Beware Of Snatch Thieves

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1,000 RPM
Senior Member
Nov 15, 2003
Just wanna remind u guyz or gurlz take extra caution on patrol station , roadside , wherever,whenever...

it just happen again and saw wif my own eye at Wangsa Maju PROJET, a motorists snatch a lady handbag once she step out from the main door, some people who saw it throw helmet and ride on their bike to chase ,and the lady owner wif her driver chase on their car as well, unfortunately cant catch it, if not the fella gonna die...:shcokedcamo::emoticon_U: :angry_smile:

my own gf got snatch once as well on road side, lost 2 hp,few hundred buckz, and some precious original certificate of her primary school to uni all GONE>....happen last year..:cry_smile: and alot friend around me got snatch handphone as well..damn those snatch thieves Grrrr :baring_teeth::baring_teeth::baring_teeth:

so just a reminder for u all..cheers
Thanks for the warning. Actually, if you look around when you're anywhere, many ladies still don't bother taking precautions. They will leave their handbags/belongings in a vulnerable position. Sad.

Just so you feel better, someone told me this story. The place was a mamak. Typically, some people put their cell phones on the table. One of the phone was grabbed by a thief. The thief ran to a kap-chai. He got on it and try to crank start the bike but the bike couldn't start. A man was very quick to take action and ran towards the thief and kicked him. The thief fell off the bike and a few mamak fellas came running to the thief. Upon reaching the thief, he got some very SERIOUS whacking by those mamak who is already surrounding him. He could only curl up his legs and use his hands to cover his head as the beating continued non stop. Then, one mamak fella grabbed one of the customer's helmet and slammed it on the thief's back. Unsure how many times the helmet was slammed on the thief but he got it at least once. I was smiling with joy when I heard that.
tis those asshole muz taloh kau kau to them if get them...
if im de one sure giv them a kau kau wif my frenz first den only pass him to de cops..
but even how.. nowadays reli dangerous...
evryone muz hav alert when ever n wherever they r...
same as u guys n me...
ya we ownself have to take precautions, do not let the thieves have the chance to do so..damn those idiots..
my girl also kena once...with her firneds...

standing on road side..motorish..try to snatch..failed...
knifes my girl 's friend hand....went into hospital surgery~

F**k them..i would bang one if i saw them...but
will it be okay at the 'law' side?
sad to see alot of girls who are not afraid of these things happening..
as for me,i'm very paranoid bout this,becareful on which side i hold my bag,
i always hold it on the inside if i'm walking by the road..always hold my bag when i go for drinks,never put on the table or behind my's always on my lap...hahahaha...just paranoid la...
touch wood la...nothing has happen yet!
thank god for that
Same thing happened to my colleague last week when she was the the KTM station. Guy grabbed her bag, she grabbed the chain around his neck and punched him in the face a few times. The guy finally fell backwards and ran off to a waiting accomplice on a bike. for me i'm abit paranoid also...

hold my h/p tigh when sittin gon mamk stall(when my pants has nopocket)..i'll just hole the wallet/hp) tight...go atm, also look right and left(extra coutious one)

f**K those snatch thief that like to use small knifes to treaten people..wanna take..take and go la.. for me i'm abit paranoid also...

hold my h/p tigh when sittin gon mamk stall(when my pants has nopocket)..i'll just hole the wallet/hp) tight...go atm, also look right and left(extra coutious one)

f**K those snatch thief that like to use small knifes to treaten people..wanna take..take and go la..
I agree man. Thieves now don't just snatch, they also aim to impair their victims to minimise the risk of getting caught. Makes me wish I took up martial arts as a kid man. I was in SS2 once when I saw a group of people chasing a thief. It was a darn funny sight man haha! The guy was fleeing for his life but eventually got caught and beaten up.
sigh... alot case happened in wangsa maju and setapak....

