..going thru toughest time of my life..anyone..felt the same..

si|verfish said:
Uh...no offense but...I don't think anybody short of a lunatic thinks tomorrow is today. Maybe you meant differently in your head before you typed it.

no offence but..have you heard of idioms or figures of speech......peace :_:
K_Takuya said:
no offence but..have you heard of idioms or figures of speech......peace :_:
No offense...but I do know what idioms are. Hell, I use them all the time. The problem is your idiom doesn't sound right. "Tomorrow is not today" is a line for Captain Obvious.
Maybe you need a little furry friend...


Good Day,

Hope things are going well with you. My apologies for not replying earlier and it's only by chance that i came across this thread while I was posting something in the conti's section.

Let me share a story with you. I grew up in what you call a female-dominated family. Ever since I was 6-years old; the only sound i knew was of screaming and shouting. When I was 7; I saw my mum beating up my grandmother. When I was 8; everynight was a dreaded one because I would always see the scenes of my parents fighting and throwing things being replayed everyday.

Gradually; i became a problem child as well. I started stealing money/things ever since the age of 10. Caught? Many times; I wasn't very smart. Changed my ways? Nope. Family fighting? Continued. Fun as a child? When my parents were not at home; that was the only time I was truly at peace. Ran away from home? Twice. Got caught and was duly punished twice. My first suicide attempt was as a kid at the age of 10. It all came about as pain was a stimulating feeling which helped me forget. I did this by using a metal watch buckle of a watch strap and fastened it on so tightly the metal ate into the skin. I can still recall liking the smell and the feeling of it. I did this for almost 6 months; at which point, there was no more blood flowing at that area and you could almost see the veins; and only pus and plasma would come out. It was at this time that my mum saw what was happening and put a stop to it. I don't think to this day she knows that i did it on purpose. I still have the scar to remind me.

I grew up pretty much in the same vein; while things started looking better. Things improved in '95 and i learned to stop my compulsive stealing; with my mum's help. However; while i was changing in my mentality to not become such a problem kid; I was lazy in everything else.

Enter colleged in '97. Still was not studying. Somehow managed to scrape through SPM with a grade 2. To this date; I do not recall studying before I entered college. In fact; it still pretty much continued the same in college. Still did not study. Managed to get through the first sem. Then came the reality shock. Failed all 6 of my subjects in the 2nd sem. It was at this point which I really contemplated suicide; not able to accept that I got what I deserved.

In fact; i carried it out by attempting to drown myself. Was doing pretty good but still had the will to live and I came out for breathers twice. It was on the 2nd attempt that by chance; i happened to look at the mirror and saw myself. And somehow; i immediately thought about my parents and it just dawned on me how selfish my actions were and how; despite the fighting of my parents; they still slogged and stuck together for me and my siblings and how I was wasting all their effort and energies down the drain. Now; you could call me a coward, but I was man enough to admit that I was shaming my parents by doing this. At this point; I vowed to face the music and in fact; admitted to my wrong and left my fate to my parents; but asked for one last chance. My parents; I guess seeing my admission to my mistakes; let me have one last chance to prove myself. That was in '98. When I graduated with 2nd upper honours in 2001; it was with the record that after that; I did not have any single failed grades in any subject. It was also on my graduation day that my mum revealed to me how my dad as well as her had given up on me since my problem days but were very proud of what I had become.

However; along this way also came family problems. In 1999; I was facing one of the hardest decisions of my life. You see; when I was 11; my grandmother ran away from us to avoid the abuse she suffered at the hands of my mum. She gradually returned to us in 1998; after having some illnesses and agreeing to return. However; the abuse started happening again and in 1999; when my grandmother could not stand it anymore; she sent a note to her niece to rescue her. I had the misfortune to find out about the note and what was going to happen 3 days before the day her niece was going to come. It was at this point I had to make a decision on what to do with this. My parents suspected something was not right with the niece's planned visit and asked me. It was at this point where I was really in personal turmoil; would I be a fillial son and fail as a human or fail as a son and show compassion as a human? In the end; I chose compassion and sat and watched; feeling guilty that I caused my parent's anger; but felt that I made the right decision. In hindsight; I would say I still made the right decision. Good thing is; my mom and grandmother reconcilled before my grandmother passed away in 2002.

As for the fighting between parents; still happened. I remember celebrating my 21st birthday in 2001 in the kitchen alone with my siblings who sang my birthday song while my parents were screaming and throwing things at each other outside.
There were many times divorce happened; albeit for a couple of days. It is a feeling and a period of life; which I would never want for anyone to ever experience. I was fortunate that only my brother and I went through the worst years; while my sister only went through really bad periods once or twice; which was still bad enough to hurt her emotionally. Thankfully; she's strong enough. And by God's grace; my parents are still together.

