See how this girl dealing with police

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Better confirm the law with lawyers...about the IC and stuff...

All I know (my layman understanding) is if your not under arrest or there is no court order, we have the right to choose to cooperate or not.

But 1 thing is for certain...we Malaysians don't really know what our rights are....:hmmmm:
this bitch know how to speak good english...but please don't make fool of other people...and don't acting like an asshole....
The issue now is that the police followed procedure. But what I heard is that they are tracing back to see if these guys are actual PDRM in the first place. If they are then it's all good - she paid the fine, everyone is happy.

Imagine if they are not real cops? Does that mean its staged by all three of them?

---------- Post added at 06:41 PM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 06:34 PM ----------

i think she can speak malay...just tat wanna show how much higher status she is by speaking americanised english. not cool. halfway thru the video i was already hot. not at the police but at the lady. she sounded so blardy cocky. then in her post at loyaburuk she made it sound like she was politely speaking to the police. foot in mouth la lady....yr video proved how ugly u really are.

a lot of ppl have been saying that it is within the police's right to hold your IC.

---------- Post added at 04:40 PM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 04:22 PM ----------

somebody on loyarburuk is saying those officers are fake police officers...anybody can confirm that the uniform is real? Pimpin....maybe yr contacts cant confirm the identities of the cops cos they are fake cops?

You're missing the point. What I've been saying is that the police do have the authority to request identification and hold on to that identification. Only the police and pendaftaran negara officers can do that. I've been stressing the fact that they do not need her permission if you watch the video she makes a big fuss about the whole thing.

That's got nothing to do with arresting, charging or detaining. This is simply a question of the police having the authority to take the MyKad. And yes at that point they had the authority to bring her to the police station.

Provided they were real cops.

---------- Post added at 06:45 PM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 06:41 PM ----------

Actually uniform isn't PDRM proper uniform.
if they arent real police then how come the saman can go thru PDRM system?

Pimpin....yah yr rite. asked a fren who's father is ex-police and his father said they have the right to hold on to the id.
I believe if you have committed an offence the police have the rights to ask for you ID. Just like those caught illegal racing...when the cops convoy them back to the station all their ID is on the police's hand.
the summon is true....i found a article based on the owner itself..with police report too...zzzz
if they arent real police then how come the saman can go thru PDRM system?

Pimpin....yah yr rite. asked a fren who's father is ex-police and his father said they have the right to hold on to the id.

I'm not making stuff up. Admittedly, my terminology may not be correct but I pass on what I know or believe to be true firsthand at least. la...just re-inforcing what u said. not trying to dispute hehehehe. any news from yr contact? a lot of other places are starting to talk about her video. her name's gonna get very smelly very soon. wierdly there are some diehard supporters who say she was in the right with some even saying that using speakerphone while holding the phone is OK hahaha

bkf8660...where u saw the report?
That girls are PITA ! imagine having an accident with this type of Biatch...walaweiii 'facepalm'
Ok, obviously these guys are fake because firstly there is no badge number usually metal above the pocket. Secondly, if you guys have ever been summoned you'd know that the paper itself is slim and long. Look at the size of the paper handed to the woman and the format/layout on the paper. Thirdly, the gun of the police officer is not correct. Also, policemen who make their rounds have white helmets. Those are just basic observations.

And apparently, given the fact that the girl posted the location where she was stopped, the names of those guys should be listed as being part of the local balai. Wouldn't it make sense to check. Also wouldn't you check if there really was a summons issued for that car? The number plate can be seen engraved in the rear window when the camera is showing the two policemen behind the car.

Don't really need Sherlock Holmes right?
pimpin so this is acted or those are fake police??
we can identify the police's bike number inside the video. pimpin, u got lubang to check on this whether they are in disguised or not?
To be honest, I don't have all the answers. But if you read my post and you watch the video again, its obvious that those two aren't real policemen. I think as car enthusiasts we all have dealt with cops and been issued summons so looking at the facts I guess we can all agree on this.

So in the interest of fairness and keeping in mind the fact that this could possibly be an ongoing police investigation, we can only assume that she was:

1) Innocent yet in need of a serious attitude adjustment
2) Not innocent and could very well have faked it with those other two

What else could it be? However, if she is innocent then I'm not surprised that there are people impersonating cops - happens with customs officers, etc so why not cops. It's not exactly something that is so hard to believe.

But if they planned it together, I really have to ask why? What's the motive? Not happy with police? At least give new IGP a chance; you never know. Because it can be seen as instigating some form of social or even racial unrest meaning the Minister has the power to send you away under ISA. If not ISA, there are other forms of detention without trial so why would any rational person take that risk.

