Why do some of the drivers stick their hand out while they drive?

WBH8668 said:
sometime i also take my hand out to take parking ticket and pay toll...consider beng or not?:D
i hate those smoking with 1 hand out especially while i riding my bike.

Yeah..thatz beng! Smoking 1...cant blame them, nobody would like their car to get stained with ashes and a btw..beng ppl normally dun put their hand out for no reason, they put their left hand on their gfs ( whatever it is ) and the right hand on the steerin wheel. Hey..thatz my 7 cents.

* Beng ppl got sweet chix as gf wo.... sweet chix dun like to unwind car window.
dangerous to let da hand outside da car....some idiot let their children head outside da car oso.....dat 1 worst....pity them lack of common sense
elainenicklaus said:
susally the left hand is on their gfs la. :smile:

Yeah..thatz what i said. With the left hand on their gf, right hand on the steering wheel. Unless he can be more inventive by controllin the steering with his knee then he will be able to do waving hand gestures out the window * REMEMBER Michelle Branch's You Get Me Video Clip?.
I like the reaction my words are getting...so for the tight arsed and easily annoyable...drivers who stick their hand out while they drive could be bloody idiots.

Sue me.
actually lah why do people smoke in the car? out of habit? i ask because i used to smoke in my car until i got fedup for cleaning for ash. ocassionally you are sure to get some renegade ash that flies back into the car wan. also didn't like the smell that stuck to the upholstery. anyway i stopped smoking in the car lah.

my reason is this. if we are at work for example we don't smoke as often for many reasons. lazy to walk to the stairwell, take the life to G floor and go out, etc. meaning we can go without a fag for at least 1 hr or more. even in KL traffic we seldom spend more than 1 hr in the car at one go. well, i dont lah. takes me 45 mins to get to KL normally. so how come we can't abstain from smoking for that 45 mins? don't get me wrong, i'm not criticising anyone that does as i've done so before as well. but it got me wondering lah which is why i stopped doing so. also the air outside ain't all that fresh ler.
I'm still gonna stick my hands out of the window with a Cuban cigar laced with weed. So far the damn idiot I see is the one who can't keep their car straight enough in the line, or not bother enough to use the signal light when turning into a junction, or zigzag driving and bothering other with extremely far right lane slow speed to go off with their life.

Okay... keep on posting. :p
Person A is an idiot, but than doesn't exempt Person B from being an idiot. ;)
Duke Red said:
actually lah why do people smoke in the car? out of habit? i ask because i used to smoke in my car until i got fedup for cleaning for ash. ocassionally you are sure to get some renegade ash that flies back into the car wan. also didn't like the smell that stuck to the upholstery. anyway i stopped smoking in the car lah.

my reason is this. if we are at work for example we don't smoke as often for many reasons. lazy to walk to the stairwell, take the life to G floor and go out, etc. meaning we can go without a fag for at least 1 hr or more. even in KL traffic we seldom spend more than 1 hr in the car at one go. well, i dont lah. takes me 45 mins to get to KL normally. so how come we can't abstain from smoking for that 45 mins? don't get me wrong, i'm not criticising anyone that does as i've done so before as well. but it got me wondering lah which is why i stopped doing so. also the air outside ain't all that fresh ler.

well, to me it's not about addiction.. i smoke in the car while driving to past time.. i mean bloody hell, i used to drive to cyberjaya for classes from pj last time and a car ride without a bad traffic takes 30 minutes.. if got massive traffic jam, damn, u do the maths man...
si|verfish said:
I like the reaction my words are getting...so for the tight arsed and easily annoyable...drivers who stick their hand out while they drive could be bloody idiots.

Sue me.

u just wanna be shit stirer dont u? :tongue:
si|verfish said:
Dunno, I'll take a guess though...because...they are fucking idiots?

Real "fucking" idiots have busy hands man, so much to grab, so little hands....only lame wankers have a free hand to hang outside the window.

Not sure about others, but when I drive at night(past midnight), I never use the air-con, but rather open the window. Sometimes I'll put the hand out to play with the wind

And I never get lorry smoke in my face coz I got mad driving skillz yo!1
i would like to commence my comment on this topic...

as for me, last time i used to drive an Aura Charade 1000cc...
i wind down the window and prevent using the air con because it served me one great purpose...if my a/c compressor is running, it'll drag hell lots of power from my little 1000cc engine and i feels that i just lost 20Hp in a tweak...so i off my a/c to have more engine power.....

now taht i've change to a better car..i start using the a/c more frequent but sumtime(very minimal) i still prefer w/o air con especially early morning and night time...

traffic jams or hot day..hack...window up blazing cool inside the car..
alantan said:
i would like to commence my comment on this topic...

as for me, last time i used to drive an Aura Charade 1000cc...
i wind down the window and prevent using the air con because it served me one great purpose...if my a/c compressor is running, it'll drag hell lots of power from my little 1000cc engine and i feels that i just lost 20Hp in a tweak...so i off my a/c to have more engine power.....

now taht i've change to a better car..i start using the a/c more frequent but sumtime(very minimal) i still prefer w/o air con especially early morning and night time...

traffic jams or hot day..hack...window up blazing cool inside the car..

Hahahaha... at last. Alantan is the living proof, put hand outside while driving is not dangerous or crappy thing... HE DRIFTED HIS CHARADE / KOLOLA and summore WAVE HIS HAND OUTSIDE!!!! ... go apek go!
boggysv said:
Real "fucking" idiots have busy hands man, so much to grab, so little hands....only lame wankers have a free hand to hang outside the window.

Not sure about others, but when I drive at night(past midnight), I never use the air-con, but rather open the window. Sometimes I'll put the hand out to play with the wind

And I never get lorry smoke in my face coz I got mad driving skillz yo!1
Right! I stand corrected.

Drivers who stick their hand out the window are probably fucking wankers...sorry, fucking lame wankers.
i wana ask u guys hold ur stering using which hand left or right??? i only can handle the stering well using right hand .. if ask me used left hand to handle the stering like ppl just learn to drive...... i wander how u guys drive with only left hand??
I can steer with my balls, the left one and the right one.

Just kidding.

Left or right hand, depending on which is tired. Sometimes I even shift with my right hand.

Or if both hands are tired, try your knees.
eating twisties while driving... dangerous,
and at night, croch will share your left over meal at your bucket seat.
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