How do we know if we modify our car LEGALLY?

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Jan 24, 2007
Hi Hi all zerotohundred members...

Well...I sincerely hope this topic will not be boring...nor any trouble...

The question is, how do we know if we modified our car legally?

The reason I have raised this question was that I ran into a road block (huge one...with more than 10 policemen and women) on the night before Christmas after I've returned from friend's party with my wife in my beloved car. The police stopped me and asked for my driving lisence and IC. I showed them and they asked me to park aside. Soon, a police woman came to me and told me that she wanted to "samban" I guess sure..."On what charges?" I asked. She told me that I am using white color bulb (which is illegal) and I have a huge exhaust (which is also illegal). And there she "samban" me until February of 2008 to settle them. are the issues.

White color bulb is illegal. What happen for those Mercedes Benz or BMW which are installed with HID?! :mad: If those white color bulb is illegal, then why are those European car manufacturers still assembled their cars as standard equipment?

If someone said that is Europe...we import's like that one lar... Then, I ask again, how about our local assembled Honda Accord with 3.0-liter?! How about the Toyota Camry with 2.4-liter?! They also have white color bulb as standard, right? Our authorities should not have all this double standard lar!!! :mad: Come on...if someone drive a Mercedes Benz with HID then OK...if Kancil installed one set HID then cannot...have to "samban"? :mad: What the hell is all that about?! :mad:

In addition, I also read from newspaper that the HID is now legalized in Peninsula come we still get "samban" for installing these white color bulb? :mad:

Furthermore, I'm living in a village where there are less lamp post with minimal visuality at night...I need such bright white color bulb to see clearly while I'm travelling home. IF anything happened on the dark and poor-visual condition road, who am I going to blame? What if I have accidentally hit someone because I "cannot" see him / her due to the fact that I was FORCED to removed the bright white color bulb from my car????!!! :mad:

Huge Exhaust. First, I don't know if I'm correct, but please correct me if I was wrong...that HUGE exhaust is NOT equal to LOUD noise. The LOUD noise is actually effected by the SIZE of muffler. The larger the muffler is, more silent the exhaust will sound. The smaller it is (even without muffler), your vehicle will sound like tank. have a large muffler...tanabe G-Medalion with the exhaust tip of 3-inch installed for my EVO 3...because I am driving a 2.0-liter turbo charged engine. My car is a hell lot more quiet than those Proton Saga Special Edition or Proton Wira Special Edition with sport muffler...(believe me...I've done the comparison not only myself...but a whole lot of people and mechanics)...and I got "samban" because I have BIG tips and muffler.:mad:

I'm NOT the one who making all the noise! Look at some Kancil or Kelisa or other ordinary car with poor engine displacement which have NO muffler at all...running with "straight pipe" ( as they usually called)...vrooming around like it is a F1 city-circuit...and they all are LEGAL...and mine...driving 60 km/h with huge muffler and tip, barelly heard if the car is approaching, is ILLEGAL??!! :mad: What is that all about?! :mad: Do our authorities have any basic knowledge of OEM (Original Equipment Manufactorer) parts? Do our authorities know what EVO or WRX's original standard muffler's size? Do our authorities have any idea what SKYLINE is using for their standard tip size? If they don't even could they "samban" me just like that?! How big is legal?! How big is not?! :mad:

The money is not an issue at this point of discussion. I think the DOUBLE STANDARD and LACK OF PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGE are the huge issues here. I don't know about you all but me, a driver...demand to know how standards are set. So that next time when I ran into some road blocks again...I know what my car is legal and what is not...they just can't said " itu besar...tak boleh...ini salah...tak boleh..."

Hope this won't cause any trouble... I apologized if my statements above should they have violated any person or group in any manners. And I welcome all the inputs and suggestions... Thanks and Merry Christmas!
Re: How do we know if we modified our car LEGALLY?

