..going thru toughest time of my life..anyone..felt the same..

For those people who is down.

If you are feeling down
Go and get some excitement, go and do some extreme sports like driving in sepang, abseiling, go-karting, climb mount kk, white water rafting, bungee jumping and etc.
My personal recomendation: driving in sepang, go-karting, climb mount kk, white water rafting

If you felt bored at home
Go and master some skill with practising, if you like snooker go and practise snooker, get some guide from internet or someone.

If you felt that your life is useless, you life is sucks, your life is hard and etc
Go and do some social work like visiting old folks home, orphans home. Go and bring them out for some tours.
hahahha buaya? lets say if jeszinc no pretty will there still this much of posts??
i think will have posts but will have less lo....

we must be fair becoz " pork chop also is meat" ~! :P

guys are wolf? hm....ok laa..atleast better than dogs........
for those feeling down,go dl the song,

Gilbert 'O Sullivan - alone again(naturally)

confirm u'll start laughing

learn to live with the pack & you'll learn the joys of it.

being young, you will have a mindset of certain ideals but experiences will enrich you.
Last time i post in pro-hatch website when i knew my ex of 3 years is getting married also got a lot of reply.

Then only different is that PocRoc and Satria 95 didnt bring me to Halo Cafe or whatsoever.
haha....than I should've post my breakup story - 7 yrs relationship! and see what's the response.....
soulseaker said:
Then only different is that PocRoc and Satria 95 didnt bring me to Halo Cafe or whatsoever.
did u try commiting suicide ? i would had brought you to Wong Kok Cha Chan Teng if you did
sarcastics said:
did u try commiting suicide ? i would had brought you to Wong Kok Cha Chan Teng if you did
You belanja kah? Like that I tell you I tried to commit suicide also.
I tried to also......but tried only by thinking. Am I entittled to the free food & drinks?
soulseaker said:
Last time i post in pro-hatch website when i knew my ex of 3 years is getting married also got a lot of reply.

Then only different is that PocRoc and Satria 95 didnt bring me to Halo Cafe or whatsoever.

soul....u not wearing skirt la bro :mouth_closed::angel_smile:
sarcastics said:
did u try commiting suicide ? i would had brought you to Wong Kok Cha Chan Teng if you did


I dont know count or not?

I submerged under water for more then 60 seconds.

I purposely jump off the raft while doing white water rafting, floated more then 100 meter away through rapids and rocks.

Driving 180km/h with one hand on steering on a specific stretch of a highway which is wide enough for airplane to land and less car.

Start smoking but stop again (Smokes kill right).
why wong kok char chan teng..i think i overcomed t liau...yesterday i talk to him for the very last time to confront him for the last time,told all my feelings that i kept inside for so long..hurm with a soft tone of voice....but always get nasty reply like callin me harsh naes and stuffs...if we argued very keng..sure i scream at him waaan...but surprisingly i calm down and never cry for the first time wo...even he talks to me so harsh...

im going redbox noww....=))
sarcastics said:
did u try commiting suicide ? i would had brought you to Wong Kok Cha Chan Teng if you did
Ermm, I tried commiting suicide, not once; but twice? Even got scars to show you. :regular_smile: :regular_smile:

Where's the free meal? heh. :regular_smile:

On a more serious note; jesz,

Snap out of it. There's no point in one day feeling sad and happy. You've just got to move on with whatever that's happened. That's life. And you've got to realise; even if you don't life is not going to wait for you.

Good luck.
si|verfish said:
You belanja kah? Like that I tell you I tried to commit suicide also.

how a guy commit suicide you tell me

bang head on wall ke? slam kuku with door ke? gulp down paraquat ke?

show wounds then entitled for a glass of cold 'lai cha' (slam kuku don't need to show)
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