dear all motorcyclist

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1,500 RPM
Senior Member
Nov 21, 2003
since its a day after 7-14...
i'd like to take this opportunity to wish u guys a happy 7-14 day and hope u guys can continue rotting ur assfish in hell

so here's my story:
i've been wanting to put this up but due to fished up streamyx and busy with assignments,i keep procrastinating it
i was driving home on bandar tasik selatan (KESAS > MRR2) today about 7ish
it was fished up jam that it took me freaking 30 minute to reach from sri petaling carrefour til bdr tasik selatan shell station
when i reach there,there's a car break down on fast lane,so all car give left signal and just chichane around it la...when it was my turn,i oredy turn left, wanted to turn back right liao,then this fishing old bus-3rd in a motorbike cut in from between lane 1 and 2 (slow and med lane) right into the line between lane 2 and 3 (which is where my car is) then the sohai hit me left front fender...i onk him,he juz riding.i know by law,i'm wrong,but think about it...its that sohai that swerve here and there...
anyway...he din fall,he din stop,he juz continue riding,while juz peeping at his fender...prolly that ass knows he's wrong and still alive,so dun bother making a big fuss...
anywayz,then there's this (no offence) keling kia in bike,quite far behind pass by my car and wave me the "sohai la u" hand signal,coz of the old bus-3rd bang my car.
i honk him too.lucky he din look at me otherwise 20 middle finger will fuck his nostrils...
once i reach home lucky only my rim (beloved rim) scracth..quite badly,juz a smal part,but can see besi liao.if i catch the fella,he'll be celebrating 7-14 next year

anywayz...thats wat happen today only
all this while i notice that those fucking bikers love to ride in fast lane on highway (federal highway for example)
they're riding like 70 80 yet wanna ride in the middle of ppls lane
furthermore their father mr G had made bike lane along federal,yet they sitll wanna use the road
i sometimes really think they wish to die
as if swerving in and out of ppl's road not dangerous enuff, ride in the middle of highway...
and the fuck part is,if anything happen to them,we're wrong...
one of these days i really gonna use 4x4 and ran over their shit sorry ass

i wish the G would impose law to only allow motorbikes to ride on left lane of the road (if no bike lane available)
n not to put the blame on cars if shit happen to them shall they disobey the law
lastly,fish u all motorcyclist who wish to die
die alone,dun susahkan other ppl
Hah, chill bro. I have experienced it before, it's like that in Malaysia. Can't do much about it, but to honk or overtake them. I have shown middle finger to a motorcyclist too, coz sometimes some people were just too rude that they really pissed you off.
not forgetting riding without helmet and countless times bangingmy side mirror
stupid ass
today at my college carpark got one sohai in motor juz rode out from a junction din see my car coming...or rather dun care my car coming
then i oso din horn,juz look and him and shake head,coz my gf's there,dowanna make scene,that fat fcuk stare cock at me as though that's his fishing grandpa's road
bloody sakai
hurm..luckily only ur rims what happen to me, i was riding back home with my virago, n then there's one fella riding honda cub suddenly swerve in to the middle of the road..i brake hard, lockup both wheel n fell down rossi style..both hands scratch all the way to the elbow, minor scratches on the shoulder, four stitches on the chin, n i can walk for two days (my feet was under the bike when i fall)..

the best part is, the fella just look behind, and ride along...dem..i shud just hit em straight up..
Same here... I was on my way back home when this stupid Rempit suddenly did a 'wheelie' in front of my car. I honk him n yet he refused to stop so I boosted to 0.7 bar n gave him a chase n release the BOV... 'psssst' a few times. Then only he stopped and gave way to other cars...

Stupid moron! Hope he gets run down by a cement truck!
Waaa. So unfair, they only give face to turbocharged cars, then kancil they don't bother lar? Haha.
acbc said:
Stupid moron! Hope he gets run down by a cement truck!
Won't you rather wish he runs INTO the cement truck. That would be more interesting I think.
munpeng said:
Waaa. So unfair, they only give face to turbocharged cars, then kancil they don't bother lar? Haha.
kancil oso got L2 wan woh
acbc said:
Same here... I was on my way back home when this stupid Rempit suddenly did a 'wheelie' in front of my car. I honk him n yet he refused to stop so I boosted to 0.7 bar n gave him a chase n release the BOV... 'psssst' a few times. Then only he stopped and gave way to other cars...

