The Best 2 Way Alarm.


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Jan 7, 2009
Help I'm looking for the best 2 way alarm for my car...
Scared la nowadays so many cars hilang...
bro,even u use better security system also there can curi ur car..i give u better tips if u very2 scare
1.cabut cable plug
2.cabut coil plug
3.cabut ur engine ecu

confirm x kena curi,gerenti 100%:smokin:
2-way alarm not so good, cause it can be easily disabled.

Best to put pedal lock (much harder to cut compared to steering) and some fuses/switches (e.g. fuel switch).
bro,even u use better security system also there can curi ur car..i give u better tips if u very2 scare
1.cabut cable plug
2.cabut coil plug
3.cabut ur engine ecu

confirm x kena curi,gerenti 100%:smokin:

baik cakap jgn pakai kete...kalau tow truck, tetap juga hilang
that's true. but it's not to say confirm x kena curi,maybe it will delay those f@#$&%s to steal the car
rot and pitbull? never heard of it... i always thought is Viper
well seriously , just fix a fuel cut and hide it at the most stupid place , i did that but if they tow ur car the have alarm system with tilt sensor , thsia re teh best things i can think off la , oh yea also use a very very very loud siren , my frens car alarm ring two different siren and also horn , dun mess ur ears will koyak
currently using radiostar 2 way alarm....used it for about 3 yrs...ok lah not status on remote gives a peace of mind

only thing is that the remote is quite power hungry

like what others have suggested, a fuel cut switch is easy to make, and is a very cheap but effective solution

where u park the car is also important

i tinted my car gold, during day time if ppl wanna see inside it is quite difficult unless u go and take a really close look

if i have to park my car outside at night, id pull up my handbrake tight, turn the wheel to the side a bit and put it in 1st gear, just to make things a little bit harder if ppl wanna tow it. id put the front part facing the wall, close as well, so they can only tow the rear end, if they wanted to. at least there would be resistance due to the car being in gear. and since the wheels are not pointing straight, would it be wandering around if it was being towed? haha i donno but these things are what i do lah. driving a junk car but better be safe than sorry :rofl:
LOL good idea!

well at least i park as close as possible thats a good start...

put this inside your car la, The Bulldog
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