Kelisa fuel consumption

actually almost brought it only.... :( went there twice liao...dam freakin far la...i ask him for extractor he said he hav...i was so happy...then the other day went back there with fat wallet...he said sold out! he quoted me rm295 for the extractor and about rm1300 for that cam if i'm not mistaken :)
walao..the cam so expensive meh??...then did u manage to get the extractor???..wanna get my exhaust edi any place to recon.???
nop..i didnt...i think u can call pz and ask
they should hav stock by now coz last month they will regenerate stock by tis month
extractor wut brand?
cam de price is like dat 1 la.. but i heard la.. ones u put cam u must hav a safc..if not ..tak cukup minyak... n 1 more thing.. ones u put in cam.. ur petrol usage is not like last time.. ehehehee
i dun wan play with n/a liao hehe
2006 project is turbo my kelisa
now save money!
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