Nearly raped at her college

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Nov 13, 2004
Char Kuoy Teow
This is really bad,how can they be so careless and never do a counter check on the security guard mental health!:angry_smile:

source: Nearly raped at her college


Thursday April 26, 2007

Nearly raped at her college

KUALA LUMPUR: An 18-year-old Tunku Abdul Rahman College (Ktar) student has alleged that she was almost raped by the person who was supposed to protect her – a security guard.

The victim, who is from Jinjang, claimed at a press conference organised by Federal Territory Gerakan division here yesterday that the guard grabbed a rock and hit her on the head at least 20 times and then dragged her to a slope near the lecture hall last Saturday.

Bruised: The victim claims the guard undressed her after she fell to the ground.

She said, “It was 5.30pm and it was raining heavily. I was leaving the college after an examination and used the back entrance as it had a sheltered walkway leading to the main road.

“Near the exit, someone hit my head with a rock. When I turned around to defend myself, I saw that it was the security guard,” the girl said.

She said she tried to fight back but was overpowered by the guard who dragged her behind a lecture hall.

“He continued to hit me with the stone until I fell to the ground. He then started undressing me.

“After that he unzipped his pants and tried to rape me.

“I managed to push him away and ran for my life.”

Another security guard approached her and took the injured girl to the toilet to clean her wounds. She said the security guard then captured the suspect.

The girl said she called her parents who then took her to the Wangsa Maju police station where she lodged a report.

“I don’t want this to happen to anyone else especially my college mates. If I had brought an umbrella along, I would have used the front entrance and would have avoided him. Please carry a pepper spray, an umbrella or something for protection,” she said, explaining why she was relating her horrifying experience.

The victim’s father said he was unhappy that college officials had yet to visit his daughter. He said the college owed them an explanation.

“This is a very serious crime and my daughter could have been killed.”

In a statement, KTAR said that it had terminated the services of the security company that the suspect worked for and that it regretted what had happened to the victim.

“We will provide help and counselling to the student and her family,” it said.

City CID chief Senior Asst Comm II Ahmad Ibrahim said police are still investigating.
the guard is lousy
memang patut kena castrate...
hit rock on the gal's head 20times,and she's not even passed out?
pfft...must be a wimp
aiya.. all capalang ppl all can bcome guard la.. those pmr drop outs... spm drop outs.. even nvr enter form1 also can bcome guard nowdays.. just look at some guards face.. like gengster oni..
da security guard salary so low... cant afford to look for prostitute.
dat y majority rape case is comited by low income earner.
fuk man the security......walau if let me find this type of ppl red handed will sure wack his dick till cant even pee...............and blind tat fella..........
just read the papers, damn shiity man,was thinking, hit her 20 times she stil not yet die....must be a pebble or he hit damn soft, or her head damn tough...
and its consider daylight at the time of crime. IMO most of TARC guards i see have been there for ages
must be some new randy many chicks walking around must hav turned him on...
But the girls in Malaysia also sometimes very stupid, they walk dark places alone, or whatever, and like.. the handbag facing the road and she totally don't give a shit..
Texting on the phone while going to cross the road, etc.

You can't disagree with me on that
About guards hah ???

GMAN loves the country destroy. I remembered once, there was TNB guard rape a poor 4 or 6 year old girl.

DAmn them man, CURSE THEM.

This guard company nowdays only want money. Didnt care about their personal or crime records of the person they recruit.

By the way, GOD saved the girl. Thank God, seriously i think maybe this guard is one of the famous rapers that the police didnt catch.
All the crimes that happened nowaday maybe because our country practising criminal friendly law.. Should perform all the mandatory punishment such us death sentence and canning in public or broadcast it on local TV. And try see wheater crime statistic got dicrease or not..

ahh.. for those unhuman nor animal ou there, what come around goes around bah one day..
security guard, the rapist???..
think i gotta be extra extra careful at my place..
as i'm alwiz the earliest!!..
a hungry maniacs would do that!!..
& even if the gals are all cover up!!..
i tot u read both "the star" n NST everyday???
how come u seems like just got to know tis news through here??
nottie, i know ady..
early early morning i sudah baca..
even my boss saw me reading dis page..
& he was looking at me..
then he saw the flowers..
& ask why i din bring back home??..
a hungry maniacs would do that!!..
& even if the gals are all cover up!!..

Wow, Melody at least u understand the mind of the rapers nowdays.

They are in-human. Even girls in tudung are victims. I have heard this story nowdays.


Since Pak Lah took over, the government has been converted to scaredy twats. They are more afraid of the criminals than the citizens. They are more brave to punish the citizens than the criminals. Yay! Malaysial boleh! I love this country! muah! Muah! (from the lips of my butt hole).
She's considered lucky to be able to get away, although with some serious injuries .... How about the hundreds and maybe thousands of teenager to children being molested and raped everyday in silence by their so-called guardian brothers, uncles, fathers and grandfathers ...

And also the thousands of rape and molest victims whom lives in silence at this very moment in shame ....

And what's the chief of youth from a certain majority party do ..... Let's give those dumb arse Rempit a brand called Cemerlang .... political moves to get another 100,000 or so votes for his party? And fund 10 of those dumb arses to jump off a plane in the Antartic .... what a waste of resources just to prove that during the many generation of in-breeding that they would be dumb enough to believe that they would still have a brain?
This Kind of sick ass need to send the to jail and rape back by those big dick maniac!!!
F*** THEM!!
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