Sepang open track day this Saturday morning session.....

Eater, You really a fire starter lah!

Btw Chee wah, on is on liao no "sok sar".. now oni waiting for akuma to accept and confirm hehehe

Akuma, we know your car is fast cos you chit eater's car! and really like to ur fast car in action.. frenly match play play lor... hehehe!

UKDMEK4, this saturday the time attack will be start 9am to 5pm at 1 of the Shah alam stadium car park! see you guys there..
benzer , u sendiri also ask they game mar... u also fire starter lor like that .... aih... i just majukan local motorsport onli .... v all must game here n there mar..den c wat need to improve n upgrade in the future mar.... rite ??? agree ?? :)
eater_eg6 said:
UKDMEK4 , did i meet u b4 ??? ok lar.. hope can meet u on saturday lar ..

1339 , wah...y u so like that ??? so fast forgot ppl d meh ???? aih..teruk lar u .. :)

i think i havent meet u yet la.. ur ride is black eg6 rite? i tot 1339 was you.. hahahaha

i hope 1339 stil remember lor..
UKDMEK4 , yes.. my car is black eg 2 drs like 1339 , but u know lar... my car is not as fast as his car... sure got diffrent one... :P heheheh.. :P
benzer said:
Eater, You really a fire starter lah!

Btw Chee wah, on is on liao no "sok sar".. now oni waiting for akuma to accept and confirm hehehe

Akuma, we know your car is fast cos you chit eater's car! and really like to ur fast car in action.. frenly match play play lor... hehehe!

UKDMEK4, this saturday the time attack will be start 9am to 5pm at 1 of the Shah alam stadium car park! see you guys there..

hopefully i can chow early coz i need to go to work & meeting you guys there
if it was you on the 15th in sic, i beg to differ laa.. ur car quite fast oso
i was there as spectator only, met akuma & lightningfield for 1st time
wish to be there on following weeks, to see killerB n fork sport in action

compliment for 1339 for the nice pic n video.. lol
u all really firestarter lah!!!! my car is damn slow lah... summore my engine took out already where to find an engine put inside the car lah.. u wan flinstone ah??? if car got engine then on lah... but then standard how to test... sure lose lah.. summore his car so light and also got engine blue print... i heard on the wheel got 170hp leh... rite eater???

that day in sepang never start fire!!!! hahahah

ukd = sorry i remember u just that i dunno your nick mah.... hehehhe..
UKDMEK4 said:
if it was you on the 15th in sic, i beg to differ laa.. ur car quite fast oso
i was there as spectator only, met akuma & lightningfield for 1st time
wish to be there on following weeks, to see killerB n fork sport in action

compliment for 1339 for the nice pic n video.. lol

later i show u the full lenght video and how killer b smack me and the rest.. oh not forgetting the black ek who does flat 240... scary!!!!
nabehS u...told y dy...dat time whn i chit-9 u,lightningfield,d supercharge AE101 i was running on my 2L 1.6L....drag ur head ar?....dis engine is now designed 2 take d abuse of reliability is my priority...n 1.6 is lighter so better handling too....stock small v makes 160ps on wheel is wat?Ard 130ps max lar....haiyorr....

i tot u met eater wat?he was in d same pit w us on d day u came 2 SIC....n i still havent seen ur ORIGINAL EK4 yet,dude......

i rike ur style...."my engine out dy"...wei,my engine oso out dy lar...whn i was REALLY REALLY fast i was running on a stock small v B16A...drag w bulu meh?....dun blif wat d firestarter sed ler...he whn come ajak ppl drag damn ONZ 1....shilaka dat fella..

ei,u dun tok so much ler....i know wats in ur car as i know wat KillerB did to it d last time n wat u enhances it with...dun think i duno ler...i diam diam only....u lar go play w 1339, THAT'S d MATCH OF D CENTURY..thn ask KillerB come too..long time no c B"16"B in action dy..hehehe

note:all,conserve ur cars 4 d coming R3TA ler....n shittennathan..whr 2 find my replacement rotors???ARRGGGHHHHH!!!! time...
u all no steady lar... banyak alasan ... if all like that .. how to majukan motorsport tempatan ???? aih.... tats y v r damn slow in motorsport development.... dun sit there anymore ... stand up !!!! n take ur car key go n start ur engine...n go rounding...c got 'kang' car or not .... if got ...den cucuk !!! hahhahaah.... remember !! maju kan local motorsport... kekekeke..... diu lor... i also dunno what im talking..... kekeke.... drink to mush d .. mabok oreydi... :P
eater_eg6 said:
u all no steady lar... banyak alasan ... if all like that .. how to majukan motorsport tempatan ???? aih.... tats y v r damn slow in motorsport development.... dun sit there anymore ... stand up !!!! n take ur car key go n start ur engine...n go rounding...c got 'kang' car or not .... if got ...den cucuk !!! hahhahaah.... remember !! maju kan local motorsport... kekekeke..... diu lor... i also dunno what im talking..... kekeke.... drink to mush d .. mabok oreydi... :P

