what size battery?


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Senior Member
Mar 23, 2009
Dear Sifus, :wavey:

my battery died due to over-consumption of electricity by a device that takes around 3 amps.
I am getting a replacement but not sure what amperage or rating I need when i have high power consumption devices onboard my toyota vios (2nd generation, not the latest one).

I hope seasoned ICE gurus here could offer some advice for me. :nurse:
Would really appreciate your help.

try getting a larger size battery than what u have now, but only if can fit in la....maybe need a little modification
I would suggest u to get the same battery size and get a capacitor. Those engineers who designed the car have calculated what amperage or rating battery to put in the car, and changing it to larger ones might give good effect ice system wise but might give bad effect to other parts of u r car, my brother have experienced it, i dunno what went wrong, but it kinda burn some stuff in the car. Just sharing my experience. Hope it helps
i think that one not normal case la, something else might be wrong

ive upgraded from NS40 to NS60 and DIn55 for my jazz last time, also upgraded from NS60 to NS70 for my old crown, only my current estima cant upgrade from 60 to 70 bcoz of the tray and cover ngam-2, lazy to modify

also know few city owners change from 40 to 60, and other cars as well....all icers la of coz..
:biggrin:well, then sifu cant be wrong. yea i guess maybe something else happened to my bros car hehe. sorry for the wrong information yea. peace
I would suggest u to get the same battery size and get a capacitor. Those engineers who designed the car have calculated what amperage or rating battery to put in the car, and changing it to larger ones might give good effect ice system wise but might give bad effect to other parts of u r car, my brother have experienced it, i dunno what went wrong, but it kinda burn some stuff in the car. Just sharing my experience. Hope it helps

larger battery bigger storage of power, still 12V right? Burning part is due to wiring problem most likely.
changed batt to a larger ones no problem for me....
changed alternator to a much larger ones no problem as well for me...

and dun add cap before trying the bigger battery out... sometimes add cap is adding another load to the charging which right now is not really doing well...

A BIG Thank You to all Sifus for spending time on my problem.

I would try to get a 12V battery with larger than stock amp-hour capacity if possible.

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