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nearly stolen

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Feb 5, 2013
Kuala Lumpur
just wanna share wit u all my car nearly stolen...happen in carefour wangsa maju....it happen in morning.....guy please be EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA careful !!.pls don't simply think ur car is safe when u leave it...these "fellows" randomly pick up any car.....guys let unite to "tapau this ###hole"...

p/s : kepada sahabat yg cuba nk curi kerete tu...bhati2 ye...watch out..jgn cari pasal dgn org yg salah....
igt baik2...
1st 2nd 5th...maybe kau selamat....nnt kantoi....mmg lauk la kau....aku xkn simply diam mcm tu
Sori bro....its was nearly stolen...lucky that thief didnt make it....but my car damage little bit....seriously speread this news to all...its randomly pick....they well prepared...even the guard might be didnt notice..or maybe pretend didnt notice...hahahah.....
Bro, i know u're mad rite now but at least tell us details.
I guess the thread starter let go steam, without giving much detail. How la to help?

nazrin87, better go make a police report.
Writing 10,000 words here would not help much.
..carre4 wangsa maju is one hell of a 'hot spot' for car break-in..
..me myself had the same experience last two weeks there..
..first time parking my standard old wira along side the bz road (in front of carre4 w.maju) and started to use the LRT Wangsa Maju facility..
and in the evening once i reached back from the office, tried to start the car but nothing happened..
..thought it was just a batt prob, but when i pulled up the front bonnet, all i can see is my cut-off battery's wire and gone with the batt itself..
slowly, a female driver who parked beside me approached me and said..
"Dik..sori, akak kalau tgk org angkat bonet atau cermin pecah akak dah tau sbb ape.."
"akak dah 5 tahun parking sini, 4 kali kete kena pecah, satu kali terus kene curi..skang abg akak modified tempat letak bateri dgn Solex besar penumbuk.."
"tapi diaorg ni, kalau x dapat cara baik habis semua dipecahkan..bkn tak report polis, tp mcm xde ape2 pun smpai skang..at least tahun ni x seteruk thn lepas, hari2 akak tgk kete kene pecah"..
"kalau boleh, jgn tinggalkan sbb last kete akak kene curik,akak dah fed-up 4 kali kene pecah,akak tggalkan bermalam kat situ, sekali pencuri tu dtg blk bwk bateri terus bwk lari kete akak smpi skang x jumpa"..

so guys, be xtra careful should you intend to park there, even along the so-called busy road that can be accessed by the public's activities and views..as for me, bought a bike and now merempit is even safer and less-hassle..
sori guys lambat reply.....my car fd2....i already make report...the police man did tell me...that normal...there many cases r happen there....then as usual la...they said they will investigate....
OMG? Wangsa Maju?

a fren of mine has been sick n fedup regarding on crimes cases there..

*He is a cosplayer living there btw
This is really getting out of control. I suggest you guys gang up and set up a bait car. Wear all black clothes at night and wait for the thieves to come. Your team should be no less than 10 person for safety reasons. Don't forget your iron rods and batons. If you really want to catch him, it can be done. Oh by the way, don't forget to poke his/their eyes so that they cannot seek revenge later... :top:
happened to my sister car. he parked at the road side near the apartment across AEON wangsa maju. her car battery was stolen without any breaking mark at the car.
happened to my sister car. he parked at the road side near the apartment across AEON wangsa maju. her car battery was stolen without any breaking mark at the car.

i supposed its a wira? cos the thieves can access the front bonnet thru the driver side fender.
i supposed its a wira? cos the thieves can access the front bonnet thru the driver side fender.

mmmm..maybe that how my wira engine oil cover missing mysteriously last time.:hmmmm:no sign it kene kopak.suddenly smell the engine oil.open hood..nah..my engine oil cover MIA already.
sori guys lambat reply.....my car fd2....i already make report...the police man did tell me...that normal...there many cases r happen there....then as usual la...they said they will investigate....

normal!? many cases happened, but yea we(the police) will investigate in the office, not at the field

really bull shit!
normal!? many cases happened, but yea we(the police) will investigate in the office, not at the field

really bull shit!
Damn,The police did not take practical action, when did can to catch the thief?:mad:
not sure, but they pop the bonnet thru the fender, remembered 1 forumer posted cctv footage on youtube
capturing the thieves stealing the car batt.
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