My 1st tulan thing in 2013

Beating up them I think is good enough la, of course all of us hope to kill them or make them
handicap for life. But then, even though they don't deserve any pity, I think we are not that
cold blooded as them to do that. We just wanted to do it badly to them, but when it comes to
real case, we will realised we are not to the extend of such cold blooded act.

We are citizens that have love for others so naturally, is something that will prevent us from doing so.
Whacking for sure no hesitation, breaking spine and etcs, Out of 50 maybe 1 would actually do it..

But I do agree in ramming these mofos down :rofl: I think is easier and no need to get my hand dirty..:biggrin:
Beating up them I think is good enough la, of course all of us hope to kill them or make them
handicap for life. But then, even though they don't deserve any pity, I think we are not that
cold blooded as them to do that. We just wanted to do it badly to them, but when it comes to
real case, we will realised we are not to the extend of such cold blooded act.

We are citizens that have love for others so naturally, is something that will prevent us from doing so.
Whacking for sure no hesitation, breaking spine and etcs, Out of 50 maybe 1 would actually do it..

But I do agree in ramming these mofos down :rofl: I think is easier and no need to get my hand dirty..:biggrin:

oh then I'd be the 1 out of 50. I'd rather remove the pest from society than to let him loose again only to repeat his offenses. Do it once and you're a thief for life. Temptation will always be there and reverting back to normal life for a person with jail history is usually very difficult unless the person is willing to seek help from those communities that support reformed criminals... which we don't have in Malaysia.
oh then I'd be the 1 out of 50. I'd rather remove the pest from society than to let him loose again only to repeat his offenses. Do it once and you're a thief for life. Temptation will always be there and reverting back to normal life for a person with jail history is usually very difficult unless the person is willing to seek help from those communities that support reformed criminals... which we don't have in Malaysia.

Even though in real life I am not the killer type, but I agree with bro. Izso, for these sonnovabitch, better to disable them, if not they will be back. They will never learn one...:banghead:
there is a saying that... An unjust law in no law at all.' Which means I have a right, even a duty to resist. With violence or civil disobedience. - St. Augustine.
cuz at the end of the day, guns and parangs dont kill people, people kill peoples...
there is a saying that... An unjust law in no law at all.' Which means I have a right, even a duty to resist. With violence or civil disobedience. - St. Augustine.
cuz at the end of the day, guns and parangs dont kill people, people kill peoples...

Yeah well.. then how do you propose we do to keep thieves off the street and out of our cars? Repeat offenders happen one too many times in KL for all sorts of offenses. The ones that repent and seek rehabilitation are the only exception and from what I know, there are alchohol, drug and religious deviancy rehabilitation centers only. Perhaps some religious groups like churches and all have their own programs but if I were a thief looking to reform after jail, I wouldn't know where to go.

And lastly I haven't learnt to forgive and forget strangers who would have attempted to steal my car or directly/indirectly choose to purposefully hurt me, my family and my property, regardless of whether they have been caught by the law. If so I'd petition for the maximum penalty and more if possible.

Sometimes an example needs to be made in order for others to understand we mean business. Yes it's the word of a dictator but I'm not in a position of power so it doesn't matter. :biggrin:
Yeah well.. then how do you propose we do to keep thieves off the street and out of our cars? Repeat offenders happen one too many times in KL for all sorts of offenses. The ones that repent and seek rehabilitation are the only exception and from what I know, there are alchohol, drug and religious deviancy rehabilitation centers only. Perhaps some religious groups like churches and all have their own programs but if I were a thief looking to reform after jail, I wouldn't know where to go.

And lastly I haven't learnt to forgive and forget strangers who would have attempted to steal my car or directly/indirectly choose to purposefully hurt me, my family and my property, regardless of whether they have been caught by the law. If so I'd petition for the maximum penalty and more if possible.

Sometimes an example needs to be made in order for others to understand we mean business. Yes it's the word of a dictator but I'm not in a position of power so it doesn't matter. :biggrin:

But offenders like break in car maybe one week they are out again. I don't think police lock up got enough space for them also.....:banghead:
If I wanna raise a demonstration against the court, anyone dare to join ar? With all black clothing + semi transparent black cloth cover the head. I wanna voice out my desperation before I start killing people. Of cause, after that there will be another run for against the law makers. I wanna demand for something like minimum sentence and compulsorily whips. If there is a chance, I would also want them to make something like the jail terms will depends on the sentence or how long the criminal who will work at the jail to pay back 100% of the victim's loses + any related expenses. Criminal will serves whichever longer. The jail cost will throw back to the gov but victim loses at least can be compensated. Right now is seriously unfair to the victims from any angle, even beat up a thief can serve longer jail than the thief. Why spare so much mercy to the person who commit crime but overly strict against the victim who do forward defensing? Why victims have to mentally suffer for the criminal's revenges while losing own properties or valuable items? Why criminal has more human rights compare to the innocent victims who suffer for everything?

