TTT on 11th November 05

uiiisshh! sulah tukar to confirm list arrrr takut kena rotan sebatan la.. ahhahahahaahahahahaa! i know lu mau makan nasi lemak le.. ahhaahahahaahah :D

TTT Schedule
Date: 11th November 2005
Day: Friday
Time: 8.30pm onwards
Venue: Restaurant Syed Ariff, USJ Subang
Contact: Mike @ 012.388.2010

Confirm List
(1) TRD16v @ Mike
(2) QiW (should be there laaa after my usual activity)
(3) tom's (discuss team MCSB for SS0) hahaha
(4) netmatrix @ Micheal
(5) Banzai @ Chang
(6) levin818 @ wong
(7) shamburke - must come!!!!!
(8) Chinozie @ nasir - must come too...beam story :smile:
(9)ahle@ @ LEO - long time not joining,come with new convert BT :)

Kena Rotan List
(1) Hitz (Hope that I'm not working that day)
(2) Chinozie @ nasir - MOVED TO CONFIRM LIST
(3) EFN
(4) 4agze
(5) kiran84( just got a toyota,did up quite a lot,now tought of getting feedback from u guys)
(6) Modellista (not sure arr)
no more rotan list liauu next time ... got KENA SMOKED list liauuuu ... hahhahahaa
TTT Schedule
Date: 11th November 2005
Day: Friday
Time: 8.30pm onwards
Venue: Restaurant Syed Ariff, USJ Subang
Contact: Mike @ 012.388.2010

Confirm List
(1) TRD16v @ Mike
(2) QiW (should be there laaa after my usual activity)
(3) tom's (discuss team MCSB for SS0) hahaha
(4) netmatrix @ Micheal
(5) Banzai @ Chang
(6) levin818 @ wong
(7) shamburke - must come!!!!!
(8) Chinozie @ nasir - must come too...beam story :smile:
(9)ahle@ @ LEO - long time not joining,come with new convert BT :)

Kena Rotan List
(1) Hitz (Hope that I'm not working that day)
(2) Chinozie @ nasir - MOVED TO CONFIRM LIST
(3) EFN
(4) 4agze
(5) kiran84( just got a toyota,did up quite a lot,now tought of getting feedback from u guys)
(6) Modellista (not sure arr)
(7) dreamy (ill pass by say hi...coz yamchar at nearby hehe...)
TTT Schedule
Date: 11th November 2005
Day: Friday
Time: 8.30pm onwards
Venue: Restaurant Syed Ariff, USJ Subang
Contact: Mike @ 012.388.2010

Confirm List
(1) TRD16v @ Mike
(2) QiW (should be there laaa after my usual activity)
(3) tom's (discuss team MCSB for SS0) hahaha
(4) netmatrix @ Micheal
(5) Banzai @ Chang
(6) levin818 @ wong
(7) shamburke - must come!!!!!
(8) Chinozie @ nasir - must come too...beam story :smile:
(9)ahle@ @ LEO - long time not joining,come with new convert BT :)

Kena Rotan List
(1) Hitz (Hope that I'm not working that day)
(2) Chinozie @ nasir - MOVED TO CONFIRM LIST
(3) EFN
(4) 4agze
(5) kiran84( just got a toyota,did up quite a lot,now tought of getting feedback from u guys)
(6) Modellista (not sure arr)
(7) dreamy (ill pass by say hi...coz yamchar at nearby hehe...)
no la kena smoked list is onli me so cannot put on de TTT session la.. ahahahahahahahahaahah :D

wahhh join new club oredi arrrr so wanna abandon TTT issit.. ok la next time u r on de rotan list.. ahahahahahahaahahahahaahaha! :D

glad u can make it.. ehehehehe :D

TTT Attendance
(1) Allan
(2) yoga
(3) limandy
(4) trd16v
(5) chinozie
(6) shamburke
(7) alvin & gf
(8) yap
(9) s.w.yap & gf + 1 fren
(10) Wong
(11) mcfurby
(12) ae82gt
(13) eg9
(14) banzai
(15) netmatrix
(16) ahle@Leo
(17) dreamy

TTT Field Report
(1) Reach at 8.30pm sharp after leaving from home at 8pm and traffic was smooth all de way to subang syed ariff.. keep thinking about de nasi lemak makes me more hungry as i not yet had my dinner! Finally arrived and quickly order sirap limau ais and nasi lemak sotong + ayam.. mmmmm yummy!

