My experience in workshop.

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Senior Member
Nov 1, 2007
Hi Guys,
Just wanna share my experience with my mech/workshop with u guys.

on the 06.02.10, i send my car to my workshop to rebuild my engine nearby my apartment,
supposedly yesterday 16.03.10, after 6 bloody weeks i was so happy that i will collect my car,
but at 2 pm, my foreman called me told me to immediately come to the workshop, so i did lor...
guess wat, when i reached there, my left door was like a 'V' shaped.....the stupid foreman can langgar the tiang roadsign......the owner summore, how stupid can he get? he put the blame on my faulty brakes & my botak tires, so i told him, before this my brakes was good, tires still got 50% left, wtf??? i told him by the looks of the place of accident (happened right in front his workshop), he was driving fast & could not control the the car buang 360degrees.......

wat was damaged.
1.door - has to change to 2nd hand one, no ketuk balik.
2.driver side tyre burst, summore just bought few mths back.
3.undercarriage - dented cos jump the centre road divider.....
4.rim bengkok.
5.others unknown.....

Oooya, he told me all the above mentioned he will pay for it, but i dunno will the door be 2nd hand? the new tyre? chasis alligned properly? will repair my bengkok rims? or buat dunno.....
but i still made a police report, not to report accident, just i dowan to be responsible for the signboard that the foreman damaged & to ensure my car is repaired up to my expectations before i take it.

imagine, i take care of my car properly, summore family car.......always ensure engine/body in tip top condition...when pass to the stupid foreman, he can trash my car, summore i just did an engine rebuild...not suppose to trash it ma right? thats y i wonder how come he so damn bloody stupid?
i will post some pics for u to view below, i wont review the workshop's name yet k..

hint...its at PJS1, Tmn Petaling Utama, Jln 1/48.







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he hit a kerb and turn turtle? is the roof ok? I think you better tell him to pay because I don't think the insurance will pay for you since your car does not insured the foreman.

I think he wanted to test power of your car that time but end up in unexpected ending :banghead:
yeehau...sorry i meant turn turtle just buang only, & hit the curb......did not terbalik...
yeah, he said he will bear the costs.....but i dont think my car will handle like before, & scared will effect other parts in the future.....

if he wanna test also do it on a straight road la....he wanna show off to others
i think.....but ended up malu only, summore can trash my car...the best part he didnt even say sorry, straight away blame my brakes & tayar botak.
i am worrying for your vehicle's chassis, make sure you test drive for few weeks first after collect your car, if any problem then ask him fix again... really feel sorry for you lah bro...
thats is very sad man if i were you i will screw them badly and ask them to fix it no matter what until everything was ok
thanks bro....i worry bout my chasis too.....
but the workshop alot of descrepancies, 1.he changed my spark plugs to normal ones, cos mine was performance ones...,2nd he changed my battery to another 1.....
really a f**ked up workshop, we are frens ma, but last2 he take advantage...
From ur rim / tyre size & Perdana's brake system, he is over speeding.
Out of control could be have sand on road surface but driver did not notice.

u are lucky as Perdana chasis is stiffer..

Normally, I will not go to this kind of workshop to repair car, especially with the guy always want test our car performance. ( Some of the tyre shop as well )

Pls watch out on ur front chasis alignment.
ouch...honestly, chassis sure lari even after alignment cuz if u could do a perfect job, u need to strengthen to body to make sure it dont lari again
i agree he was speeding, i even asked an onlooker, she said he was driving fast
trying to sweep the corner fast as well.....there were no sand visible on the gound...
the pic above that the accident caused, knocked down the road signboard & went up the curb.

hopefully nothing serious with the chasis...

they wanna show off to other ppl ma......if wanna show off also,
use their own car la...dun use customer's car.
sad to hear that....damn, another workshop with shits....

yr chassis, u can try check at any tire shop, measure it from front centre hug to rear for both side...usually after hitting curb, it will shrink in by mm or even drift car last time happened..i need to change the cross member, lower arm, camber etc etc but ended up, chassis need to send to another workshop for chassis straightening...end of the day, its not the same feeling as before...somehow, u felt weird with the handling...finally i sold it.

for yr case, this workshop guy (yr friend) thrashed yr car and blaming ppl, it sounded familiar rite...then never say sorry...sigh! change to another workshop and make him pay for all the damage....collect back yr plug and battery....

the performance plug no need to change so soon....can last u quite some mileage. the battery if its flat..u can trade in for rm20 to any battery shop...

hope everything goes well bro.....sorry to hear this nonsense happening to car enthusiast...:(|||
wahhh bro danz.. sorry for ur ride.. knn... this fella can thrash at this road ar?? the workshop advin intro ar? =.=" mkh... if i was u ar.. i think he wil landed someone else edi..dare to blame 9 tires la brake la.. why not he blame himself for brainless and sorhaiz?? from the pic i roughly know which workshop liao....

