Y Dr. M non stop criticize the government???

dude...bn (or should i say perikatan) didnt lost in may 13th.....they form central government but lost the state gov in penang, selangor, and perak?(if im not mistaken).....but tragedy as that date happen....
i don't support anybody....hehehe...
i just think that Dr. M should just cool down and relax since he's already old and retired....
all this commenting might give him a heart attack....:X-:
and the government should just do whatever...
still i think our PM is not strong enough....
u can just see it....
he should do something before this get's outta hand...
now at least we got someone who can "talk" to the G without being detainded by the ISA.... :)
Saga Continue said:
dude...bn (or should i say perikatan) didnt lost in may 13th.....they form central government but lost the state gov in penang, selangor, and perak?(if im not mistaken).....but tragedy as that date happen....
BN form the federal goverment, but BN lost majority of the daerah election. Which means BN have the federal but the DAP and other parties control the Daerah (KL for example). And ever since 1969, Daerah no more election, because BN scared that they may lost the power again. That lead to today that we have shitty MPPJ, MPSJ and we can't do anything about them, because now MPPJ head is selected by BN, not elected by ppl. Well, BN did make promise that goverment will resume the daerah election when times "is correct". 1969 - 2006, how many years pass?

infernal said:
bah , time for some good ol history lesson

It's a sad thing that Malaysian need to study the history from Wikipedia and not our Buku Sejarah.

Just like the wike pointed out, there are lot of rumous, my grandfather did tell me that at that time, the most popular story is those riot ppl actual fetch by army lorry (yes, the green lorry), which mean it's a pre-plan action by the army force (which control by goverment at that time) if BN lost the majority.

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many things happen at 1969, NASA sent Armstrong for a moonwalk and we, at the other end of the planet have this May 13 incident.
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