How To Avoid A Car Accident


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Nov 4, 2004
Sendai, JAPAN.
How To Avoid A Car Accident

With a few common sense tips and practical advice, anyone can take precautions to avoid a car accident and many lives could be spared and grief avoided.

Step One
Plot your driving before you set out to go anywhere. Determine the best route to get to your destination. This will avoid the possibility of having to rush and drive too fast.

Step Two
Leave your home or office in ample time to allow for driving safely. Usually when you wait too late to leave somewhere, you feel pressured to make up for that time by driving too fast or taking too many chances in your driving.

Step Three
Stay alert while you are on the road driving. Limit or eliminate the use of cell phones, perhaps to be used only in cases of emergencies. If you must use your cell phone to make a call, pull over to the side of the road or off the road to do so. Complete your call before you resume your driving. Also eliminate any extra activities like makeup application, reading the newspaper or even drinking beverages.

Step Four
Listen to the radio to get updates on where accidents have occurred on the road. Take this information into account when planning and adjusting your driving course.

Step Five
Keep your hands on the wheel at all times. Many accidents occur when a person reaches down to get something, or reaches behind them to get something. This is very dangerous. Letting go of the wheel for any reason can cause you to lose control of the vehicle.

Step Six
Observe the speed limit. The speed limit doesn't exist for people to actually go up to it. It serves as a reminder of what to not go over. As with anything, limits must be avoided, so it is with driving. By contrast, just as you should not go over the speed limit, be cautious to not go too slow. Either one of these 2 extremes is a potential situation for collisions.

Step Seven
Rotate the tires on your vehicle as frequently as your car's manual suggests. This allows even wear and tear on the tires so as to reduce the possibility of a tire blow-out.

Tips & Warnings
It is extremely dangerous to chat on your cell phone while driving. Accidents can happen quickly, often not allowing you sufficient response time.

Happy Motoring

additional info..

kissing or bj r not not allowed during driving, go check in if wanna make luv la..
last time at kl, they 'enter' one house compound wat, not enuf parking bay i think, luckily the house owner safe..
Serious ar? Well, many bus drivers in malaysia are just plain f'ked up. And the govt is even more f'ked up in handling tragic bus cases. Kill people in the bus due to (very obviously) wreckless driving, the bus driver only sit in jail for a short while, then out again. They ought to be put on a death row.
mostly bus driver now drug addicted, that why the figure of accident increased....
For me I always look ahead of the car in front of me (is possible, lorry, Pajero all too high ... ) so I now when to anticipate lane changes, bus stops, sudden brakes etc etc.

And check your rear view mirror for motorcyclists before you turn corners or change lanes man damnit.
So how to avoid accidents? We can only do so much to avoid it. The rest is up to govt. For example, making all the roads become like Sepang F1 circuit roads. hahahaha just kidding. Sometimes, even if we are careful and take all the safety precautions, there will be other people who are just careless or just plain idiots and cause the accident. Worst thing is that when they cause the accidents, it involves other innocent drivers too. So how to comment on that? Death row? haha
I don't believe in karma, dude. I only believe that there are, in fact, many idiots out there. hahaha
I believe in karma. Buat baik dibalas baik, buat jahat dibalas jahat.
stay at home safe?ever heard of bus or car run into it?even palne might land on it...
Distance between front car is important,althought that is the basic rule,but still many ppl like to follow near. Especially traffic jammed that time.
Tolerance, if ppl put signal,just give him/her way in(not for Q cutter). not pedal,it act rudes and no manners.
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