Re: How do we know if we modified our car LEGALLY?

u just came back from oveseas? :biggrin:
Re: How do we know if we modified our car LEGALLY?

its "saman" not "samban".
or izzit "saman" + "jamban".. hhaha.. kidding..
Re: How do we know if we modified our car LEGALLY?

sorry to hear that bro
i got the some thing happen to me too, anyway those FU**ER(POLI**) not pro at all they said what ever they like, maybe the gov poor thats why just give saman.
by the way what car u driving?? WIRA with EVO 3 engine??? if yes save yr $$$ get a better car, no more supporting made in malaysia
Re: How do we know if we modified our car LEGALLY?

stanley, white colour halogen bulb is legal as stated in JPJ website. Go take a look. I can 100% bet that they don't know even not how to differentiate between a white colour halogen bulb and HID.
Re: How do we know if we modified our car LEGALLY?

stanley, white colour halogen bulb is legal as stated in JPJ website. Go take a look. I can 100% bet that they don't know even not how to differentiate between a white colour halogen bulb and HID.

Bro mind to share the link to JPJ's website stating that the white halogen light is legal to install, coz I can't find it at Portal Rasmi Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan Malaysia thanks
Re: How do we know if we modified our car LEGALLY?

Sorry bro, no offense, but the police woman did a right thing to saman you. For your own good and also other's peaceful life.

1. White bulb.
It was proven that yellowish light has the best visibility's at night. After market white/blueish bulb is just ok for night but will become worst when raining. Even my car which came with original HID, I also try to find 3800k bulb to replace current white bulb. Because the white light made my 250hp car with 235/40/18 T1R need to be driven at 15-20km/h with double signal on, during heavy rain (what a joke when slowly overtook by a original kancil). If I cannot control my emotion at that time, my car may end up with in the workshop and wait for the insurance adjuster to take picture.

2. Big diameter exhaust.
Till date, I never heard about there is any quiet 'big' exhaust. You may think it looks cool and not noisy. But when you pass by those housing area, especially at night, do you know how many people is cursing you without your notice? But if you just change the original exhaust tip only, then I think you are not deserved to be 'saman'ed .
Re: How do we know if we modified our car LEGALLY?

I suggest you to install a CAT (difficult to get ori Evo 3 muffler) or if you have CAT, add extra mid muffler, change the buld to Philips Silver Vision (remember to adjust the level), put a Pivot Raizin (with grounding cable) then go to Puspakom and do a check up. Then keep the slips in your car next time (if passed without 'adjusting' the puspakom people).
Re: How do we know if we modified our car LEGALLY?

csl, about HIDs, yeah u may be right, despite its benefits sometimes it does blind the oncoming traffic...this more often than not applies to cars which are not originally fitted with them...

one thing though, a bigger tong ekzos with more sound dampening materials will be able to dampen sound better than smaller ones with lesser sound dampening capabilities, is it not?...most of those cars that make lotsa noise, look closely at them when u see them on the road and tell me whether they are using huge fart cannons or small diameter straight through exhausts or using none at all....
Re: How do we know if we modified our car LEGALLY?


Since they made you pay, why not make them justify their actions ?

You don't have to be rude but you can politely ask them to quote you the exact section of the regulations that they used to support the summons. Ask them nicely for a photocopy of the relevant sections. Tell them you want to know because you intend to change your car's equipment back to legal requirements. If possible, pin down that woman cop who wrote your summons and ask her to cough up the relevant sections.

The cops have to give you an answer when requested because of accountability. Legally, they are not obliged to simply turn you away with no explanations.
Re: How do we know if we modified our car LEGALLY?

I also try to find 3800k bulb to replace current white bulb. Because the white light made my 250hp car with 235/40/18 T1R need to be driven at 15-20km/h with double signal on, during heavy rain (what a joke when slowly overtook by a original kancil). If I cannot control my emotion at that time, my car may end up with in the workshop and wait for the insurance adjuster to take picture.

Let the ego go dude..

