Today my Evo 8 got Stolen :(

my car got stolen last year too , and the best part is the touch N go is still using by some one else....

So i go to the counter and ask who is still using my TNG, they say is still active, and people still reloading it.. i ask them can I know who is reloading it. too bad they dont know how to get the data....

I am amazed how brave the theft and the theft product buyers are nowdays... imagine if you buy a stolen car and still yet drive on the road and renew the road tax ...
sorry for the lost ya..owner of the evo..
but next time u hav a nice ride again..
i recommend u to install the latest clifford alarm system ba..but i forgotten to ask the seller which type of clifford system i using..but its around 3.2k
now im using it also..
it hav 4km distance range control..and still can upgrade it to next latest patch system using also hav gps system can be check in the interenet on their website..
although hav to extend ur antena abit better receiver but its worth it..
when entering the car..u need the remote,and several digit coding then onli can plug in ur key into the ignition key hole thing..
after started the car and still need to enter 2nd digit coding then onli can release the steering lock,back bonnet lock,gear lock and brake lock..the system will giv u 2min to do so..if u fail to manage all in 2min after plug in ur key..
the system will lock everything and u will stuck inside for the whole time..except u know where is the secret button that u put secretly or crawl out from the window or windscreen
hope u would consider installing it..
cheerz ^^

p.s. this alarm system very troublesome le..haihs

Bro, wah the alarm so geng ah~~but I still doubt its 100% theft prove. If the acc shop people know how to install it, sure there will be thieves out there that know how to disable it. Don't be angry for my statement bro. Come to think of it, sometimes technology is so advance that it makes the bad guys even more advance. Thieves are more smarter then our cops nowadays.

I think still the best way us the owner of the car think out a security method and apply to his /her own car and let nobody know. This might help reduce the numbers of stolen cars as no one know what you did to your car beside yourself. Like myself I don't use alrm at all but I use my own technique.
Bro, wah the alarm so geng ah~~but I still doubt its 100% theft prove. If the acc shop people know how to install it, sure there will be thieves out there that know how to disable it. Don't be angry for my statement bro. Come to think of it, sometimes technology is so advance that it makes the bad guys even more advance. Thieves are more smarter then our cops nowadays.

I think still the best way us the owner of the car think out a security method and apply to his /her own car and let nobody know. This might help reduce the numbers of stolen cars as no one know what you did to your car beside yourself. Like myself I don't use alrm at all but I use my own technique.

Thanks for the PM bro.
the statement u made just hits the core...
thats why i mod the alarm not only install the alarm...

hehe... i oso using car alarm system for my house & my room... hehehe... remote control wat... ehhehe...

as for now, i'm not really cares bout hijacking or stolen car, coz can claim insurance.., but as gadget like Defi, HKS, Mugen, Spoon, Tomei, Sparco or Recaro.....etc.. can't claim insur as lost is lost... mahai to buy, mahai-nya to lost....
wan my car, take la... i get another car loo.. hehehehe.. but if u take my TME OMP Steering... i die infront of u... haih.... dunno where to buy again...

well, if dun mind to wash ur interior, can consider to install/diy some pepper spray inside ur car... hehehehhe....
Thanks for the PM bro.
the statement u made just hits the core...
thats why i mod the alarm not only install the alarm...

hehe... i oso using car alarm system for my house & my room... hehehe... remote control wat... ehhehe...

as for now, i'm not really cares bout hijacking or stolen car, coz can claim insurance.., but as gadget like Defi, HKS, Mugen, Spoon, Tomei, Sparco or Recaro.....etc.. can't claim insur as lost is lost... mahai to buy, mahai-nya to lost....
wan my car, take la... i get another car loo.. hehehehe.. but if u take my TME OMP Steering... i die infront of u... haih.... dunno where to buy again...

well, if dun mind to wash ur interior, can consider to install/diy some pepper spray inside ur car... hehehehhe....
Nick, Sorry to hear that....too many cases nowadays...just proceed with your car insurance claim...btw I like the idea of 'how to create our own alarm':idea:
start thinking of it...:biggrin:
Dear FVEL,

My car e7 with immobalizer,truguard with starter arm lock, and additional steering lock...
FYI, this is sindicate.....any of security we use...they can break it....
Unless u subscribe and buy a gps with remote feature to stop the car....that can help much to cut that bloody thief throat.....


