Offset issue...


Senior Member
Senior Member
Aug 20, 2004
ok i have this minor problem which to me, is annoying =(

i changed my rims and tires recently. to fatter/thicker tires (50 to 55 series) and silly of me, to not take note of my new rims offset. so apparently the offset is lower (wheel jut out more) and i only notice this when i take corners at high speed. my tires rubs against the fender.

what i did was, i adjusted the rear camber -ve, so it wouldnt rub on my fender. that's settled.

now my front is also touching, when i do kamekazi u-turns without brakes. i dont have an adjustable camber kit on my front.

i have some solutions in mind, but would like to see opinions from u experience guys as well.

1 of my solution: get harder springs, 8kg Front, 6kg Rear. <-- would this help?

my car is quite low, 1 finger gap front and rear, dont really wanna put it higher as it will be ugly =(

help pls sifu's ...

but why u change ur tires to 55 in the first place ?
i thot thin tires are good if u would like to 'bantai' some corners

btw, ur car might be bouncy if u change to harder springs .
dont u think so ?
my tires out bout 3mm from arch, & most of my fren's rides oso tires bout a few mm outside... but no 1 facing this prob, coz when u decided to get those offset & lowered, u must know wat will causing the prob, so... prevent it b4 install then regret..
u must know ur rim offset 1st b4 swapping maa..

offset numbers more means ur rim will be more inside.

offset numbers less means ur rim will be outside more.
That's why la. I totally forgotten abt the offset issue. Not regret but looking for solutions. Why 55?cuz I got an offer I couldn't refuse. And yes, harder spring would mean sacrificing comfort and I know that for a fact. On top of it, I feel my springs are too soft also if I decide to test power in sepang one fine day. Haha.

Jin: confirm it's cuz of my soft springs.

So just wanna reassurance that stiffer springs would help me in my issue
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Lets say if I get back 50 series, I will lower my abs again to have the height of 1 finger gap from tire to fender-wouldn't the same scenario apply?

So I believe it's more of the offset rather than the tires...
Lets say if I get back 50 series, I will lower my abs again to have the height of 1 finger gap from tire to fender-wouldn't the same scenario apply?

So I believe it's more of the offset rather than the tires...

Civic owners EG/EK usually go for offset 41-45 if 7inch width.... And offset 37-45 if 6.5width... Most sifus recomend dat combination....
which sifu reco that..???:adore:

Try go to or sumthing sounded like dat..... or really cannot remember which website...
BTW I tot u one of the most active forumers in Honda ZTH... Mayb U got sumthing to share abt this offset issue perhaps?
Try go to or sumthing sounded like dat..... or really cannot remember which website...
BTW I tot u one of the most active forumers in Honda ZTH... Mayb U got sumthing to share abt this offset issue perhaps?

hahaha... sorry bro, i'm active in anywhere in ZTH... not in Honda section la...
btw, i'm just tok kok only....:rofl::rofl::rofl:

yo bro, can pass some civic forum to me that u used to b..??? just wanna see wats the difren with local forum. thanks...:adore:
hahaha... sorry bro, i'm active in anywhere in ZTH... not in Honda section la...
btw, i'm just tok kok only....:rofl::rofl::rofl:

yo bro, can pass some civic forum to me that u used to b..??? just wanna see wats the difren with local forum. thanks...:adore:

Very easy bro... Just type Honda @ civics @ vtec then dun forget to put country codes at the end of web adress. for instance (sg for Singapore), (uk for United Kingdom), (nz for New Zealand) and so on.... Very interesting though getting know the scenario at other region...
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jin - i thought u are a walking library adi? haha jk... =)

mayb Lying more suitable... coz everytime i log in, most of the time is lying on the bed 1...

btw, must give face ma... cannot always right 1, so, if ppl said got SIFU, then must learn from SIFU... must give face to SIFU & i dun mind to learn more from the others...:adore::adore::adore:
mayb Lying more suitable... coz everytime i log in, most of the time is lying on the bed 1...

btw, must give face ma... cannot always right 1, so, if ppl said got SIFU, then must learn from SIFU... must give face to SIFU & i dun mind to learn more from the others...:adore::adore::adore:

haha true true well said sifu well said... :adore:
if is just kena a little bit then you can try flatten inner part of your fender, that might help... just fyi, i changed my 55 to 50 also kena a bit, just very little help by changing tyre... Also, sport tyre tend to have wider thread and will kena but comfort tyre might escape from that, i tried 55 ad07 and 55 goodyear nct5 earlier...
haha true true well said sifu well said... :adore:
i'm not sifu... u la sifu...:adore::adore::adore:

if is just kena a little bit then you can try flatten inner part of your fender, that might help... just fyi, i changed my 55 to 50 also kena a bit, just very little help by changing tyre... Also, sport tyre tend to have wider thread and will kena but comfort tyre might escape from that, i tried 55 ad07 and 55 goodyear nct5 earlier...

not recommended to flatten the inner parts of ur front fender or the rear wheel arch...
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