How To Keep Your Girlfriend

thanks dude..
many thing that we can share about girls.. only this what I like to do..

8. put your hands on their ass once in a while ((IT WORKS, they
just like ur hand in their back pocket at times))

Adding more to it.

16) Don't always let your guy pay for everything. Offer to pay half the time. Read me clear... HALF THE TIME. Unless he's so bloody insistent on paying every single cent for every single thing (this has got to be a dumb fark guy unless he shits gold and pisses money) and that it'll piss him off if you insist on paying, then let him pay for everything. Money don't come easy so recognize that, you bitches and loose pussy ho's (for those who don't even bother to offer to pay).

17) If your guy suddenly lets go of your hand, etc. whether he suddenly meets someone or not, don't think he's trying to hide something. He has his reasons for doing that so don't make a bloody fuss about it unless you want him to break up with you soon enough.

18) If your guy feels that something is wrong and he asks you about it but you don't feel like talking about it, just tell him that something is bothering you and you would like to keep it to yourself first. If possible, try to talk about everything that bothers you. Else, don't blame your guy for keeping secrets next time. Remember, it takes one to know another. Remember also, do unto people what you want people to do unto you.
If he's ok with you not wanting to talk about it and gives you a hug/holds you in his arms/etc, don't push him away just because you're too bothered about the problem. If you push him away because you're even not in the mood for lovey dovey stuff, don't ever blame him for holding another girl in his arms next time.

19) When guys talk about how good looking other girls are, or how big other girl's boobs are, etc., don't make a fuss about it. If he really wasn't satisfied with you, he would've dumped you long ago or probable won't give so much crap about you. It's natural for guys or girls to talk about how good or bad looking other people are, simply because it's human nature. Don't even come and tell me that you girls don't even think about other people. Thinking about how good looking someone else is in the mind and not saying it out is no different from thinking about it and saying it out. Basically, it's already in your head so you might as well just let it out.

20) You girls have girls night out so be ready to face guys night out. If your guy doesn't question you about your girls' night out, don't question him about his guys' night out.
s_95: I like the part of guys having to pay for everything and anything especially even some chick friends. They automatically expect guys to pay eventhough they have a high paying jobs themselves. They all wanted equality in work, pay, education, rights blah blah blah, but when it comes down to paying, and getting chaufferred around, pooof, they are automatically transformed back into the weaker gender. What alot of horseshits. Guys generally are okay for buying things and dinners, but guys also have their own commitments (apart from that damn HUGE diamond ring that you wanted, dresses, SK-2's, and the mountains of shoe) like our long love aka cars, bikes, watches, games, smokes, alcohol, buddies, DVD's, phones, etc ... So, shape up or ship out !
wow..seems like u guys have some trouble with gals?? or anyone bitch u guys out?
but yea, it's been a lot of times that guys seems to pay most of the time. and it's really not necessary, it's not like the gf is not working...
c'mon gals, we should start knowing to understand the financial hardship now..
waaaaaa sat95 is starting his number or do's n dont;s ehhehee.e.. keep them comin...

bg..nola.. no 1 bitched us.. just dat now guys wan to voice out.. n tell dat de world is not only according to girls.. :)
hahaha just playing around only ler. All for laughs but at the end of the day, 2 way communication and understanding will solve most issues between a normal couple. I say normal because these days, there are abnormal couples like guy and guy or girl and girl. buahaha

I would pay once or twice, then no more liao. Unless the girl is willing to let me score, then that's a different story. When that happens, the girls fail to see that they're like hookers. We pay for their stuff and we get to score `em. buahahaha
When that happens, the girls fail to see that they're like hookers. We pay for their stuff and we get to score `em. buahahaha

Come to think of it now that totally make sense. Mee goreng, milo ais and a few rokok sounded like a pretty good deal. But as for some, maybe worth some after mint only lor ...

Muuuuuuaaah Hahahahahahahaha .........
wah, after mint. hahaha I thought 1 or 2 sms, then score liao. hehe Some girls are just worth it for sex. Why so cos they asked for it. buahaha
s_95: I think the one or two sms type is the kind you have to pay for lor ... Well, agree some were totally worth the wine and dine, while some may be as good as a McDonald's deal ....
wow..seems like u guys have some trouble with gals?? or anyone bitch u guys out?
but yea, it's been a lot of times that guys seems to pay most of the time. and it's really not necessary, it's not like the gf is not working...
c'mon gals, we should start knowing to understand the financial hardship now..

I met a bitch...... :) a terrible bitch
then it must be hell 4 u..

Hoping hell will freeze over... bumped into her 2 weeks ago, she is still bitchy as ever, busy over 2 bf at the same time and act like she is the princess.
i know how it's like 2 encounter a bitch..
hv seen too many..
been there, done that..
trust me, she'll not have a good time herself for long..

Hoping hell will freeze over... bumped into her 2 weeks ago, she is still bitchy as ever, busy over 2 bf at the same time and act like she is the princess.
HAHA.... how about sponsoring him a new set of 18inch 2 piece deep dish rims when he feels down and out?
Or maybe a blow-up doll for the sad lonely moments ... *grin*
argh, i don't need any 18" 2 piece rim or blow up doll now. I have chicks around me here but i just too naive to pick someone which is not worth.

18" rims save it for next year when i get my 350z first....

I just too disappointed that when you treat a girl nice they will start to think they want to get a better one..
Not all girls are the same. No guys are the same. Diff girls in diff situation, with diff guys with diff mood makes things different. So I think its a very tricky thing to suggest on how to keep bf/gf.

ya. true. imagine having a gf who is 13 years old, 20 years old and 40 years old. a lot of difference :D
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