Cleaning Throttle Body & ICSV

Mr Sifu Erwandy..
my timing still got unstable..almost rpm stick to 2RPM..but sometimes it goes down to there any other thing that you can guide me to check those problem..

Bro..last time..the noise that i heard from belting area is aircond compressor problem..after change the recond one..the noise gone already..thanx for your help that time bro..
RPM ustable aaa? Sounds like maybe the Vacuum Sensor (MAP Sensor) a bit out laaa.

If you want to run Open Trumpets no need SAFC, just reset ther ECU and drive!
Another good job by EFN......

My car used to suffer some jerk when trying to stabilise the accelerator, in order to cruise instead of accelerate. It'll shake the car a bit, and of course hati also tak sedap...hehehe..

Last nite managed to book Mr EFN to help in cleaning the throttle body. Work started around 10pm. Thanks to the heavy rain earlier, the nite was very cool and relaxing. Time taken to take out the throttle body, vigorously sprayed it with carb cleaner and assembling it was less than 3 hours even though my engine bay is smaller compare to AE101. After 150K of mileage both in Japan and M'sia,considerable amount of grime and oil stain has accumulated in the throttle body wall and the area surrounding it.All of those turned into kopi O kau-kau once washed away by the cleaner, and in return, the body was so clean and shiny..hehe

Reset ECU, revv the engine to wash out the cleaner in the chambers, and idling back to a normal 950rpm in juz a short while. On my way back, I can really feel the response is much much better, lighter, and voila.... the jerk dissappear ..!!! Many many thanx to EFN for sacrifing his quality family time till late last nite.

For those who are looking for him, u guys have to wait for a few months ya..hahaha.. Mr EFN will be rendering his service in Sydney from tomorrow onwards.

Erwandy, if you are reading this.. have a safe trip and good time in Down Under ya.. Dun forget to buy those stuff i needed from there ya..hahaha ......shhhhhhhhh
aiyak... EFN want to go to sydney tomorrow?....just planning to see him and have him to cervice my ITB. just contacted him recently just dont have the chance to go to his place as lots of work to do even in the weekends. anyone that can do the ITB service pls PM me with the price....
hey mr.EFN may i know it takes how long to fill up ur oct? any fuel filter can be oct?
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