Snatch Thief Witness !

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Feb 25, 2004
OK today quite a boring at office so I decided to give a damm real incident whis was happen on this mornig about 9:40am at Pandan Perdana.

I was on my way back to ampang from MRR2, for those who staying at cheras and ampang. That alwasy has trafic jam at junction of Pandan Indah. So I decided to take shortcut to make my way home.

When I was drving along the Pandan Perdana main road which is near the housing area of Pandan lake club, I saw a malay motocylist was driving very fast behind me. Surprisingly when he passed by my car the exhaust is very quite and I can't even hear a sound. Ok never mind I not borthe because I thought he was one of the Mat Rempit. He is riding a Yamaha RX-Z bike.

I slow down my car to about 60kmph because in front of me that was a long queue of cars are lining up that tried to cut the stupid bus. While I am following behind of another motorcylist, the speeding malay motorsycle raise his hand and pull the gold chain at the front motorcylist. I was damm shit.. shocked, I can't belive this thing happen in front of my eyes.

The most impress that I need to salute the idiot snatch thieve was he dare to look back the motorcylist victim. DO YOU GUYS BELIVE IT.....Shitt Shitt
Unfortuately I was helpless at that time because the idiot snatch thive easly get rid of the main road by doing a Ze-zack and disappear.

Do you guys know what, the motorcylist just stood at the snatch thieve with gold cain off without any reaction and respond. He even stopped the bike and check what is he missing from his neck !!!..... huh!!!! .....

My advice here is please be carefull when you are walking at the side of the road. Please walk at opposite direction of the road and becarefull at each motorcylist that try to approach you. I am serious....
Few years back my wife kena robbed in the broad daylight in front of the my own front gate and its on the opposite direction of the road.
i saw an incident same case like this b4, while driving slowly at jalan ampang coz of massive jammed. two ladies seems like tourist walking out frm hotel renaissance. a honda ex5 wif two malay guys snatched the handbag frm one of the lady then speed off. the lady gave a chase but fall down to the ground. crying .. darn pity ...
heck, those idiots still can looked back n smiled to the victim. i was helpless as well coz of the jammed. so pedestrians, be extra careful ...
that what they always do, look back and laff at you for being an idiot who give them a freebie.... this happen to me also when i as washing my car outside my gate and this malay guy rode past me and then make a u turn and suddenly the exhaust become quiet which make me suspicius but before i turn he grab my gold necklace and i just stood dere like an idiot... :) until i realised what happen when he turn back and look at me with his mothafu**ker face.... and i still wonder why i don jump into my car and chase after him that day...
I guess everyone is just too stunned to react in any other way. I once witness a snatch theft right in front of my house and before i could think what to do next, the motorcyclist is already gone for long. I just stood there thinking it was kids playing around and the next thing i know, this indian guy kicked the lady, she fell down and he grabbed the bag. All in all, it was a 5 second drama. Thats all. I was so stunned to do anything.

My guy friend was even more unlucky. He was walking by the side of the road. One hand carrying a diary, another hand carrying his new Nokia handphone while talking. After he finished talking on the phone, he was just about to put it into his pocket when this motorcyclist just conveniently drove past him and took it away casually from his palms and sped off. My friend was so stunned he just stood there and thought what has happened until his mind came back again and he just realised his handphone was snatched. He bought the exact same model again the following week.
i saw 2 case first is when i was small i saw a matrempit drive damn fast on his bike then suddenly a woman scream shouting tolong then the mat rempit snetch her hanbag just ride off
that time i was helpless i ony on a bicycle

then the next event is when im on my way to kl i saw a motorist just bang another motorist side by side and take the victim handphone and just speed off the victim just stunn there dunno what happen
the victim handphone was in his handphone pouch

i got a friend he was talking on the phone and walking on the devider then suddenly zap his hanphone gone and he dunno what happen just stunn there
and he saw the motorist speed away

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