Now I lost nearly RM4k after repaired and replaced 25 window panels + 4 panel sliding door + entire fuse box that with at least 30 breakers + etc. What justice I got? Few days lockup for the thief and police raid the besi buruk shop. My lost and my wife mental suffer how to kira? The cost for employing house guard can claim from whom? What law give me a fair justice? Even the basic thing like freedom from fear also cannot get. If this is the new human rights definition of 22nd century, better print it out and wipe of my ass and flush into the toilet bowl and let it rot together with the shit. When can the criminal learned in 1-2 days jail? Can't even have time to make a visit to the bathroom for masturbating then the bros come and fetch him for celebrating at spa.

Those kill people and set fire can have golden belt while those who repair bridge and patch road end up with a incomplete corpse. USA suspect Iraq develop bio weapon and Bush launched a forward defensive attack was legal. We know the thief is gonna find us back or create another victim but we are not allowed to do anything except waiting to be slaughtered again. If we die of the thief revenge, the judges don't even feel a pitch of guilt for saving the jail operating cost. :banghead: But when bully those tame sheep like us then sibeh power. We open mouth only straight accused for attempt to influence/challenge the judge's decision. 2 words out then charged for contempt of court and serve longer jail than the criminals. I must say my kok can only talk till here before someone report and kena the new hybrid internal security act. What I want is just to claim back the basic rights that a human suppose to have.
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I remember my e-mail to the Malaysian Bar Council around Oct or Nov after reading CSL's post...until now I have no respond from them. I sent my e-mail to their President..Mr. Lim Chee Wee asking him about self defense against criminal stuff....sad eh....
they only care on their pocket n which sexies gal they hav 2nite, .....this is y.....malysia bcom like wat we heard n saw.....
I remember my e-mail to the Malaysian Bar Council around Oct or Nov after reading CSL's post...until now I have no respond from them. I sent my e-mail to their President..Mr. Lim Chee Wee asking him about self defense against criminal stuff....sad eh....

Very sad......
a lot of the BAR council members are old skool. u need to look up their contact numbers from the website and call them up directly. they will ask u if u are held under arrest as that's their first prerogative - to provide defense lawyer-ing. but once u get in touch with the right person(s) they are very willing to explain your rights in detail. that's my experience when i was held against my will a few years back.
arturo but I saw they have a e-mail form on their logically I e-mail la...
there's too many problems, this is only 1 problem we urban dwellers see. for all you know, those people in Malaysia living in rumah panjang don't even have steady clean water supply (i mean TNS in Klang Valley also say no water when last month flood).

you imagine la, you use the same mechanic for the past 55, and your car ALWAYS got problem, mechanic say fix coolant leaking, now engine oil leak, fix oil leak, now rain water leak into cabin.. for the past 55 years!

yet dumbfucks still got back to the same mechanic..bravo la.
I saw this article on today's paper...
I saw this article on today's paper...

That's the excuse the give all the time...

such as:-
  • "Girls are at fault, they are asking for it for wearing too low cut or mini skirt"
  • "Citizens asking for it for wearing gold bracelet, necklace and carrying luxury items that attracted
    the snatch thieves"

So, what about the rich? They are asking for it, no one ask them to buy a bungalow or drive a
BMW X6 or 5 series to attract criminals to break into their house or rob them off their cars?

:rofl: :stoned: really stoned big time...
Even people wore sexy doesn't mean can be raped. Even the house door left open doesn't mean can be robbed. Even 20 gold necklaces wore doesn't mean can be snatched. The rules of thumb is you can see but not touch. Of cause, keeping everything hidden will be one of the best way to prevent crime but it doesn't justify any extreme light punishment to the criminals. The court take away the lesson for them to learn. When they have no chance to be re-educated, the only thing will happen is more and more people will join them cuz the gain is way higher than the cost. Just like direct sale.
CSL, with light punishment...more people who are desperate will also join because they know its not heavy penalty....and they know people won't money low risk...
That's the excuse the give all the time...

such as:-
  • "Girls are at fault, they are asking for it for wearing too low cut or mini skirt"
  • "Citizens asking for it for wearing gold bracelet, necklace and carrying luxury items that attracted
    the snatch thieves"

So, what about the rich? They are asking for it, no one ask them to buy a bungalow or drive a
BMW X6 or 5 series to attract criminals to break into their house or rob them off their cars?

:rofl: :stoned: really stoned big time...

If wearing gold bracelet, necklace and carrying luxury items is asking for it. Then Rosmah is begging for it! :listen:

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