And finally; the conclusion. Life sucks. There's no perfect life. What to do. Such is life. Marriage and divorce happens; emotions clash; things get out of hand. What to do? True; problems have a tendency to happen at the worst times and are really sucky on the emotions; but that's life. You just have to move on; and do your best to make sure you know what you have to do and don't let what has happened affect you. Because once it has; then you will never be able to let go of what has happened.

And in life; problems WILL happen. Quarrels will happen. Is suicide really the way? What would it solve or prove other than the fact that you could not handle and chose running away from the problem rather than looking to how you could solve it.

Remember; when the going gets tough; the tough get going. Your problems will seem like the worst to you and that the world is coming to an end; but have some perspective. There will ALWAYS be someone WORST-off and someone BETTER-off than yourself. It's whether or not you let your ego tell you that you're going through the worst problems in the world and no one else suffers like you. Remember; it's easy to complain when you are living comfortably. People in worst conditions do not even have time to complain as they are just trying to stay alive while people who live comfortably consider suicide. Ironic isn't it? I still consider myself VERY fortunate in the sense that I never had to worry about having food to eat. There are always more than 1 way to look at a problem. Why choose looking at the negative side? Because there will always be people who will help you do it. But; what does it solve? At the end of the day; life still has to go on.

As for relationships; remember, move on. Letting what has happened affect you will only make things worst in life later on. And learn to love yourself; for how can you claim that you love someone, when you have not even loved yourself? And loving yourself does not mean you run away from problems. It means; you deal with them, without hurting yourself more than is required.

Good luck; and I trust things are better with yourself. My apologies for such a long post.
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Good post glozz. Is that really your story or...? If it is, I'm glad you came out of all that and you came out fighting, props man.
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satriagtiturbo said:
hey,,,dont know u what so ever,.. however i just want to encourage u that if u find that no one loves u, god loves u. Ive been through similar situation like u ..and god has brought me through......god bless......
But don't you think God deserves a CAPITAL G instead of a small G? Just a figure of text versus that bit of honour and respect. It could be just me but I always had things thing about God being spelt with a capital G.
satria_95 said:
But don't you think God deserves a CAPITAL G instead of a small G? Just a figure of text versus that bit of honour and respect. It could be just me but I always had things thing about God being spelt with a capital G.
Mate, you did notice the fact that he doesn't use caps AT ALL, right?
Yeah I did but just thought I just blabber that out. hahahaha

Hey girl. I'm nobody but God's humble servant. He has kept me safe, held me up and kept me going many times, even at those time where I somehow kept myself away from Him for years. Even in those years where I didn't care much about God, He still kept me alive (through many close calls while on the road being an asshole driver). It was good since He has helped me all those times. Now, I'm sharing that goodness of upholding of strength through life's difficulties with you. Let me know if you need any help. :)
nice life story Gloss...

yes...God is good,all the time and all the time,God is good...

seraph...stop promoting april....-.-'''
si|verfish said:
Good post glozz. Is that really your story or...? If it is, I'm glad you came out of all that and you came out fighting, props man.
It is but my humble story. Those familiar with me would know that.
Thanks for the kind words; but it was really nothing special.
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Glad to know that jesz is getting stronger and life move on!!give urself a clap on the back!!good luck and all the best for ya!!!:regular_smile:
Cypress Yip,
I believe she's got the strength. Just that she's battling between emotional pain and physical survival.... and I can testify to that she's still got strength cos when she send me to my car that's parked outside (I walked her to her car inside the pyramid parking), she was doing some "tofu delivery" stuff at the pyramid car park. When we reached out of the car park, I found myself at the back of the car, on the floor. It was then I found out that even girl's have coins on the floor too. hahahaha
my life quite sad too, untill i get my car at 24 years old.. my transport before is just a bicycle...
satria_95 said:
...cos when she send me to my car that's parked outside (I walked her to her car inside the pyramid parking), she was doing some "tofu delivery" stuff at the pyramid car park. When we reached out of the car park, I found myself at the back of the car, on the floor.

ahem, satria 95, I :mouth_closed:


joke saja.
oh, so Dr.glozz is back...hope everyone is getting better...easter is coming although msia not public holiday but i will like to wish that those in aussie land , States and Europe to have a wonderful Easter break! we are going to have a 4 days break..yeah!


you must be glad that you have a mighty attractive power that pages of replies for your post. people like me maybe only can keep such topic for 3 pages maximum..haha...but if i post my pic as "Lin Chi Ling" I might see full 30 pages replies. :)

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