How fast is 570km/h? See this video...


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Senior Member
Feb 13, 2006

This train got airbag or something? :confused_smile:
By the way, this is not a maglev train but still can achieve such high speed...:shocked:
(the one in Shanghai only about 431km/h top speed)
this is the TGV namely high-speed train from France. They just got this new record last week .. Was in Paris that time and watched it live from TV ..
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if there is a bull or a car on the track and the train smash it on such high speed............................................................what will happend..?
Instant 'Bull-Shake!' :D

If it was a cow.. you'd get Milkshake! :D
very damn fast lar....saw this vid on the news recently...
In 10 years time cars will hit 500kph. The need for speed will never be satisfied.
bro i cannot see the video lah help using apple computer...
In 10 years time cars will hit 500kph. The need for speed will never be satisfied.

Is that something like in "iRobot", Will Smith's car auto cruising in extreme high speed...:shocked:
anyone seen the veyron video clip whereby it hits 407km/h??? on the ROAD
Veyron hits 407km/h !
<object height="350" width="425">

<embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" height="350" width="425"></object>

The tyres only last for 15 minutes when in top speed of 407km/h :shocked:
Have tried on the Shanghai train b4..really marvelous...
now another faster than it...
can wait to try it..hehe...
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