From experience ar... check ur lower arm, arm link, and driftshaft too.. it might bengkok... about chasis lari not so worry about ler bro... some even worst beginner for drift trying to learn but end up whole car landed on curb :x
Seriously unimaginable...

Seriously lousy workshop..

Seriously lousy excuse..

Seriously he should receive a few whack on the head from you..
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i agree he was speeding, i even asked an onlooker, she said he was driving fast
trying to sweep the corner fast as well.....there were no sand visible on the gound...
the pic above that the accident caused, knocked down the road signboard & went up the curb.

hopefully nothing serious with the chasis...

they wanna show off to other ppl ma......if wanna show off also,
use their own car la...dun use customer's car.

let me share a little bit of my story, i left my scooby to my friend also...coz my drive shaft cover crack, so got grease leaking out...then he said must leave car there 3 days...major job, boxer engine bla bla bla...then later i found out every nite he drove my car back home...with my torn drive shaft cover..on 3rd day afternoon only he do the repair and hand me the car late nite.

during 1st nite & 2nd nite - he went yumcha with friends...showing off with "my car" and even launched my car at kepong main road...congested road doing 0-100.....
inside my car sat some of his friends..--- air cond man, tire man, wire man and mud guard fella....

i only got to know it after 1 or weeks i took back my car - coz my friends screw me for driving crazily with so many ppl inside...then i confronted him and he told me his brother took the car out without his knowledge....that day onward, i just say HI & BYE to him only!

This shows how responsible workshops are and don understand normal car like this also they wanna show off....its not aston martin, ferrari or porsche...sigh!

show ppl look, they think they so great...actually those ppl are there to laugh at their make him pay for it....

---------- Post added at 12:58 PM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 12:52 PM ----------

wahhh bro danz.. sorry for ur ride.. knn... this fella can thrash at this road ar?? the workshop advin intro ar? =.=" mkh... if i was u ar.. i think he wil landed someone else edi..dare to blame 9 tires la brake la.. why not he blame himself for brainless and sorhaiz?? from the pic i roughly know which workshop liao....

From experience ar... check ur lower arm, arm link, and driftshaft too.. it might bengkok... about chasis lari not so worry about ler bro... some even worst beginner for drift trying to learn but end up whole car landed on curb :x

danz should send u there to KNN MKH NB and MCH to that fella until he dunno his way home....
so wat u waiting for.!
wait la bro evoz.. i'm reloading my bullets eh... called danz but no answer... if the workshop i knew de ar.. kns.. kompom his muka red nanti... skill tarak bagus blame tire thread and brake =.="
Sorry to hear about the accident. I think the chassis probably lari due to the accident. The rocker panel is stuffed, therefore making one side of the car shorter than the other, thus making the car wanders (to the co-driverside) when driven.

Chassis pulling won't be cheap. I sent my car (worth 10k at that time) to a chassis alligment workshop in Shah Alam last time (the biz now is closed). They checked the aligment and quoted me 2k. I sold off the car instead. I was just not worth the job and money. Also, the ppl said that even after the chassis allignment, it wont bring the chassis back to true.

It's sad that you treat the foreman as fren, and gave him business....but the foreman treated you as a fool and treated your car worst, like some sort of stunt car. Is that what a fren does???

Since the foreman gave you such lousy treatment, I say you SUE him until his pants drop. This irresposible ppl cannot be left free in the society. Put him behind bars, or sue kaw-kaw him until his biz tutup kedai.

Remember, put a stop to this stupid foreman. if not, he would probably drive again like this in other customers' car.....doing more damages, and perhaps endangering other road users.

