..going thru toughest time of my life..anyone..felt the same..

jeSz-iNc said:
why wong kok char chan teng..i think i overcomed t liau...yesterday i talk to him for the very last time to confront him for the last time,told all my feelings that i kept inside for so long..hurm with a soft tone of voice....but always get nasty reply like callin me harsh naes and stuffs...if we argued very keng..sure i scream at him waaan...but surprisingly i calm down and never cry for the first time wo...even he talks to me so harsh...

im going redbox noww....=))

so nice :cry_smile:
if it rains i blame you :angry::emoticon_U::angel_smile::_:
glozz said:
Ermm, I tried commiting suicide, not once; but twice? Even got scars to show you. :regular_smile: :regular_smile:

fresh scar only please ( less than 3 days)
jeSz-iNc said:
why wong kok char chan teng..
im going redbox noww....=))
because tong loh wan doesn't serve my favourite 'lai cha'

why not k at neway, redbox's food sucks big time
sarcastics said:
what is the different ? one is wolf, another woff woff

Wolf sound more garang and "man"...dogs abit too... erm...

Hey neway and Redbox in kl ok or not? in HK here they got neway city where the whole 4 floor building is KTV rooms with theme like rooms dedicated to Joey yong , twins or some movies....then they have Neway CEO which has more high class renovation with bigger and more luxurious KTV room. They donth ave redbox here now...all become greenbox....but expensive....one person atleast will have to spend RM$100plus during weekend...onli include 2 non-alcohol drinks
sheeesh....than I prefer m'sia kara-o-k.........
prefer neway cos food is nicer!
oh...Neway is own by Albert Yung. The boss of EEG which having the artiste like Joey Yung, Twins, Edison, Nicholas Tse etc...,....he also suspect to be one of the leader in the HK secret society. So sometimes in HK the police will conduct checking in the neway karaok in HK.
sarcastics said:
how a guy commit suicide you tell me

bang head on wall ke? slam kuku with door ke? gulp down paraquat ke?

show wounds then entitled for a glass of cold 'lai cha' (slam kuku don't need to show)
Does attempting to watch porn and masturbate to death count?
si|ver...the scar would most probably retract with your you-know-wat, so sarcastic might have a hard time checking for fresh scar.
si|verfish said:
Does attempting to watch porn and masturbate to death count?

yes. that is a form of worst suicide case. horrible death indeed. check ogrish.com
jesz - if u wanna talk to me, im here anytime for you. Just pm me OK! Ill alwayz be there for you, anytime anyday.

really many wolfs here...ppl said sad then you guys can tok until become masturbation...*Respect* haha

btw, howcome notm uch female zthians post in this topic???? all hamsup lou reply with motives one??? haha :P
hahaha..........innocent my foot!
decent and caring mayb lar......but innocent?!?!........
boon - OK maybe not so innocent,
but definitely decent and caring lar...guarantee wan....
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