See how this girl dealing with police

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Re: Police Intimidation?

stupid lady, i think she was the one who intimidating the policeman

malay proverb version was something like this: biar pandai..jgn memandai2..
she is overdoing it..
Re: Police Intimidation?

On one note, she was right about her rights....police cannot take your IC & license , and you dont have to go to "balai" if you are not under arrest...

But on another note....she was being a bitch....she should of just take the summons and the end you still got "saman", the recorded incident doesn't prove you didn't deserve the "saman". Just that your a bitchin whiner...:stupid:

Who says the police cannot take your IC? At no point in time did they say she was under arrest, but she can be asked to come in for questioning. Of course, she can come in with legal representation but when you are being questioned there is no formal charge nor is there an arrest. Even a witness statement is considered being called in for questioning.

Actually, I think we should get a proper interpretation of the law. I will try and ask my Dad later because he was chairman of the parliamentary select committee which basically revamped the whole criminal procedure code so they basically worked with AG's chambers to draft the legislation or in layman's terms they wrote a revised version of the law.

But I know for a fact that the police can hold on to your IC under Akta Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara 1991 but I guess I probably should ask my Dad again since he in Home Affairs previously. It's better than passing on opinions as fact.

---------- Post added at 11:55 AM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 11:46 AM ----------

Well apparently this video is quite new, didn't notice it is a week old cause I asked someone high up in BA and he's never heard of this but he asked for the youtube address. Should be interesting.

---------- Post added at 11:57 AM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 11:55 AM ----------

Well apparently this video is quite new, didn't notice it is a week old cause I asked someone high up in BA and he's never heard of this but he asked for the youtube address. Should be interesting.
Re: Police Intimidation?

Haha..this woman just needs to get laid lah..jesus. Just for a summon (which is from her wrong doing anyways) and shes making a big deal out of it. From what i see...she is the one intimidating the police in the first place.
i think the female is being a biatch. if u wanna take the summons, just take it n keep the recording to show off she went against the law n won. no need to purposely stir the hornet's nest n try to get the officers to loose their temper. scribbling on the summons is just plain stupid. the officer was correct to ask who did she think she was to write her own statement in the summons?(he could have been more diplomatic n say it is against the law to write her own statement in the summons and there is a witness and he will need to wrtie her another summon for i dunno...maybe defacing government documents?) whats the point to her doing this? the last few parts where she was in the car narrating that she was going to lunch onwards...WTH? she think she is some sort of movie start issit? i agree that this lady must be one of those who publishes every little shit she does on FB. and whats up with the american slang??? kenot tahan these sort of ppl ler.

i pity those officers, they didnt know how to treat these sort of cases. there should be some training on how to handle these sort of cases. they clearly didnt know what was their rights. the smaller officer shouldnt have jeered her on when she was signing the summons cos its just unproffesional. u've gotta admit they did keep their cool(somewhat hehehe) n didnt do anythine stupid. can somebody confirm if the officers had the right to keep the IC n license n force her to follow them to the station for scribbling on the summons? if she didnt scribble on the summons n signed on it, i think the officers could just walk away as the whole thing ends then the offender signs the summons. notice that in the end the summons wasnt handed to her? dun think she signed it in the end. i hope the police uses this video as evidence that she did scribble on the summons illegally...

i remember watching a clip from the US(police on board camera with the mic on the police officer) the police went to the side of the car who was speeding and asked the lady did she know what she was stopped for n she said no so the officer said she was above the speed limit and the lady started freaking out saying that he had no right to stop her just because he thought she was speeding. the officer calmly said he was driving at the speed limit n she cut him off so clearly she was speeding...then he started writing the summons(no duit kopi in the states mah n no "tolong la encik...sakit perut nk tandas, kasi chance la"). when he handed the summons to the lady in the car, she took the summons n tore the summons n threw it in his face. he calmly looked at the torn paper on the road at his feet n looked at the lady and said "ma'am, i'm sorry but i'll have to fine u for littering" n proceeded to writing the summons lol. when he handed it to her, he said "please dont tear this up or i'll have to write you another fine for again littering" n she just took the summons n asked is that all? he said yes thats all n dont forget the fine for speeding too when u make you payments ma'am. she wound up her window n wheelspinned off with the officer still standing there. he looked at her n said have a nice day ma'am n as he was walking back to the car can see he was smilling and shaking his head

MAJOR WIN for the officer! LOLz
Re: Police Intimidation?

My one pet peeve is when people act superior to people like police. Despite the bad apples which exist everywhere, think of the ones standing directing traffic on Jalan Sultan Ismail during rush hour so we can get home faster in our comfortable, air conditioned cars.