Keep us posted
agreed! should teach him a lesson...make him pay for all parts and if cant straighten the chassis..make him buy the car....
u should tell us the workshop name later if things not working out....
DD05, u called me ah? my fon charging la i went out a while...
cant recall cos u using private number.....
later i col u back k..wanna go tapau food 1st.
no, advin's wshop another place bro...i know u know the wshop...its towards the corner malay guy, got faded castrol signboard. next to it is a benawi u sure know wan...

im very worried bout my chasis & undercarriage, sigh....
hopefully everyting ok la....

guess wat, my fren told me he saw my car at brickfields area on monday night, just 2 days ago....he msg me this morning, later after work i go to the wshop to tiu kau him....can go jln2 with my car...go tayang, the next day can man.!!..

if he wanna blame my brake, at least say sorry 1st la.....
he trus tembak my brake disc should have skimm 1st la, change my rear tires 1st la....i told him, if i got money ah, i masuk 6 pot greddy calipers & toyo T1R tires already...i dont have much money, so stick to wat i have.........even if im using 6pot calipers, if the driver f**ked up & cant handle my car, its no point.....

---------- Post added at 01:17 PM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 01:15 PM ----------

evoz, i wanna mention the wshop name, but i cant,
if later the owner masuk zth, i die OoO...

DD05 knows the wshop, let him reveal the shops name k....
DD05, u called me ah? my fon charging la i went out a while...
cant recall cos u using private number.....
later i col u back k..wanna go tapau food 1st.
no, advin's wshop another place bro...i know u know the wshop...its towards the corner malay guy, got faded castrol signboard. next to it is a benawi u sure know wan...

im very worried bout my chasis & undercarriage, sigh....
hopefully everyting ok la....

guess wat, my fren told me he saw my car at brickfields area on monday night, just 2 days ago....he msg me this morning, later after work i go to the wshop to tiu kau him....can go jln2 with my car...go tayang, the next day can man.!!..

if he wanna blame my brake, at least say sorry 1st la.....
he trus tembak my brake disc should have skimm 1st la, change my rear tires 1st la....i told him, if i got money ah, i masuk 6 pot greddy calipers & toyo T1R tires already...i dont have much money, so stick to wat i have.........even if im using 6pot calipers, if the driver f**ked up & cant handle my car, its no point.....

---------- Post added at 01:17 PM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 01:15 PM ----------

evoz, i wanna mention the wshop name, but i cant,
if later the owner masuk zth, i die OoO...

DD05 knows the wshop, let him reveal the shops name k....

Wahhh... itu kedai ar??? mahem ar... :banghead::banghead::banghead: i thought is the other one.. the owner drove Perdana with E3 also.. now this the other end one.. knnccb.. bro danz.. if u need me go with u, call me.. nabeh i cant belif it he can bang the tiang middle of the road...

Dun need tut 9 him la.. change everything u shud.. else make a report edi then complaint to ministry of dunno wat consumer la.. kasi tutup kedai.. but before tutup kedai kasi hentam kaw kaw dulu... nabeh free punch bag sure join u bro... like the old days... wakakaka.... Young and Dangerous.. but sadly now old and dangerous la.. :thefinger:

aikss.. apsal i become the orang busuk again to reveal workshop name lolx...
soon i will be promoted in ZTH as Yellow card collector :banghead: hehehe....

juz tell me the size of the font.. hahaha... wat color u want bro? :rofl:

Fully reloaded bullet... wat time u wanna go bro? i'll be lepaking at paparich OKR cuci mata... call me la if u need me... hahaha...
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OKR paparich why not puchong papa rich.....i am here waiting...
u want any iron rod or broom got a lot.....
coz alot of posters & bills sticker here.
Oo...that 1 wid E3 is AMS Garage...that 1 cun least that is a tuner garage,
mine is normal wshop only.....
no la...for now i try to settle myself, i must make sure my chasis is straight....
if he does not do wat i want then i col u lo....

i plan to report to ministry of consumer...i also forgot the name haha...
till u get married then u considered old, now u still young ma..

today they will send my car to kedai mudguard, will take approx 1 week,
now my anger still flaming, cant cool down.....will have sleepless night till my car is done,
i have been paying 2 mths intallments on my car, but cannot use it.......
if i claim my installments from them, they sure hailat......

u not org busuk la...cos u know the wshop location ma, if anyone else knows then they can reveal lo, anyone except me....

paparich where bro? when u free u come lo...we lepak sri manja...near my apartment only...
call advin out as well...tell him to guy ma....haha

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