Will Except Ur lover , If she's Pregnant with some other persons Child ?


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Jan 3, 2006
My Ex has break up with me for more than 2 years...but now she is back...but pregnant with somebody else child...

i dun know wat to do...i still love her...but i dun wan the innocent child to be abandon...or go for any of those abortion shit~~

I dun know wat to do ler...any1 to help me here ?
Q1 = why did she break up with THAT guy?
At the moment, she is emotional distress, do you want to discuss this??

Q2 = do you love her? >still< after all it 2 years . forget the emotional turmoil thats she's in. DO you love her or are you a good samaritian.
well...i still care for her...i dun know about the love thing~~

i juz wan her....but wat about the baby ? should i accpet the whole package as well ?
To be really honest with you, i can't accept her. Even though you still have feelings, it doesn't mean you should other people's baggage. Even though you think you can accept it, but when the child is born, i doubt you could shower him/her the same kind of love as your own son/daughter. So, don't risk it.

If i were you, i think i will just take care of her and make sure she doesn't do any silly stuff, nothing more than that. Remember, the baby is innocent so just make her comfortable till she gives birth and she's just got to be responsible for whatever she did with the previous BF. She can't expect you to take the responsibility when she has clearly left you for another guy last time.
bryan2727 said:
My Ex has break up with me for more than 2 years...but now she is back...but pregnant with somebody else child...

i dun know wat to do...i still love her...but i dun wan the innocent child to be abandon...or go for any of those abortion shit~~

ok....my opinion....

idea 1

after 2 years, she come back to find u.....why? do u ask her?

and she is pregnant.....in my 6th sense, she come back to find u coz the baby's dad dun wan to responsible for what he has DONE....so the gal got no choice, the stomach (duno cal wat) wil getting bigger n bigger.....so she must find someone to responsible/take care of her n the child...

she cant think of others but U, coz u r her ex-bf....

the question here....is she still love u? or she just wanna find someone to be the baby father?

If u really accept her, i believed ur parents/friends/relatives are not going to accept her.....

She muz responsible for wat she has done. this is not fair for u.

think bout it....try to discuss with ur best fren o ur parents..asking for suggestion before u make any decision...

good luck

idea 2

even broke up with her for 2 years and now she is back to find u and u stil love her...this is a good news for u, but so sad she is pregnant while the father is NOT u...

if u really love her, dun car watever ppl said.......just get married with her...

i believed she will love u more than before...u know WHY?

this is because, when she is alone, she is despress and needs someone....U r the one to help.....and u r willing to get married with her even she is pregnant with other ppl baby.....but u didnt mind bout it..

Idea 3

do u hv gf at the moment? if yes, stick back to ur current gf n just ignore ur ex-gf
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as im 21....i felt that if the girl lai det cum back to u....will she go back to her hushband when her hushband say sorry or anything....

if that case, i think u should think carefully...

MY ANSWER.....u still treat her good at the moment...but do not accept 1st....wait some moment.......if can wait the baby cum out will be the best.......coz u can make sure everyhting is fine....

if u got gf....then just normal fren....if no do part time bf...take care of her lo since she no ppl take care.......just my 2 cents
evo5229 said:
as im 21....i felt that if the girl lai det cum back to u....will she go back to her hushband when her hushband say sorry or anything....

if that case, i think u should think carefully...

MY ANSWER.....u still treat her good at the moment...but do not accept 1st....wait some moment.......if can wait the baby cum out will be the best.......coz u can make sure everyhting is fine....

if u got gf....then just normal fren....if no do part time bf...take care of her lo since she no ppl take care.......just my 2 cents

i dun get u ..ur confusing me~...
huakenny said:
ok....my opinion....

idea 1

after 2 years, she come back to find u.....why? do u ask her?

and she is pregnant.....in my 6th sense, she come back to find u coz the baby's dad dun wan to responsible for what he has DONE....so the gal got no choice, the stomach (duno cal wat) wil getting bigger n bigger.....so she must find someone to responsible/take care of her n the child...

she cant think of others but U, coz u r her ex-bf....

the question here....is she still love u? or she just wanna find someone to be the baby father?

If u really accept her, i believed ur parents/friends/relatives are not going to accept her.....

She muz responsible for wat she has done. this is not fair for u.

think bout it....try to discuss with ur best fren o ur parents..asking for suggestion before u make any decision...

good luck

idea 2

even broke up with her for 2 years and now she is back to find u and u stil love her...this is a good news for u, but so sad she is pregnant while the father is NOT u...

if u really love her, dun car watever ppl said.......just get married with her...

i believed she will love u more than before...u know WHY?

this is because, when she is alone, she is despress and needs someone....U r the one to help.....and u r willing to get married with her even she is pregnant with other ppl baby.....but u didnt mind bout it..

Idea 3

do u hv gf at the moment? if yes, stick back to ur current gf n just ignore ur ex-gf

well...1st.. the other guy is a son of a B*TCH...which i knew it all along...

2nd, i dun know whether i still love her..honestly...but i'm single for all this years...very much bcz of her...

3rd...i'm single n still masturbating hahaha ~~:X-:
bryan2727 said:
i dun get u ..ur confusing me~...

i think wat evo5229 is trying to tell is....

