CRIMEWAVE ALERT | Bandar Utama; Subang Jaya/USJ/Bandar Sunway

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Known Member
Senior Member
Dec 15, 2008
Content Extracted from Chain Mail:

31st March 2009

For those living in Bandar Utama; Subang Jaya/USJ/Bandar Sunway area, be extra careful. There has been a spate of robbery and kidnap cases. In the meantime,we have been given to understand that PDRM (Polis DiRaja Malaysia) has issued an APB (All Points Bulletin) on these criminals of the underworld.

Their M.O. (modus operanti)-strike at anytime even during the day. They would stalk you and kidnap you just when you are to open the house gate; force you to go with them in your car/their car to your bank's ATM for instant cash withdrawal. Damn Bloody brave bad hats. So if you have several ATM cards and you value your bank balance maybe it is best to keep only one ATM card from now on just in case. For young females, they are more vulnerable as they may also be sexually harassed/assaulted.

These cars probably stolen have been used according to PDRM:-

(1) Silver Toyota Camry - Regn. WMW 6638
(2) Gold Toyota Camry - Regn WNU 9232
(3) Beige Mercedes Benz - Regn PFY 1221
(4) Silver Perdana - Regn WJP 3738
(5) Orange Gen.2 - Regn ...... 6610
(6) Proton Wira - No info available

Description of these dangerous criminals: 2 Malay Male (presumed 20-30 yrs). One suspect is thin and the other quite stout. They operate up to 4 at a time. Pictures/photofit of 2 of the suspects are annexed, compliments of Polis DiRaja Malaysia (PDRM).

So also not forgetting, the 'beast' mentioned by CID Chief SAC II Datuk Ku Chin Wah. So far they have struck terror into the hearts of residents in Selayang and Segambut where they first surfaced.

Concerned Citizen


luke skywalker

1,500 RPM
Senior Member
Feb 24, 2008
Shah Alam
Polis useless la this fellow know so they advantage la they know polis wont catch them... my fren kena samun got the guys fingerprint on the glass also cant catch till today... one of their daughter should kena then only they will take action i think...:banghead::banghead::banghead:


Over 10,000 RPM!
Senior Member
Nov 13, 2004
Char Kuoy Teow
walaneh this scumbag goes on "robbing spree", i can only hope the God will strike them with lightning!

need 4 speed

Junior Member
Senior Member
Mar 17, 2009
What are the Police doing???:mad: xxxna seng..Working or :thefinger:...??? How can their let this type of "Criminals" running around and do whatever they damn please to others !!!!!

I suggest for girls or women..pls prepare and arm urself with paperspray or learn some selfdefence skills.

For guys, keep some kind of steel pipe in your car..just incase they happen to visit you while driving, just smack them on the face ! Dont give them mercy if you kick their butt...they dont desreve any ! These cowards are doing this because no one dare to fight them....

As a percaution..If you meet with anykind of accident, just dont get out of your car first but look around..who (the person) hit your car and is the place have a lot of people (who can help if you need one)..always have your handphone with you to call for help!

We need to be more alert about our ownself and loves one safety. Be alert on your surrounding and be suspicious on anyone that is out of the odinary... Dont give the Criminals a reason to "rob"
you...Try to look brave and strong coz these criminal only victimize weaklings..because they are Cowards...:biggrin:


Active Member
Senior Member
Apr 18, 2008
I dont blame POLICE 100%..there also BZzzz
Nowaday steal/robbery is easiest way to making money..
Desperate to LUXURY Living...