Stupid moron! Hope he gets run down by a cement truck!
waaaa...0.7 bar...very bazir minyak oh...samore vr4 eh...hahhahaha
yea/...hope they bang into cement truck better...dun susahkan orang lain
but i was wondering la...
if they wheelie and fall in front of u and u run them over..who wrong ar?
prolly in their report they'll write "i riding 30kmph only...i wear helmet,flourasent(sp?) baju and even on my rear lights,that sohai in turbo psst psst psst and ran me over"
typical morons
So you make sure to stop and see whether the fella died or not lor, after you run him over. If he didn't die yet, you gostan and make sure lar. Like that he mah cannot make report anymore. that also can ahhh.. gostan and gohead a few time to make sure he died 9 9 ... :) i hope i won't run into u guys...hehehe
n when run over the guy make sure u make rev hard n let other rempits heard the bov sound..psst psst..sure after this they dowan to play with turbo car..

n all will pasang electronic blowoff..hahahaha
Guys, anyone want to rent lorries ???

Which wan u want ??
simon, next time u should put a sticker sign at ur car rear windscreen.
saying tat ''beware! owner owns a cement truck''. haha ...
i meet 1 b4 i was in jalan kewajipan roundabout i was in the round about turning out then a F mat rempit he was from the other road and he should stop at round about but didnt stop then and he was in my blind spot i cant see him then i assume no body is there then i turn left but i heard bike horn sound
he come by and talk shit that time i got my bro in law in the car so i dun 1 2 play with him and he show his finger
lucky him my bro in law is in there if not i chase the guy and ram his head between the lamp post
also,no offence to anyone...but do u guys think its better to wear songkok or kopiah while riding bike to mosque or helmet?it ranges from youngsters til 60s 70 yr old pak haji
are they going to PRAY to god...or going to SEE god?
no offence but i find it,great foolishness
this 1 i oso abit blur police say need to wear helmet while on a motorcycle
but if they wear songkok and kopiah the police say no need to ware helmet
lol maybe the police 1 them go find god gua ??
sorry no hardfeeling
if u wearing a songkok or kopiah, u still have to wear helmet..that thing is like a cap onli..but if u wear serban or turban (like the sikh one) that one no need to wear helmet one..

but nowadays most of the ppl go to mosque not wearing helmet (even i dun)..but only to go to the mosque..usually friday prayer..but if there's a roadblock, for sure kena saman..
simonchangwaimun said:
also,no offence to anyone...but do u guys think its better to wear songkok or kopiah while riding bike to mosque or helmet?it ranges from youngsters til 60s 70 yr old pak haji
are they going to PRAY to god...or going to SEE god?
no offence but i find it,great foolishness

Couldn't agree more.
I've always emphasized that, there's not such thing as leniency when it comes to safety.

If you are staying in Bdr Tun Razak area, then you'll know what I mean. A lot of fucking rempits (and rempit-wannabes too) in this area. I lost count of how many times I had near misses with these idiots, who seemed at lost when it comes to common sense. Both when I'm driving AND riding.

Rude, Selfish and Stupid two-wheelers are abundance here.
And now the plague has surfaced the Bdr Sri Permaisuri area too...or so it seems.
darahhitam said:
Couldn't agree more.
I've always emphasized that, there's not such thing as leniency when it comes to safety.

If you are staying in Bdr Tun Razak area, then you'll know what I mean. A lot of fucking rempits (and rempit-wannabes too) in this area. I lost count of how many times I had near misses with these idiots, who seemed at lost when it comes to common sense. Both when I'm driving AND riding.

Rude, Selfish and Stupid two-wheelers are abundance here.
And now the plague has surfaced the Bdr Sri Permaisuri area too...or so it seems.

...u actually stay nearby me
i was actually refering to the moqsue there la
i stay at 11th road
wahahha...every friday,and everynight,maghrib and isyak time
pfft...and sometimes sunday prayers
walauweh...from young to old
and those remp-its doing wheelie with 2 or 3 fella on the bike...
i wish the intrakota bus still pass by my place,can bang those sohais off
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