah kut teh steamboat!! wats the taste??
and porridge steamboat??? hmmm.... weird...
satria : wah wanna so khua cheong meh hahahaha

ecstacy: maybe in sri petaling different gua, the place i eat was in subang , nothing special, and that 1 got alot ajinomoto after eatting it can feel very thursty
and expensive too

but i wanna try bak kut teh steamboat hehehe can say nothing special
cause steamboat also but with bak kut teh sup
but must try also hehehe can consider a new thing
both porridge and bah kut teh steamboat eat wif wat? i mean do they mix other foods?
Must kua cheong lor. Rempits also go in 300 so we also must go in 300. Imagine 300 cars go and crash into 300 rempits. Drivers all unhurt. Rempits all bloodied everywhere. hahaha

Porridge steamboat ar. wah lao eh. Must try. haha

You bring us to porridge steamboat, can ar? See who else wanna come along lor. Then we can convoy and cause traffic jam. hehe

As for bak kut teh steamboat, it's just like any other variations but just using bak kut teh soup. hehe I'm also looking for satay celup la. I understand last time citrus park has it but close down already. Other than Melaka, I wonder if PJ/KL has it.
bangkai_jk said:
both porridge and bah kut teh steamboat eat wif wat? i mean do they mix other foods?

hmm like normal steamboat lor got all those stuff for u to throw it in the steamingboat hehehe
only diff is the soup lor
poridge steam boat they use porridge as the soup
bak kut teh they use the the soup lor
can can they got alot veriaties for u to choose
they got mee,vegi,meet,egg, etc etc

aii become promoter pulak
chicken breast meat,cow breast meat
yan yuk cha siu pow don have leh heheheee

he if we convoi 300 cars later we endup in jail leh they tot we gangster,like wanna go fight ,hoi phin
If that's the case ar... erm... then we go in 100 cars, but each car contains 3 people. So we have 300 people instead of 300 cars. hahaha Here're some pics of food. hehehe

Click on the thumbnails for a bigger pic.
The regular fried kuay teow that I eat when I'm at Sungai Wang. This is available at the top floor food court. hehe

These are the ingredients for western popiah. Well, they call it western popiah so okei lor. hehe There'll be a few photos on it.

This popiah uses pandan flavored skin to make the popiah. That's why it's greenish in color. hehe

And it's got chicken floss too. I ain't too sure if that's western or not. hahaha

fried carrot cake. Yummy. hehe
this thread cracks me up. so what's the thing to be a niggah. geez live like a malaysian man.

so whats the thing about caddie'd be better off with a lamborghini
huh wat caddy? play golf ar?
lamborgenie? got how many wishes? hehe
want convoy? pm me ler hehe, see how many ppl wana go
friday 29th sept i going penang for holiday, and makan oni...
hopefully comeback heavier lo...underweight walking skeleton
Wah... go penang now only tell people. I'm on leave and thought of going there but nobody to go with. So stuck here in this concrete city. what a wasted 2 day leave that i took. sigh...

We're now talking about food already. hahahaha
wuahaha, good job bro ... great efforts for posting all the pics so in detail.
anyone have any idea if we could change our thread title ????????

we no longer pimpin wit caddie....
we are all food loverz ...
No need to change ler. When people come in and read this thread, they will go... rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, food, food, food, food, food.... hahahaha kinda funny and it gives `em a laugh too. Well, if that happens, there we go. Made yet another person laugh. :)
hehe just came back from penang
damn place...not enough signboards...keep getting lost, couple that with a lousy map book...
chose to eat at places with most people, more people = good food, but stil kena "tong"
only on the final night did we get brought around by frens from USM. the good food is away from the populated areas.
went to this place to eat baked crab, the give u sticks to break the shell, not hammers. Lala was good but according to my gf, it was dead lala. not fresh one, i just eat only. duno how to tell the difference
and last day there went to Penang road for char kuey teow and assam laksa, laksa was nice leh. kuey teow ok oni
theres this place my frens told me that cooked char kuey teow with charcoal...very diff taste, but it was raining, so didnt bring us there. time better plan properly b4 going again n get lost...
No pics of the food meh? hehe Food cooked with charcoal is somehow nicer. Even the hokkien mee in PJ, cooked with charcoal, is also different taste in a sense that it tastes nicer. hehe
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