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Apr 6, 2007
guys..need some help here.. im driving a satria neo. n recently i just did full exhaust system (full stainless steel) n open pod with stainless steel piping. so my quests r:

1. i want to put thermowrap to both my extractor n my air filter piping. is it advisable? n where can i get this thermowrap done? any suggestion around kl area??

2. n i want to relocate my o2 sensor at my extractor? again, any place to recommend?? n how much?

the reason i ask is i dont wana get conned. still a newby. thanks~~ :regular_smile:
oits budak..

thermowrap is not really " sesuai " to be used in hot weather country like M'sia..

its ok to wrap ur air filter piping , but the xtractor..gua risau boleh crack la xtractor.
relocation 02 sensor , u can go to Everco , Sunway n get it done.
relocate it at the..pertemuan 4-2-1..put at middle of 2.
hey crazy!! :) hehehe.. oh really? nanti can crack? i guess i changed my mind about it... later i sms u aite?
yes , could crack due to high temperature..thermowrap --> contain heat.
so , extractor --> release hot gasses out to atmosphere.

in cold countries , they use thermowrap to prevent cracks.." what happens when u quickly cool down a vey hot piece of hot metal ? "

pada intake piping boleh la wrap..
The real purpose of the Thermowrap is to Keep the heat in within, advisable for extractor only...
Why put in Air filter piping?
i dont get it...
hmmm so which one is it? okay to put or not? DJmobile, im using stainless steel piping for my airfilter... so thats why. btw, u know any good place for me get these thermowrap install??
The real purpose of the Thermowrap is to Keep the heat in within, advisable for extractor only...
Why put in Air filter piping?
i dont get it...

but sir ,

not releasing heat could cause wear n material fatigue..

for air filter piping , to insulate outside heat from having contact to air filter piping.
for intake system, u may use superlon/insuflex type of materials will be better..since thermowwrap is not design for intake....

and being tested, superlon/insuflex material doing better comapre to thermowrap in intake system

just my2cent
handsome,what kind of extractor that u use?is it made of s.steel?
if it is,it's advisable to wrap ur extractor with thermo wrap.if u use
hotbits or those aluminised steel,better not cos aluminised steel
tend to crack in extreme heat unlike s.steel.for ur intake,it's
useless to wrap it using thermowrap cos thermowrap tend to
retain heat inside so the heat wont escape to the outside.
for ur intake,there's a product made by HEAT SHIELD PRODUCT
from usa that can reflex the radiant heat from going inside the
intake pipe.sard n thermo tech also came out with this product.
look around at performance part shop.if i were u,i'll use the aluminum
piping for my intake.i know it's expensive but worth it n light.
just my 2 cent.
best is ceramic coating... but expensive lor...

or else, do custom heatshield for ur extractor can adi lor... not hard to do also.... i think should be easier than wrapping ur headers....
handsome,what kind of extractor that u use?is it made of s.steel?
if it is,it's advisable to wrap ur extractor with thermo wrap.if u use
hotbits or those aluminised steel,better not cos aluminised steel
tend to crack in extreme heat unlike s.steel.for ur intake,it's
useless to wrap it using thermowrap cos thermowrap tend to
retain heat inside so the heat wont escape to the outside.
for ur intake,there's a product made by HEAT SHIELD PRODUCT
from usa that can reflex the radiant heat from going inside the
intake pipe.sard n thermo tech also came out with this product.
look around at performance part shop.if i were u,i'll use the aluminum
piping for my intake.i know it's expensive but worth it n light.
just my 2 cent.

bro GT auto, i did my exhaust at JFA...yeah, stainless steel all the way.. so thermowrap for my xtractor n heat shield product for my intake.. btw, my intake also stainless... thanks~~
for intake system, u may use superlon/insuflex type of materials will be better..since thermowwrap is not design for intake....

and being tested, superlon/insuflex material doing better comapre to thermowrap in intake system

just my2cent

i was thinking something like that as well, not sure if thermowrap on air intake is useful a not..
as skywalker has sed....ceramic coating is one of the safer still retains the heat in the extractor while still allowing it to 'breathe'....gud luck finding a place to do it hehe not many around...

using thermowraps will accelerate the rate of wear n tear of the in d end the choice is up to u, bro! its all bout d $$$
hmmmmmmm.... yeah, tofu, ur right... hmmmmm ceramic coating expensive is it?? i think better i invest on other stuff...
about thermowrap... is the material water proof??... if not, will it soaks water in it and cause further rust on the extractor??....
handsomeboy, according to another forum, got one fella there say it costs bout 400 bucks to get a header ceramic coated...

if u really wan to use header wrap, dun use d cheaper one, at least get sumthing like thermotech, about 200-300...cant remember liau...
at least dat one lasts longer n doesnt have bits n pieces of the wrap chipping off as is also supposed to b made from some material dat allows d heat to evenly dissipate (while still retaining most of it, n cheap ones cant do dis), minimising d wear n tear....

skywalker, about waterproof im not 2 sure but even if really kenak water, the heat would have dried it all up d...wont b around for long least the header wont come into direct contact wif da 2 sen opinion is dat it wont be sumthing to worry about...

if ceramic coating is outta reach, or cannot find a place to do it, then ill opt for d thermotech ones...make sure follow d instruction when pasang cant cincai one...if not overinsulate d header...abisssssss hehe
oooooo...thanks for the advice tofu.. hmmmm one more quest. how much diff does it makes if i do ceramic coating??

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