just few days ago.. got a case happened at TAR college main door there... 3 indian guy snatch those student bag and pecah a car mirror to rompak the driver... the driver is a girl , she sit in the car and wait for fren if not mistaken..the 3 indian guy pecah her car's mirror and rompak her.... somemore is on morning.. many student at there and nobody dare to help ...sigh....
fearful of being around town & outside. damn.

we are living under siege. this is not fair.

these days were hear lots of snatch thieves, muggers, extortionist (see star today), rapist & occasional harassment by men-in-uniform (forking out duit kopi).

mindysy said:
sigh... alot case happened in wangsa maju and setapak....

just few days ago.. got a case happened at TAR college main door there... 3 indian guy snatch those student bag and pecah a car mirror to rompak the driver... the driver is a girl , she sit in the car and wait for fren if not mistaken..the 3 indian guy pecah her car's mirror and rompak her.... somemore is on morning.. many student at there and nobody dare to help ...sigh....

aparently, my girl case happened in jalan genting klnag,setatapk~

she was looking for at the brochure/room rental paste on teh wall, and suddenly 2 machan came...snatched but failed..grab a knife treaten and injure her friend...into the hospital surgery...wound was deep and nad fracture teh bone~ questoon..can we just knock them down if tehy were caught stealing?as in knock them by car?
can;t sya i live with fear or whatsoever,'s still all good juyst gotta have a lil more instinct when movin around....

like driving la....jus gotta reflex to situation when things happen...hehehhe

we're not living in a slums ma
can;t sya i live with fear or whatsoever,'s still all good juyst gotta have a lil more instinct when movin around....

like driving la....jus gotta reflex to situation when things happen...hehehhe

we're not living in a slums ma
Thieves are getting bolder because we as a society, are unlikely to help victims. A Malaysian's usual response to an accident or robbery is to stand and watch. If the public could somehow come together during such incidents and scare the thief away, such incidents can be reduced.
lol... if i saw snatch thief.. going to bang at them and let them die... men.. they got hand and leg...can't they just go and find a proper least a begger will not go and snatch people stuff...

happen to my gf last week... (but she was not been the victim...luckly i was watching at the opposite road)... she was crossing the road and wait in the middle of the divider to make another cross to my car... and suddenly 1 guy looks kinda fishy ...crossing the road also.. at same time keep watching my gf.. than i started my car... down gear to 1st ... and going to rev up to bang that guy if he do any fishy thing... the moment my gf cross the road that guy walks towards and stop my gf at side road... i was like wtf...!! just rev up to 5K and nearly hit that guy... (luckly that guy heard my car revving and move aside...) than my gf quickly went into my car... and i come down from the car with my stainless steel baton... and ask that guy wtf you want.... "mau kena pukul arr...!!!" show him some of my nasty/fierce face.... hahah..

than that guy said "tada mau tanya mana bus stop" ... and i got another WTF>..!!! the bus stop is where you cross from the road lar... that big bloody bus stop also cannot see... than i give him 1 ultimatum... "saya nampak you lagi dekat sini... saya bagi pukul sama lu... tada warning punya...!!!" ... than walk to car and give him my last fierce face again.... hehhe...

anyway story... as always the moment you saw someone kinda act fishy ... just give them that bloody face shows "DON"T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT" or "MAU KENA PUKUL ARRrr... ". .... hehehhe
Damn. I would have beaten the living day lights and sleeping night rays out of him, then only ask him "may kena pukul ar?"
oh my god, genting kelang again, my gf also there near kenny rogers..damn plz becareful there, coz once they snatch straight go into main road hard to catch d..damn

alantan said:
aparently, my girl case happened in jalan genting klnag,setatapk~

she was looking for at the brochure/room rental paste on teh wall, and suddenly 2 machan came...snatched but failed..grab a knife treaten and injure her friend...into the hospital surgery...wound was deep and nad fracture teh bone~ questoon..can we just knock them down if tehy were caught stealing?as in knock them by car?

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