So what if you get overtook by a kancil? Just tak layan lah. You have a 250hp car but you feel intimidated by a Kancil ? Hahaha.. Don't layan only. As long as you know once u pedal to the metal in "better circumstances" (not rainy day) you can smoke the fella easily.

That day I was "overtook" (while I wasn't even revving past 2k RPM, just slow pickup) by this blue Perdana, BIG BIG rims with "pish pish pish" turbo SOUND? .. Or real turbo. I don't know.. But it was SLOW AS HELL! I wasn't even revving up and the guy was like trying so hard to rev past me with his pish-ing and loud muffler but his pick-up was damn slow, even my friend also had a "Huh??" face when I turned and look at her after the car "overtook" me and left while I was still cruising slowly... HAHAHAHA!! If my eyes did not deceive me, it's an indian driver. He was actually already revving his engine while he was behind me at a junction, I had to wait for the road to clear before I could move out obviously.. Right after I moved out slowly only he started pish-ing past me from the right side. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

So, if you get overtook by a kancil when you memang TRYING to outrun the guy with your 250hp car, then you can start getting emotional la.. Maybe you can even kill yourself too if that happens. Haha!! Kidding :biggrin: The world is bigger than wasting our lives on the road trying to race everybody else that you can't "let go off" from our ego. Peace.
Re: How do we know if we modified our car LEGALLY?

Sorry bro, no offense, but the police woman did a right thing to saman you. For your own good and also other's peaceful life.

1. White bulb.
It was proven that yellowish light has the best visibility's at night. After market white/blueish bulb is just ok for night but will become worst when raining. Even my car which came with original HID, I also try to find 3800k bulb to replace current white bulb. Because the white light made my 250hp car with 235/40/18 T1R need to be driven at 15-20km/h with double signal on, during heavy rain (what a joke when slowly overtook by a original kancil). If I cannot control my emotion at that time, my car may end up with in the workshop and wait for the insurance adjuster to take picture.

2. Big diameter exhaust.
Till date, I never heard about there is any quiet 'big' exhaust. You may think it looks cool and not noisy. But when you pass by those housing area, especially at night, do you know how many people is cursing you without your notice? But if you just change the original exhaust tip only, then I think you are not deserved to be 'saman'ed .

Bro, don't need to replace your HID with halogen bulbs...It's a bit over doing it. Maintain the stock HID just add a pair of fog lights enough already. You said your car came with stock HID, if you change to halogen; you might have to redo the lighting wiring and quite a messy job and waste also. HID sockets are different from Halogen.

About the exhaust part, really not all exhaust which is big are loud. Like those HKS silent Hipower or FGKs, Tanabe Hyper G-medallion just to name af ew, they are quite silent. I have ride before in some of the cars with good exhaust systems. They sounded quiet and better than those LMST exhaust note....

good day
Re: How do we know if we modified our car LEGALLY?


Hi bro katopunk... Thanks for the suggestion bro...unfortunately we are in Malaysia lar...not as FREE as some western countries that we could demand some explanations and some actions or even suggestions to our authorities... It took them FOREVER to LOOK INTO IT... SIGH...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year of 2008 to you!
Re: How do we know if we modified our car LEGALLY?

u just came back from oveseas? :biggrin:

Hi bro fstrader... As the matter of fact...I've returned for already 5 years...first I was quite upset with all the authorities departments...such as bank...immigrant...and etc... The attitude is seriously disappointing, but I have already get used to it...

Well...I just owned my EVO 3 (finally...after saving all the money for owing this master piece) for not more than a year...trying to have everything tuned "low-profiled"...and ended up with "sanman"... SIGH... May be I have to go through the steps again...GETTING USED TO IT...

Happy New Year 2008 to you bro...thanks for your input.
Re: How do we know if we modified our car LEGALLY?

its "saman" not "samban".
or izzit "saman" + "jamban".. hhaha.. kidding..

Hi bro Maxx... Thanks for clearing that part for me...I have not idea how that spell 'cause I rarely got one of those...that's why I got it wrongly... Thanks!

