4G93T Club

does anybody noes da water temp readin for our GSR wen on AIRCOND n OFF AIRCOND?

pls help... when air cond off mine goes up to 110 c, den fan will kick lower till 100, but wif conditioning on, it'll stagnant at 92-96

is all cars da same??? or jus me???

or does any mechanic noes how to run mah fan? wen da fan shud start kik?
putra dreaming, i'm working at DP, come find me for lunch if you got the time :)

GTIGSR, wish to hellp but i dunno nuts about it. Maybe other forummer can assist in this
rorytate said:
putra dreaming, i'm working at DP, come find me for lunch if you got the time :)

GTIGSR, wish to hellp but i dunno nuts about it. Maybe other forummer can assist in this

rorytate: haha.. terbalik la.. my office and my residence at kota dsara/mutiara dsara but im at my clients place in KL in the day time so dun think can easily meetup..:rolleyes::rolleyes: but pls, lets go ahead with the plan for TT

gti[GSR]: I do not have a water temp meter so i would'nt know. Hell even my oil temp meter the wiring rosak..:mad: sigh sigh..

Anyone know how to get wiring to connect Defi BF Link meters to other meters and to the control unit? (the daisy chain type wan) need to get 2-4..
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ai seh, tried at other forums liao hahaha no one seem to bother bout water temp hahaha lol

i hoep someone canhelp soon... hahaha
Yee さん。 ばかしてんじゃねいよ!:biggrin: I no more drivin GSR :frown: :thumpdown So I no right to organize GSR TT Session :biggrin: Miss my GSR la :frown: Anyway do call me up if u guys plan on one k? Always will support 1.8 GSR powerr~!! :biggrin:

I think GSR's water temp is around 86 - 87 C when idling. Not sure have to check it up first :smile:

JUN said:
oneGSR, there's a wireman in Cheras area quite good. But dunno if he's good in GSR wiring or not hehe. Behind the Payathin Food Court.

putra, ya it's true. Excessive engine oil will result in lots, and I mean LOTs of white smoke to be emitted out from the exhaust :smile: Blue smoke means turbine or turbine seal kong :tee: But forgot which one edi. Don't worry.


bro, i tot only white smoke is turbine kong or something else.....blue smoke stand for what?
haha....actually organize tt for GSR owner should let those heavyweight person to do it,some1 like yee....muahahaha....JUN,u n me r small potato only what........:biggrin:

yee,when wanna come down oh?if can bring some of yur friend to come down ler....seremban here very LUIN SHUI,got a lot of ah beng do racing on the street,of coz got a lot of turbo also lah..........JUN,wanna come down?
bvalve said:
bro, i tot only white smoke is turbine kong or something else.....blue smoke stand for what?
haha....actually organize tt for GSR owner should let those heavyweight person to do it,some1 like yee....muahahaha....JUN,u n me r small potato only what........:biggrin:

yee,when wanna come down oh?if can bring some of yur friend to come down ler....seremban here very LUIN SHUI,got a lot of ah beng do racing on the street,of coz got a lot of turbo also lah..........JUN,wanna come down?

hullo.. so now white smoke is wat? dun scare me le.. :tongue:

this sunday putra collective gona have a convoy to PD.. duno gona stop in seremban onot.. hehee maybe can call u out if go thru seremban town.. :biggrin:
Jason kor: if everything goes fine, this saturday coming down :) hehehe...spare some leng lui to intro me man :P

putra: try checking the Turbo Gasket, and the Turbo itself.
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u dun just talk big only.come down baru cakap....hehe
er.....spare some leng lui?papaya farm ngam mou?muahahaha:biggrin:
Yee, always yearn for more girls.......

Yee, part-time mamasan ma...LOLs......last time intro some cute chisk to him, makan edi somemore didnt tell me...kekekekek...the girl told me herself..
walaueh....yee so dangerous 1 ah?better tell those seremban chick's to beware....heheehe....oii yee,what make u so early online oh?baru 9am leh wei......weird lah see u so early online......
:biggrin: Yee is da man~! All chicks go:love: :love: over him la. Last time come out with him everytime also different girls. How I wished I had that kinda luck too ahahaha

Vince, amacam? Thought about what u told me the other day or not? kekeke :wink:

Jason, how ya doin man? Finally I know how to do stationary burnout :tee:

woi rory! where got ? i also hardly see the friends that u intro to me lar!

Jason: i always online at this time..just that hardly post and spy on u all only what. muahaha!!

Jun: don't have chicks lar..!! if i have i won't be single for so long.

ok ok GSR TT at Seremban on this saturday night ok ??????????????? muahaha

i'm unsure ler...if i proceed with it, then have to get new car liao......or you wanna sell me your car? :D

Yee, tipu us again...the gal told me herself la...LOLs

Stationary burn out? Pour petrol on your car and light it up....car not moving, but burning....STATIONARY BURNOUT ROCKS~!
rory u go die...i call her later and ask her. :P

wing: the burnout that u're saying needs heel n toe to do so right?
do you need Jen's number? or Jin's number....hahaha

tonight at thai club, with the 2 girls....do drop by if you got time bro....then i will ask them to confess face to face...hahahaha....all ZTHians are welcome to see


BTW, any place you would suggest to change the turbine actuator? How much?
nia beh...i don't go clubbing one. not rich like u guys can always go clubbing :(

workshop to change actuator? that's one very cheap one. :) which is ...AHYEE.COM workshop, only help u take out the turbo and actuator only, never include assemble it back. wellcome visiting. muahaha..

hornestly..next week that's one shop which is newly open in sunway..i show u the shop and u decide to do or not by ur own :) i think u'll know.once u get there
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wei..since we can't hardly meet up, why not we add everybody's msn in list. atleast we can do a Multi ppl chat on MSN. ;) mine is [email protected]

please type ur msn address here so that we can add in ya :)
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