eh i steady wan... since my car now in the workshop and i cant majukan motorsport tempatan, why not i drive your car lah!!!! i confirm can add another 10hp with my super duper heavy foot... i chit kau akuma for u ok!!!! since he so lansi chit every wan and say that wan 2l...
good !!!! go go go !!! go n chit kao him... hahahaha..... bou sao for me !!!! plz ... but wif ur car baru la bangga skit ... :P kekekeke
hahahah nevermind.. next time maybe can meet u guys there again

i think i x meet him properly like 1st i met u n lightningfield, but the black EG he been driving i recall la
no need to see my car laa akuma.. apart from ori honda sunroof nothing different with other EK.. even ek9spoiler oso still couldn't find. fork sport black EK is nicer, complete with evrything : )

you coming this R3TA in shah alam rite? maybe can see you there with others
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wei,dun get me started ar?nabeh u....dun tell me u mabuk frm drinking dat bloody teh o ais meh?wat?they put sabun fab buku in it ar?i oso dran k d same thg wat?x mabuk pun..setan...n majukan motorsports ur head....ur way=mengundang men in white/blue......bukan majukan motorsports..kan last time i lectured u on dis dy? muda zaman sekarang ni..x cukup w darah panas,dier campur lagi darah Type R..ahahhahaha.............n speaking abt take ur car key n go rounding..WOI!!!fast fast go run in ur clutch car masuk "hospital" again 2day...d gearbox just dun wanna engage!!AARRGGHHH!!!!!..1st brakes,now gearbox....sei for lor....

I know u know my car very well! anyway i din modify anything lah no $$ just maintain and with new tires oni! i can test with every body(that i know 1 lah) for fun, cos i love to drag and is all we started in subang last time.. 1339 still remember!? hehehe but the thing is now very hard to find place to drag liao.. and somemore no time..


since ur car is same car as 1339 both oso EG6 original and black color, why not you guys be the starter test 1st!?

akuma said:
nabehS u...told y dy...dat time whn i chit-9 u,lightningfield,d supercharge AE101 i was running on my 2L 1.6L....drag ur head ar?....dis engine is now designed 2 take d abuse of reliability is my priority...n 1.6 is lighter so better handling too....stock small v makes 160ps on wheel is wat?Ard 130ps max lar....haiyorr....

i tot u met eater wat?he was in d same pit w us on d day u came 2 SIC....n i still havent seen ur ORIGINAL EK4 yet,dude......

i rike ur style...."my engine out dy"...wei,my engine oso out dy lar...whn i was REALLY REALLY fast i was running on a stock small v B16A...drag w bulu meh?....dun blif wat d firestarter sed ler...he whn come ajak ppl drag damn ONZ 1....shilaka dat fella..

ei,u dun tok so much ler....i know wats in ur car as i know wat KillerB did to it d last time n wat u enhances it with...dun think i duno ler...i diam diam only....u lar go play w 1339, THAT'S d MATCH OF D CENTURY..thn ask KillerB come too..long time no c B"16"B in action dy..hehehe

note:all,conserve ur cars 4 d coming R3TA ler....n shittennathan..whr 2 find my replacement rotors???ARRGGGHHHHH!!!! time...

since when u chit-9 me and eater? brake pun berasap ada hati nak chit-9 us hahahahahahaahahahahahahahahhahahahhahaahahahahahahha jgn marah aaa akuma.. hahahahahaha

so who wants to test with who la. me and eater will be the starter and finisher. both cannot test since both are stock.hahahahahah
u 4got i tinggal u berapa tiang whn i was running my 2L arr???wat was d sentence u uttred 2 me?"ko kenakan keta aku mcm keta kau tak bergerak woi!"...was it dat?hehhe..but dat was back 2 stock B16A 4 reliability,4 track driving n autocrossing....heh!.....

"since ur car is same car as 1339 both oso EG6 original and black color, why not you guys be the starter test 1st!? "----->lagi mau mau tanya..i sokong siap angkat steering!!hahahahahhahahhaa..............

d ball's now back in ur,how many times i told u dy...u got LSD..launch @ a higher RPM lar...wat u takut?gearbox pecah get a new 1 lar...EG senang mau cari ma?heheheeh.....

v sharap 1st ok?c wat d firestarter reply..ehhehe....
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