Sms For Rescue Some One


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Jul 2, 2005
Hi to all. Actually this thread is related to using sms for help purpose.
Yesterday, I received a sms from my friend said that one chinese girl with car was kidnaping by 4 malays guy at SUBANG parade and asking for help to find her out. With no delay, I immediately sended out over 100 sms from my handphone in order to help this poor lady. But soon, I received a feed back from one of my friends said that the girl was found last night already and the case was happening at IPOH parade!!! Later my brother let me know he also received similar sms but at INDAH parade!!!

I felt very disapointed and angry with this because some lousy guy with no responsibility edited the message and send it out just for fun. Come on man, this sms should be used correctly to save some one LIVE. Sms which I sended out were no purpose and wasted my time and money just because those XXXXX human attidude and condamn mind.

So in the future, if we receive similar sms, we should confirm it first with make a call to the person who send the sms and make sure he/she say YES...he/she already confirm form the source where they get the message. Then we carry on to send out the sms to our friends in hurry.

IF...he/she said No, they don't know where the source coming and no idea whether it's true or not... or the detail is correct or not, he/she send the sms out just because their friends send it to he/she. What we do is WE SHOULD IGNORE THIS SMS AND SEND NO SMS OUT. Don't let somebody lead us to PLAYING A FOOL with us and our friends.
wtf~ i juz received the same sms 2 mins ago and shes been found yesterday?! but mine only said "kidnap at parade" didnt mention which... #@$@%

opss soree... this shd be in general talk
but if it is realli tru the girl was kidnapped, den wats the point the sms is sent? since its gonna b ignored anyway..hehe...
hmm.....if like time receive this kind of msg oso duno wanna believe it o not...

hey my dad just got the msg this dad believe the story....i want to tell my dad lar..thank for the information k....
huakenny said:
hmm.....if like time receive this kind of msg oso duno wanna believe it o not...


yealo ,if its tru, we oso dunno..if its not true, we oso dunno..haih..
Actually it's better to send it to the police.

But then if it turns out to be a false alarm, you might be in trouble....
by sms maybe we can connect each other to look out for the particular car...with everyone help, thing get settle off faster....but dun lah some stupid idiot go and change the important detail....
i receive it too...
but thru msg on msn messenger...
and it was send by your other side d6d2... haha
its ryan bro send to me
then i just forward it to every1 in my list
then 1 of my friend reply back...
she say she receive alot, some of it is rape case... n rob case...
me c heard also stone de!!! so many case!!!
what this world is going to be???
or is it a spam???
I couldn't care less... deleted the msg on the spot. Too many rumours by irresponsible people out to make money for telcos.
anyway, isnt this thread suppose to be in general talk...
why in car talk forum... no relation wor
oh yeah, cuz d thieve steal d car... so got relation abit izzit???
ermm... hehe

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