Car break-in condo puchong

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mayb its better to use dogs instead of guards..
at least dogs will bark when they see sumthing suspicious..
guards r just too useless nowadays..
guards salary is not that high......
how to earn extra cash ??
i get 20% for giving out information.........such as there's a satria convert to what else..??
24 hour security and station near to them also cannot see? i guess they are not guarding.

I have been told that these criminals have the guts to ask weekly protection money from the the guards. If they have these sorta balls,meaning theres a syndicate and the guard cant do much bout it. Its all up to the cops and ourselves.
This day our so called "Malaysian Society" applying "TAK APA" attitude.
Even it's in our Current Ad's.

My car just got broken in by bloody thief yesterday night. I am still wondering how they actually got into my condo area. We have like guards 24 hrs and my car is parked near to the guard.

If anyone staying in Casa puteri condominium please becareful. If possible pls detached your CD player at night so the chances are lower of getting breaks in.
But surprisingly, 3 cars was affected and all of them are Wiras.

I don't know la...the way they take my stuffs...if wanna take, take la but be ethical la. Now I look at my panel got scratches which cannot be removed. Its permanent damage. the only way is to change my dashboard?!!

So pls take care of your belongings people, even when you are in a gated commnuity does not mean it won;t happen to you.

Puchong area no longer safe la. ery dissapointed with the guard. He just tol us he did not hear the alarm ringing because it is raining. I wonder why-he is just sitting like 10 metres away from my car?

Harapkan pagar, pagar makan padi!! I suspect he collaborated with other outside people la...


why u didn't install a gsm alarm, its dirt cheap nowadays,anything happen to ur car,u will be the 1st to know, for long range it works better than any 2 ways alarm. Really pity you,now u have to pay more to repair your car. We can only depend on ourself to protect our property, malaysian is death!
proton's is a majority of cars in this country. so the more there is the easier to figure out the mechanism of the cars security.

door opening trigger in the front side are the small button on the door frame near the bottom left. if they push in a sheet of flexible metal. and the jam a screw driver inside your key hole. buka already without alarm being triggered (for wiras, why thats how they broke into mine). and they stealing things leh, wanna be fast ma, sure they damage your car.

and its true guards are paid like 700-800 a month and i remember the star a couple of months ago. good samaritan confronted 4 suspicious fella trying to steal a kelisa, he got stabbed to death. so you think the guards want to risk his life for 700 bucks a month to save your cd player?

my 2 cents, remove the face plate and bring up to your place. install better alarm or keep the car stock standard.
tohsan, if they want your stuffs got what alarm also no use ler...
one of the guards(old uncle, someone i trust) says when he rush there fom the guardhouse all the way to my car he saw two men with parang escaping the condo from the back...

wanna fight those idiots?unless i have to wake all the residence up with a hailer!!!then can la....if not guard also scared-the residents all just lar....hahaz...

anyway since then m car is no longer same anymore...always got wiring probems...alarm lar, lights la, power window la, ICE la...alll got problems...wanna sell the car lar...

sigh...Malaysian Police where are you?
unless i have to wake all the residence up with a hailer

huhmm... nice. suggest to the management about giving the guard a handheld speaker thingy. then they can make noise and scare them away without being near enough to be stabbed.

im staying in cassa puteri condo as well.Shifted on July 02 and ppl broke into my car on 10 July.That time, my car was parked near there main guard entrance(not even 100m away) and under the road light.When i asked the guards over there next seems they saw 2 malay fellow near my car just broke the side window and laughed at my car and chow.Lucky, they never stole anything even my boost meter on the d'board.The gurads told me, they just saw when they guys laughed and they ran with m'bike.

What a damn f**king answer from guards.....
hey jegvd,
sorry to hear that we are facing so many problems here in puchong,,,anyway with the barb wire on now it should somehow deter them from breaking in further...hope they get stuck with their hands' flesh all out half way when they try to sneak through the barb wires!!!
if they want to "kena" your car, no matter what you do... they will do it.

At least when your car is being "attacked", you are notified. Then you can run to your car (bring a camera to take a picture of them) or bring a few fellas down to confront them.

Get a 2-way alarm that comes with Shock sensor. So when they break your window, it will activate your remote.

I know 2-way alarm has saved many cars already.

"Criminals should never be let off so easily".

So who else staying Casa Puteri,Bandar Puteri?

1)Ronald Block-A,Level 9.

I am staying at Bandar Puteri, but not in Casa Puteri
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