(2) Saw limandy oso ordered de same and in front of him oredi has a plate of nasi lemak which has been eaten liao and when i ask limandy weiii wahhh 2nd plate arrr u.. den yoga said he arrrr 3rd plate oredi la waiting for me to come to TTT mah.. wah liao limandy si beh hou liao la u.. haahahahaah!

(3) While enjoying food n tok kok sing song, came alvin & his gf.. den sat along n ordered makan oso but his gf complaints roti cheese naan not nice so i guess as wat alvin says oso cheese expired one perhaps.. ehehehehehe.. wah thank god last 2 weeks de roti cheese naan still ok.. hahahaahahahahaah..

(4) So allan started to ask alvin about his celica power den alvin said aiyah sad la dis one pasang dat one kenot.. somemore too much power liao when doing dyno.. eheheheheeh.. alvin is looking for SW20 MR-2 gearbox and if anyone selling or knows somebody is selling kindly pm alvin for more info.... heheheehehe.. nevermind alvin we all support u on de championship 2moro so make sure dun eat too heavy dim sum.. haahahahahahaahahaa..

(5) Later new member such as mcfurby has joined us for the TTT session follow by yap who is driving the power SE wif blacktop 20v.. wahhh nowadays all oso play blacktop and competition seems to be tough no wonder now all simpan duit beli cam la.. at one point de whole issue of discussion was all about cams, mod, cams, mod, pulley, etc... wahhhh i dengar oso telinga mau berdarah la... hahaahahahahaaha... imagine all dis monster release to the public road.. eheheheheeheh.. all wanna bcome legend la.. hahahahahaahahahaahaha!

(6) So as the night passes more n more members has attended to the TTT session and one of them is nasir as he takut kena rotan mah.. ahahahahahaahahahaa... den later mr.wong came and crack a bit of joke here and there... nice meeting u mr.wong, ahle, mcfurby,etc. Thank u for joining the TTT session.. hope 2 c more of ur present in de coming TTT schedule..

(7) We would like to express our thankfulness to Shamburke for bring us kuih muih raya and next upcoming TTT nasir will bring lemang, ketupat, sate and all la.. so i hope de sate can be eaten one.. ahahahahahaahahahahaa.. thank u sham! nice cookies u have there! heheheeh....

(8) So allan was kan cheong and askin eh so how 2moro eat wat b4 heading for SSO.. den all start thinking and i suggested bkt den allan said eh why not we eat dim sum.. den alvin ask where den allan think n said aiya there yoga de place where ur accident happen one la.. ahahahahaahahahaha.. alvin oso lagi blur.. ahahahahaahahaha..

(9) During de TTT nite all members has noticed a white monster parking quite far away and not to say very far but distance to be seen.. lemme tell u all, a true monster, a white KE series corolla is now out and will soon eats up one by one.. so be afraid, be very afraid.. hahahaahahahahaahahahaahah! Like MK84 said n suggested whenever u saw monster follows u pls drive into the big drain.. hahahaahahahahahaahahahahaha!

(10) Last but not least, night has come to an end for me.. so felt sleepy but really enjoyed the TTT session.. and de time was oredi 11.30pm and start to pay for my dishes and chow.. b4 dat took mcfurby one round in my car and de back to syed ariff.. here i would like to say and wish again, thank u all for coming...

Please take note that on the next upcoming TTT session, I would not be able to organize as I'll be travelling outstation by flight to penang heading to one of my office branches. I'll most probably be there for 2 days meaning 3 days 2 night and hotel not sure yet which to book so will onli finalize all on next week. Till then, if u guys wish to have the TTT at syed ariff, please proceed on your own but I won't be around.

Take care, have a good nite sleep, good rest for those who are joining SSO 2moro or GRA, all the best to the drivers and best of luck! Don't get into any accident ok? eheheheheheh! Bye!

walao no la gb..1 time only time wont la.. :biggrin: :biggrin:
tak mau masuk rotan list well ncie TT alot of ppl 2day
no la jes joking nia.. hehehehehe.. no worries.. :D takut rotan leh.. hahahahahahaahahah.. :D did u manage to c wong sifu @ levin818 coming? hmmm.. dis wong sifu oso mau kena rotan liao la.. ahhahaahahahahahaah! :D

mike, wong sifu came later lor after u back...he reached quite late la...

Btw, nice FR man....hehehehe!

Thanks My Wifey Lar.... Home Made One!!!!!

Next Time Will Try And Bring Lemang!!! Nasir!!!!!

hey...mike me n seng saw wong sifu yest after u went back....he came quite late la.
shamburke thanks for ya bizkut alll...ehheh n nice car too....
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