4G93T Club

Muahahaha :biggrin: siapa tu Jen? Wei I still single la intro me some chicks la. Sad wei lonely driver. I kenot drift so the meaning "drifter no need girlfrens" kenot apply to me muahaha~!!

Ya man rory. But u dumped in so much edi. Willing to do so ah? Not to say no results :wink:

Yee, we all play car also need to makan roti and minum ais kosong. Where got like some people can afford to play car and belanja not 1 but 2 chicks to Thai Club :biggrin: Oops, sorry. Should be me only. Yee got money to spend on car and spend on chicks hehe

Ya, heel and toe technique. I didn't know until my friend taught me how :smile:

i where got spend chicks ? nia beh u all...simply say.

ohh heel toe :) nice eh wing! ur car borrow ? :D

by the way..i got infor there's a mr2 selling 33k with microtech, defi, toms bodykits and a lot more lar..phuck man. :(

n1 racing boss on tv3, 6 oclock show.
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:lol: :lol: Damn niceness kekeke...but tyre makan habis habis :frown:

Wat u waiting for man? Go get it~!! But so many mods at such a price? Wanna try checking deeper? Anywa hope u really get it mate so that all the chicks will come to u automatically hehehe

Hello GSR Gengz!! i got problem my engine can't start lah. 1 weeks ago, i change my starter to VR4 starter. Its work nicely. But after 1 week, its hard to start. rite now, cant start anymore. But all electricity work like radio, aircond, power window, sunroof.

how ar? help me to solve this prob bro!! aiyaa..........
check your starter cables.....

there's one cable which connects to the starter via socket...

if you are using relay, it could be your relay kong liao
hullo ppl..

wah.. u guys got bitten by the drift bug isit? wish i got enuff money to get a fr oso.. cant even afford those old fr..
sm mr my engine oso veri moody..

so whens the TT la? more than 3 days aledi.. the verdict? :biggrin:

the verdict ka?? hahaha

only me and you kasi location ler...
the rest of the gang didnt...so what do you suggest? :D
rorytate said:

the verdict ka?? hahaha

only me and you kasi location ler...
the rest of the gang didnt...so what do you suggest? :D

haha.. sad le only two ppl go TT. after salah faham then ppl say ******.. XD

others not interested meh? come la.. u come then got ppl praise ur cars mar (me lo)
rorytate said:
check your starter cables.....

there's one cable which connects to the starter via socket...

if you are using relay, it could be your relay kong liao

relay kong? so how?

if i dont have use a relay?
we can always call the fellas out...but eventually there will be only few of us ler...hmmn...any suggestion to ORGYnise a group a???

locate your relay, notice if it's 4 pins or 5 pins.... and one precaution, do not intershock your connectors, it sparks~!!!

just be extra careful, i dont wanna see another spiky head...LOLs
Yee said:
i where got spend chicks ? nia beh u all...simply say.

ohh heel toe :) nice eh wing! ur car borrow ? :D

by the way..i got infor there's a mr2 selling 33k with microtech, defi, toms bodykits and a lot more lar..phuck man. :(

n1 racing boss on tv3, 6 oclock show.

if the car is on runnin cond,what r u waithing for?
aiya...still cant start lah. many times i try. all things had been check up. the starter also hot. and engine still cant start running.
errr...I kena this kinda situation once. But it was on my KE70. Thought it was the starter kong rupa-rupanya it was the battery kong. Have you checked that too?

Aiyo Jason, the one where we do burnout spinning the rear wheels la :biggrin: At a stationary place burning the tyres until smoke all come out ---> :burnout: hehehe

if battery kong the icon on your meter(handbrake icon,door open icon,check oil icon)all dun light up.but as oneGSR mention his electricity work all works find,mean not battery kong loh.......

oic,now i know what is that liao......nvr try b4.....when u gonna teach me:biggrin: but must wait untill the tires left not much bunga baru boleh try,now my rear tires got plenty of bunga.
onegsr try this change the fuel regulator cost about rm20 to rm30 in the junk yard.......if still cannot start check the fuel pump. i want to check wif u one thing....your car cannot start at all or can start but dead after a second. u have to notice the sound....if can describe how it sound.....hope this help......cheers...
in my mind now is:

- put relay to starter
- maybe fuel pump prob. (but no crank sound from engine)
- starter wiring got prob. (but starter become hot, when try many times)
- ECU burned. (not check yet)

p/s: when i try start, have sound chiungg. then i touch the starter. its hot when i try many times.
all the GSR sifu need help....my car timing problem laaaa.....after one fine day bout 2 month ago my car overheat due to puncture on the radiator. After a check by my mech i found out that my piston ring burn...so i decided to change it and hybrid my TD04 turbo with TD05 16g fin using original TD04 housing....so everything done....the car seems fine and i went to europe for 50 days...when i come back the engine didnt idle well and if revs and stop the engine died....check with my mech he try to trouble shoot the thing but turn out no good....still got problem...oh..my car have matspeed cam and modified cam pulley...it was installed around 1 year ago...and i dont think this is the problem...any sifus can help me solved this?

and congratulation JUN on ya feature on HYPERTUNE mag.....
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