Sepang open track day this Saturday morning session.....

eater_eg6 said:
akuma , no wonder u r so fast lar..... im using EX-5 stock engine onli... :P

wah wats this u all talking about kl boys ah????

ours really standard mah!!! thats why so healthy... trash trash trash also still can tahan wan!!!!

the last i heard u (eg & akuma) guys are 1 of fastest around leh!!!!
akuma is the fastest in east coast.... im supporter onli... :) or will b akuma's part time starter... :P hehehehehe... :)
u 2 sei jai pau...too free nothg 2 do arr??if i'm d fastest....thn i guess any slo-mo sotck std DOHC VTEC frm KL can come tapau any of us here in east coast ler....east coast whr got fast car 1?here all laid back life 1 ler.....dun blip?come ard n i'll show u ...ehheeheh
eater_eg6 said:
yalah...the honda boys in KL always like that one.... mana macam kampung honda boy like us... ?? :P jujur sangat.. :P

kampung honda boys aaaaaahhhhhhh?????????????????? hahahhhahahahahhhahahhahhahahahhhahahahahahahha. after this kena hisap rokok daun nipah la goon hahahahah.
nasib baik lar aku x smoking.....ehhehehehe..jimat duit aku...smoke frm my exos nak tgk?kekekekekekkeke
thats y i told u. get the lemang batang. still got the daun inside. mesti banyak asap punya nanti hahahaha

anyone took pics of the last sepang track day?
eater_eg6 said:
yalah...the honda boys in KL always like that one.... mana macam kampung honda boy like us... ?? :P jujur sangat.. :P

Don't 1 bamboo hit 1 boat of ppl.. not all KL honda boys like that wan!
But kampung honda boys like us better oni.. hehehe:shades_smile:
benzer said:
Don't 1 bamboo hit 1 boat of ppl.. not all KL honda boys like that wan!
But kampung honda boys like us better oni.. hehehe:shades_smile:

i think that 2 from the from the east coast all tak jujur wan lah!!!! all super fast wan but say standard!!!! see the exhaust all big big and loud loud wan... got cf bonnet all also.. many many meters but say standard lah say ex5 lah this lah that lah!!! ayuh...
1339 said:
i think that 2 from the from the east coast all tak jujur wan lah!!!! all super fast wan but say standard!!!! see the exhaust all big big and loud loud wan... got cf bonnet all also.. many many meters but say standard lah say ex5 lah this lah that lah!!! ayuh...

hahahahaahahahahahahahahahahah exhaust big big loud loud ok maaaa.. kata orang kampungggg...preeengg preeeeenggggggg hahahahahaha

super fast, excluding me aa...180kmh cut oredi...cannot kejar all of u anymore ..sigh..... .. what was the top speed of u guys during E6 chasing dat time? :cry_smile:
lightningfield said:
hahahahaahahahahahahahahahahah exhaust big big loud loud ok maaaa.. kata orang kampungggg...preeengg preeeeenggggggg hahahahahaha

super fast, excluding me aa...180kmh cut oredi...cannot kejar all of u anymore ..sigh..... .. what was the top speed of u guys during E6 chasing dat time? :cry_smile:

the white e6 with gold rims ah???
u ask oso 4 wat?u'll NEVER b able 2 achieve THAT speed w ur RSM laar..ngua ngua ngua..wopppss....lupa..ramadhan dah over..dis fella can DEW me dy!hahaha.....

u toking abt eater is it?coz:-
1)exos big big loud loud=not me
2)got alot of meter=oso not me
3)got cf bonet=mine steel lar,hehehhe
u wana c my blue print o not?all OEM Honda stuffs n specs lar..wat ler u?i dun BS 1...ehhehehehe

errr..ur place considered kampung meh?never been der so duno..but i gotta agree w u lar..v r better ony.hahaha
akuma said:
u 2 sei jai pau...too free nothg 2 do arr??if i'm d fastest....thn i guess any slo-mo sotck std DOHC VTEC frm KL can come tapau any of us here in east coast ler....east coast whr got fast car 1?here all laid back life 1 ler.....dun blip?come ard n i'll show u ...ehheeheh

*Nods*.. yeah.. yeah... that's why no DC5R.. (>_<)
akuma said:
u ask oso 4 wat?u'll NEVER b able 2 achieve THAT speed w ur RSM laar..ngua ngua ngua..wopppss....lupa..ramadhan dah over..dis fella can DEW me dy!hahaha.....

u toking abt eater is it?coz:-
1)exos big big loud loud=not me
2)got alot of meter=oso not me
3)got cf bonet=mine steel lar,hehehhe
u wana c my blue print o not?all OEM Honda stuffs n specs lar..wat ler u?i dun BS 1...ehhehehehe

errr..ur place considered kampung meh?never been der so duno..but i gotta agree w u lar..v r better ony.hahaha

stock ori also got blue print!!! no wonder so freaking fast until i cant smell your smoke in the track!!!! i think it is the driver who made the car damn fast super duper lighten cf hahahhaha
mahlou..u actually belif i blue printed my engine arr?? lar..i "pau san" d damn thg n rebuilt frm scratch essentially,my B16A is like a brand new engine frm d factory...dats all.....

wahlau..ur so "imaginative"....i wish i m dat "light"..hahahahha..dan save petrol sum more..ahahhaha

who sed dun haf?der were 2 bros who own a DC5R n EP3R...d DC5 was sold quite sum time d EP3's 4 sale too..notice d fully MUGEN kitted unit in MT?dats d younger bro(i think)...he sumtimes logs in here too..4got his nick..oso kuantan got 2 red EP3Rs oso ler....
meor , kampung honda boy din wear jeans one..all wear sarung or the ali baba style cloth like urs one.. hahaha..den pakai "sparko" slipper one... hehehe... :P daun nipah pun sedap jugak mar.. :P hehehehe.... :P

akuma , sendiri dah bocor rahsia den mengaku jer lar... got blue print mai got blue print lor.... hehehehe... :P

1339 , next time must try wif the "amuka" hehehe...his crx really damn fast.. :P i b starter.. ok ??? c ?? how steady m i ?? hahahahha... :)
wat bocor rahsia?my reserve tank bocor got lar....searched in ahlai's place dy...still dun haf...damn....n wat blue print?ooo..u mean dat blue film is it?ok lar ok lar..i gif back 2 u lar...aiyorr..baru pinjam 1 hari sudah bising...AHAHAHAHAHHA(woopppss)......n yeah....ur d BLOODY FIRE STARTER..alwis ask ppl 2 test test test..test w THAT white Waja dat day,mau?heheheheheh
all east coast hondas highly modded la. except mine. stock small viteck only and living happily ever after. ngua ngua ngua...
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