My school mate joined the police force out of school. You have any idea what they're starting pay is? 580 thereabouts. Could you live on that? Would you put up with this woman's BS for such low pay.

Sorry if I come across as being harsh but the way I see it, she went out of her way to ensure things turned out the way it did.
Under Akta Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara 1991, the police have the rights to hold your ic but im not sure about the procedure on how the police should do that but i can just ask my friends about it.
Re: Police Intimidation?

pimpin....pls do update when u have the updates on the laws for holding a person's IC n license n the procedure for bringing in ppl for these sort of behaviour...theres another thread at on the same issue...maybe can merge these 2 threads?

this lady is basically how they say...sengaja cari pasal. i cant wait to hear news that pasal tengah cari dia pulak. hahahahha
Re: Police Intimidation?

To be clear, I said the police have the right to take a person's MyKad because in the video you hear her saying that they needed her permission. I didn't mention the circumstances other that only PDRM and Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara are the only ones allowed to ask you for your MyKad and hold on to it.
1. She wouldn't dare have done this if it was on light traffic road. ( alot of cars gave her guts )
2. She was questioning her rights... but in a rather rude way.
3. The video doesn't show what she was doing before she was pulled over... abit 1 sided in her favor.
4. If u obstruct a police officer carrying out his duty... u are already obstructing justice. However ur definition of "Justice" may be.
Re: Police Intimidation?

Looks so lame.....she in the 1st place shouldn`t author the summon being issued....she really don`t understand what it`s right or wrong about her rights. Wonder what`s the summon about until she so mad~haha

If it`s about Traffic....shouldn`t it suppose officer in white??
Re: Police Intimidation?

She was stopped for not using the handsfree while driving. She argued that the phone was on speaker thus she did not commit any offense.

What she failed to see is that regardless if the phone is placed on her ear or it's on speaker but held on by hand, it's well still using the phone while driving which is illegal. Of course if it's on a handsfree kit then it's no issue la.
Re: Police Intimidation?

Tq for the explanation bro! .....LOL sound that her English so good but still couldn`t interprets meaning of HANDSFREE.......... yeah yeah maybe wrong timing, aunty visit kua.

How about eat burger while driving???:biggrin:
Re: Police Intimidation?

There is no law saying that you cannot eat burger while driving. Eating fries or nuggets also is not covered by the law. So i guess it's ok to do so. Else McDonald's drive-thru will be deemed unfit for the Malaysian market. LOL :D
Re: Police Intimidation?

I just spoke to someone from BA and he said that the police have every right to bring her to the police station. This is from the deputy of one of the divisions; you know how they have jenayah, etc etc. Basically, the police acted within their powers by taking the MyKad and asking her to follow to station.

How they said it, choice of words etc is not something you can hold the entire PDRM responsible for. Plus, since she paid the fine it's not worth pursuing apparently.

Edit: Just got word evidently the video is fake possibly staged. Those two are not members of the PDRM. This is straight out of BA. I smell a manhunt.
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The video is fake. I forwarded to BA and they said those two men are not members of the PDRM.
My goodness... I can't see her face but I can hear only ugliness and cheapness in her voice. I do not know what the police talked earlier. Maybe they were rude and intimidating as most are. But it is just not shown here.

Nevertheless, all I hear is the barking of a woman trying to use "wannabe american english" to intimidate the police. She can't speak malay...
wow...this is getting very interesting...please do update more on this funky issue!

btw about the IC, i think the police has every rights to have them as well, suddenly just remember that in the passport it says that the passport belongs to the malaysian government, not the bearer (schucks though we pay for it)...i think it goes the same way for the IC...

funny she said she wanted to report it stolen...even if you haven't paid PTPTN you can't go oversea because they flag you by our Customs Office...whats more IC, they'll definitely report it being held/under custody...

even funnier, she's in law/praticing law but still couldn't tell fake/true police officers...well maybe its not easy to tell between the fake and the true ones, but the fact that she got conned, very funny
i think she can speak malay...just tat wanna show how much higher status she is by speaking americanised english. not cool. halfway thru the video i was already hot. not at the police but at the lady. she sounded so blardy cocky. then in her post at loyaburuk she made it sound like she was politely speaking to the police. foot in mouth la lady....yr video proved how ugly u really are.

a lot of ppl have been saying that it is within the police's right to hold your IC.

---------- Post added at 04:40 PM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 04:22 PM ----------

somebody on loyarburuk is saying those officers are fake police officers...anybody can confirm that the uniform is real? Pimpin....maybe yr contacts cant confirm the identities of the cops cos they are fake cops?
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