Thanks for replying. Again, very sorry about your car. I cannot even begin to imagine the despair you must be feeling.

I'm also interested to hear your opinion. You got pm.
Don't hail me lah. I'm also a normal guy that thought of something to help us car enthusiasts mah.:biggrin:
hehe... i oso using car alarm system for my house & my room... hehehe... remote control wat... ehhehe...

hahaa..same with me..
using car alarm for my room also..
its pretty handy,cheap and easy to install kakas..
the truth is security is only protect u and me against stranger... not from some one we know :rofl:
hahaa..same with me..
using car alarm for my room also..
its pretty handy,cheap and easy to install kakas..

hahahaha... nice to hear that bro... so, ur door lock oso auto 1 la... hehehe... push the button then lock, or unlock..?? hehehehe...
just to let u know..last year my fren caught klcc security guard try to steal a motorcycle..he beat up that security guard..he really piss off with that security police report made cause my fren is polis bantuan and it is illegal for polis bantuan to beat people without proof..klcc security aware of that incident but i dont know if any action taken to that security guard
hahahaha... nice to hear that bro... so, ur door lock oso auto 1 la... hehehe... push the button then lock, or unlock..?? hehehehe...

haha..both also got use..lock and to unlock..
also hav using the sensor like home security alarm sensor..
if the 1st sensor pad cant sense the 2nd sensor pad then will set on the alarm..kakas..
just to let u know..last year my fren caught klcc security guard try to steal a motorcycle..he beat up that security guard..he really piss off with that security police report made cause my fren is polis bantuan and it is illegal for polis bantuan to beat people without proof..klcc security aware of that incident but i dont know if any action taken to that security guard

wa..these type of security oso can get a job there??
now days alot of strangers came to our city le..
mostly around the working place oso saw indonesia and vietnam ppl working
haha..both also got use..lock and to unlock..
also hav using the sensor like home security alarm sensor..
if the 1st sensor pad cant sense the 2nd sensor pad then will set on the alarm..kakas..

good bro, just share with u, for mine, if i didn't unlock, no matter u open the window or door, will get u a very loud sound, i'm using motion sensor as well... hehehhee...all for car use 1, & dun afraid of out of electric coz i'm using battery.., hehehhehee...
good bro, just share with u, for mine, if i didn't unlock, no matter u open the window or door, will get u a very loud sound, i'm using motion sensor as well... hehehhee...all for car use 1, & dun afraid of out of electric coz i'm using battery.., hehehhehee...

wa..u sure did mod full security system arh..hahas..
for me..its just a simple room lo..
so my alarm no need mod till so seriously good.. ^^
anyways..i also using battery case of no electric then my door cant open jor..haha..
but just simply using motorcycle wet battery ^^
wa..u sure did mod full security system arh..hahas..
for me..its just a simple room lo..
so my alarm no need mod till so seriously good.. ^^
anyways..i also using battery case of no electric then my door cant open jor..haha..
but just simply using motorcycle wet battery ^^

actually, i didn't mod kao kao la... just buy then plug & play only... hehehe... same goes wat we do to car ma... heehhehe...
KLCC is lousy parking place la... no security guard ronda ronda...
the best parking is The Curve..... i think la...

i agree with u, the curve has many cctv around and the exit also has a cctv zoom into yr face while exiting...even 1utama also not safe....many scooby lost there lately

Today at about 3:15pm 29-Oct-2008 my car got stolen in KLCC Season parking lot. Pls pls if you guys happen to see my ride..pls help contact the police and spot where iszit.

Car Reg Plate:
WKX 6826

Contact me if found 012-2514592 (Nick)
Thank you so much.

so sorry to hear that...i'll lookout around kepong, damansara, rawang and selayang area....
try recall back did u leave yr car to car wash, workshop, accesories shop lately...they might duplicate yr key and clone yr alarm .....this happens to my fren...caught the bloody fella, but he claims stranger pays him to do so but cant recover the car coz nowhere to be seen......
another not safe car park thats its Cineleisure at damasara...

Bump: another not safe car park thats its Cineleisure at damasara...

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