What is your New Year's resolution ?

I thought I myself dont have resolution....

Just wanna start this thread to copy some resolution....


Seems like many people are just like me, also dont have resolution....

this year gonna be early for work, for the past 5 years always late haha....
yes..i like danz resolution..timing
my number one priority is about punctuality. To make it as perfect as possible..
Peter F Drucker quoted: " Until we can manage time, we can manage nothing else"
My new year resolution is just to reach 150whp NA tuned. And kick off a personal business...I think most of you know what it is... :bandit:
i got one... which was.. travel to Penang..

instead i went further and got lost in Thailand (heading to Perlis for a funeral)
OMG you have been late for work for the past 5 years! ?

With all the shortcuts, powerful car etc.?

I think its ok lor, you do quality work rather than quantity work......:smokin:

haha...the shortcuts in PJ cannot pakai wan...sooner or later everyone will find out.
if i drive a 600hp evo i still take 1 hour to reach work due to the jam.....

anyways i drive my beloved kancil to work. :love:

my resolution starts next week haha....until today still late for work...
haha...the shortcuts in PJ cannot pakai wan...sooner or later everyone will find out.
if i drive a 600hp evo i still take 1 hour to reach work due to the jam.....

anyways i drive my beloved kancil to work. :love:

my resolution starts next week haha....until today still late for work...

Or perhaps start next year.....


Just alter 201(3) to 201(4):rolleyes:
no la it will be this year.....cos my daughter starts her kindie this year...
so cant escape....only will be late during school holidays la...
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