1. dun make any decision yet until the baby born....
2. treat her like a best fren but not gf at the time being...
bryan2727 said:
well...1st.. the other guy is a son of a B*TCH...which i knew it all along...

2nd, i dun know whether i still love her..honestly...but i'm single for all this years...very much bcz of her...

3rd...i'm single n still masturbating hahaha ~~:X-:

lolz...if u accept her..u stil hv to masturbate.....hehehe

since u know the son of the bitch..do u talk to him?
that b*stard...i should have finish him when had a chance...

Mother F8cker...cut the stupid lame gentlemen shit...i whack him up like a furball...
huakenny said:
lolz...if u accept her..u stil hv to masturbate.....hehehe

aiyo~~juz joking lar..do u think i still need to masturbate ?

bryan2727 said:
aiyo~~juz joking lar..do u think i still need to masturbate ?


u got no gf and u dun need masturbate.....

hohoho......there r two solution....

1st...u never masturbate for 2 years since she left u

2nd...there is someone helping u for tis...kekeke:_:

joking joking....
huakenny said:
u got no gf and u dun need masturbate.....

hohoho......there r two solution....

1st...u never masturbate for 2 years since she left u

2nd...there is someone helping u for tis...kekeke:_:

joking joking....

haha~~ u got me on the second one...shit ~~~ So busted~~ !!:_:
aiyoo masturbate pula..ya kenny get me

okok...i easier my answer

1) Dont so fast accept....gv sum time....may be later the girl like her hushband back. mana tahu...

2) Treat her very good since u are sigle...but not like gf...very very good fren

3) after the baby keluar then do the action whether accept or not......

ok honestly her hushband which is baby father threat them good?? ok y they broke is the main point.....saja arguee or oredi do pisah contract???
Think carefully the decisions you're going to make. If you accept her, it would mean marriage and you holding entirely the responsibility of being a father of the child. You would have to raise and love the child like your own. Basically, you'll be a father and a husband. Since you're single, you needn't have the problem of breaking clear any ties, bonds, relationships, etc. with any other girls.

If you decide not to take her, you would have to try to convince her, and probably her so-called husband, that they should get married and raise and love the child, as well as each other. Do not have any anger or vengeance in your heart, for feeling of hatred and anger will only bring on more problems into anyone's life. Soften your heart and be a friend to both her and her so-called husband. Hard be it but you should be a blessing unto the people around you, as you will then be blessed back accordingly. Great is the responsibility to raise a child, especially when the couple is young and doesn't have a steady income to raise the child accordingly. But money is not the main thing to a child's good upbringing, for all love and care starts from the parents. Values of humanity needs no money but come from pure love and sincere care, and this makes a good foundation for a child to grow up on.

Best of luck and God bless.
Seriously I don't think you will be able to take care of her cause it's been two years apart and you still can't forget her and worst of all, you say you still love her...??? Dude, you can't even control or manage your life properly within these two years. Besides, why she comes to you but not her parents? There must be something wrong.

So, best thing to do is, persuade her to talk to her parents 1st if she hasn't done so before it's too late. You are not her family member and most of all, you are not her doctor. So you won't wanna get into unnecessary issues and tie up with her with an add on present - other people's baby in her stomach.

Talk to her parents or immediate family members, that will be the correct way.

and one more thing to add...

since the guy is still around......they should come out with a solution......he should responsible for the thing he has DONE>...not u

if every guy made gal pregnant n dun wan responsible n ask the gal go to find other guys....i bet this world is end
support her as a friend for now.... many single mum still manage to survive nowadays.... give her support and see how in the future....

if she rushes u to marry her, means she is jz looking for someone to be responsible and doesnt care about ur feeling...

if she agrees to born the baby first and see how things go on later, continue to care for her as a friend... if she really loves u, she will listen to u and wait for u... in the mean time, u have time to think properly whether u can accept the baby or not....

take this 9 months as a trial time for both of u...
For me is no..i'm not a playboy tho. but can u tell me who is clean..no 1.. today u break up with the gul, tomoro u met another gul & start ****** wit her.. u totally forget abt ur ex edi..MENs claims to hv unfailing love but a faithful men who can find......bible verse dude, i broke up with my ex 6 months ago, 1st week feel like dying, 2nd week started to drink like hell, 3rd week get drunk almost everyday when 4th week comes jialat.. cannot sleep without alcohol.. 1 month past..the feeling still thr for her wanted to cry but no tear comes out..fren's bring gf out feeling dying again look at them so sweet, b dead dog for another month, frens pity u.. bring sum available chicks out, no feeling was thr.. lagi hailat..one fine day met a gul hv the same character like my ex..cool man..i'm gonna go for it..start calling & sms her everyday..eh my feeling for my ex longer thr woh.. syiok la.. start to forget my ex.. had a gud time with d gul.. CUN man..nth can describe..huh..
tell myself i forgot my ex edi...suddenly the gul u c her most of d times..turn u down...double combo..hit to d weakers point..feel like dying again..thinking back my ex..damn sad...out of the blue..the gul u met lately called u ask u out for dinner.. feel gud again..started to think which gul shud i go for it.. call my ex nvr answer, sms no reply.. call the girl i met lately, ask her out..come out edi, but cannnot b ur gf.. no idea to move forward or go backward.huhuhuhuuhuh..tak tahu nak buat apa lagi...

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