This Sunday Any1 Goin Sepang ??

danny still living in the stone age.....he doesn't know what's MSN messenger.....
i start to notice something scary......everywhere Danny101 posts, 399 will stalker oni.....weii 399, u love danny zit...??...hahahahaha...
spyderslr said:
i start to notice something scary......everywhere Danny101 posts, 399 will stalker oni.....weii 399, u love danny zit...??...hahahahaha...
kenny, i think honda forum nowadays very boring thats y this fellow come and kakacau here......... :biggrin:
like that ask him to sell away his ek9 and buy toyota and mistubishi......muahahahahah :tee:
go find your socks la....

now u can go FUCK yourself!!!
wei 399 wats ur MSN address knn so many langu to say :biggrin: :biggrin:

faster giv la
me n kenny waiting
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