What are your thoughts?

---------- Post added 10-12-2010 at 12:06 AM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was 10-11-2010 at 11:58 PM ----------

we can identify the police's bike number inside the video. pimpin, u got lubang to check on this whether they are in disguised or not?

I don't think its wise to dig any deeper. The PDRM is very competent and I'm confident they could solve any case they want to. The number plates for both motorbikes as well as the car are visible but surely they would use fake plates? I would if I were in their shoes.
After watching this video for the 2nd time. I confirm this woman got some attitude problem. Don't have to be so sarcastic.

They already issue the summon then just take it, then go to police station to appeal for the summon. Why make such a Hoo Haa at the spot? trying to show off?

The police uniform is also very fishy....too plain to be a real police uniform....and those comments on YouTube..Sigh~~is a matter of 2 police & 1 mentally ill woman why drag in racial stuff....Ai~~~
Actually the girl is wrong for scribbling, yes they can check our IC and license but not taking it and asking the girl to follow to balai as there are laws stating that police can only check and not keep it. Btw you can not follow the police if they dun have a warrant for your arrest. ;) And also filmin is not wrong as it is done in her car that is her property. Must always know theses little things so that the police cannot take advantage also. Must be street smart. :)
Im pretty sure that they are in the force except that they didn't wear their identification number. They should have been wearing according to their dresscode. I do get cocky once a while with these guys once i see them without a complete dresscode as they are not fit / suitable enough to carry out their duties.

But as what Pimpin said ' At least give new IGP a chance '. They have been improving a lot since they got some budget allocation.
After watching this video for the 2nd time. I confirm this woman got some attitude problem. Don't have to be so sarcastic.

They already issue the summon then just take it, then go to police station to appeal for the summon. Why make such a Hoo Haa at the spot? trying to show off?

The police uniform is also very fishy....too plain to be a real police uniform....and those comments on YouTube..Sigh~~is a matter of 2 police & 1 mentally ill woman why drag in racial stuff....Ai~~~

Look, a police officer who saw the video watched the first two seconds and said "That's not our uniform".

Actually the girl is wrong for scribbling, yes they can check our IC and license but not taking it and asking the girl to follow to balai as there are laws stating that police can only check and not keep it. Btw you can not follow the police if they dun have a warrant for your arrest. ;) And also filmin is not wrong as it is done in her car that is her property. Must always know theses little things so that the police cannot take advantage also. Must be street smart. :)

Yes, out of curiosity I asked the police and they said that it's perfectly fine to film. It's your right and they do not mind. However, the police can take your MyKad along with the individual to the police station IF they believe that there is a crime being committed, etc. If they think your MyKad is a false one, they could also take you in etc. So you cannot really generalize because there are so many circumstances and if it were simple, you and me would all be lawyers.

But the police do have the right to ask you to come in for questioning; and you pretty much have to come but it's at your convenience and you can bring along your lawyer. But as for the girl scribbling, it does not affect the summons (if it is a real summons) meaning whatever fine/punishment still stands. You simply drawing cartoons does not void the punishment. Plus, if you take the summons and the police leave, what's to stop you from using it to make a paper airplane? So regardless of what happens to the physical paper on which the summons is written, doesn't change whatever fine imposed.

Im pretty sure that they are in the force except that they didn't wear their identification number. They should have been wearing according to their dresscode. I do get cocky once a while with these guys once i see them without a complete dresscode as they are not fit / suitable enough to carry out their duties.

But as what Pimpin said ' At least give new IGP a chance '. They have been improving a lot since they got some budget allocation.

Yes, I believe everyone deserves a chance. Politicians, police, etc. At the end of the day, what religion does not teach tolerance and patience? Sure there are limits but the IGP is barely a month in office.

Once again adlans, I'm not saying I think it looks fake. I'm saying that a police officer told me that it isn't a real uniform. I'm not guessing but I'm just passing on verbatim.

PS: Please watch the video carefully. How many of you have received a police summons on a paper that big? It's the wrong size.
hmmm... the girl was the one who intimidated the cops in the first place. not the other way around. i think this girl got some serious attitude problem. she could have just sign the summon and leave. it is safer for her right? what the hell is she thinking by writing something on the summon book? is she above the law? or maybe she is the 'law' .....

there's nothing wrong practicing your own rights but with certain limitation.

just my humble opinion.
the lady is a cili padi freelance contributor at a website known for its anti-institution articles...i'm starting to think she had the whole thing staged with these fake cops just for a boost in her article and popularity...
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