Happy New Year 2008 to you!
Re: How do we know if we modified our car LEGALLY?

stanley, white colour halogen bulb is legal as stated in JPJ website. Go take a look. I can 100% bet that they don't know even not how to differentiate between a white colour halogen bulb and HID.

Hi Bro TitanRev... Thanks for the link! It helps alot. As the matter of fact, I am using HID...but if that's illegal...then I admit and of course paying the fine. But...isn't the HID is already legalized? Or it will only legalized in 2008?

I really feel unfair for the G-Medallion that I've installed on my EVO 3... I just took the measurement...the tip of the muffler is oval and its width is 4.8-inches (very close to 5") as the height is 4.5-inches... The tauke from the muffler shop said only 3-inches in diameter will not be kacau by the that true?

Happy New Year 2008 to you bro...thanks again for the helpful link!
Re: How do we know if we modified our car LEGALLY?

Sorry bro, no offense, but the police woman did a right thing to saman you. For your own good and also other's peaceful life.

Hi Bro csl... Thanks for your input bro...but don't you think our authorities should have at least let us know what guidelines to consider when we come to modify our beloved cars?

1. White bulb.
It was proven that yellowish light has the best visibility's at night. After market white/blueish bulb is just ok for night but will become worst when raining. Even my car which came with original HID, I also try to find 3800k bulb to replace current white bulb. Because the white light made my 250hp car with 235/40/18 T1R need to be driven at 15-20km/h with double signal on, during heavy rain (what a joke when slowly overtook by a original kancil). If I cannot control my emotion at that time, my car may end up with in the workshop and wait for the insurance adjuster to take picture.

Such as...if HID is too bright...then let us know which range is 4350K to 6300K is LEGAL...anything more (or less) is ILLEGAL...that kind of information so that we know when we wanna modify a bit... (This might be a bit out of topic) Plus the fact that I'm living in some area that there is no lamp post or no lights at all (I believed there are some areas in your place as well)...I have to use extra bright beams so that I can see the road clearly... SIGH...

2. Big diameter exhaust.
Till date, I never heard about there is any quiet 'big' exhaust. You may think it looks cool and not noisy. But when you pass by those housing area, especially at night, do you know how many people is cursing you without your notice? But if you just change the original exhaust tip only, then I think you are not deserved to be 'saman'ed .

Yes I agreed with you. I myself is also a victim when some of the "loud" mufflers passed by with heavy bass along the way...really cannot tahan lar. But I believed if the driver didn't step on REALLY HARD on the gas will be (not as quiet as standard) at least not that noisy... one of the zerotohunderd members said...HKS Hi-Power Silent or Tanabe G-Medallion (which I kena "saman") considered very quiet already as compared to other mufflers... By the way...the policewoman "saman" me for BIG EXHAUST TIP not big muffler... SIGH...

Anyway bro...thanks...and Happy New Year 2008!
Re: How do we know if we modified our car LEGALLY?

sorry to hear that bro
i got the some thing happen to me too, anyway those FU**ER(POLI**) not pro at all they said what ever they like, maybe the gov poor thats why just give saman.
by the way what car u driving?? WIRA with EVO 3 engine??? if yes save yr $$$ get a better car, no more supporting made in malaysia

Hi Bri truestar59... Thanks bro. Similar case also happened to my mechanics and friends who drives some monster cars... They all just come with one same conclusion..."it's like that one lar...what to do?...just pay kopi-o lor...kopi-o only small small amount mar...if kena big one...then just suei lor..." Another thing that they all agreed after I seek for their suggestions...I'm really SUEI as it's already Dec 24 at 11:50PM...10 mins to Christmas...probably 15 more mins the road block will be dismissed...then I kena... Maybe I am really SUEI lar...hope this won't continue to the coming 2008...

No bro...I'm driving a Lancer converted EVO most of my mechanics said WIRA's bones will torn apart if 4G63 tuned for more torque and power... HAPPY NEW YEAR 2008 to you!

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