

Known Member
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May 5, 2005
im pretty sure this has been posted before but i couldnt seem to find the thread.... so is it 100% unbreakable??? im talking abt the ones selling on television... sounds trustworthy .... just asking anyone who has any experience with this ....
NO locks on the market is unbreakable. Its just a matter of time to to defeat it. I think the longest time to break a lock is 15 minute (the one that covers the whole steering). That should be sufficient to make the thief go for other cars.
facelift said:
NO locks on the market is unbreakable. Its just a matter of time to to defeat it. I think the longest time to break a lock is 15 minute (the one that covers the whole steering). That should be sufficient to make the thief go for other cars.
ya support u bro
if time given to those thieft
they sure can break any to get ur car
So whats the best type/brand car lock on the market??? steering? and where could i get them?
any lock will do!@@

more expensive lock give u more confidence!!

juz get anylock!! true, if thieve aim for ur car...even though u have phyton alarm, immo, stering lock, brake lock, gear lock....watever, also will finish!!

i read from somewhere...thieves nowadays dare to climb in ppl house n steal even Front Bonet!!

What a DAY? :thumpdown
If cant afford to buy those expensive locks, buy 2-3 cheap locks. And for alarm... the stickers (Vipers, Phyton etc.) might help also. :D

wish9, how much is Anylock? brothers got or not.. EHEHEHEHE :P
haiya.. steering locks are useless la. I personally can brake ANY steering lock under 5 minutes.

Autolock isn't immune as well, but it's better than the stupid steering lock. You really want good security? Install a good alarm, immobilizer, tracking system, hard bolt extra pieces of security plates on your doors, and ensure the alarm covers all doors, bonnets and boot. Put sensitivity alarms on all windows (ALL!) and then dead bolt items that you feel you will never be changing (like seats). Then change all the wiring under the dashboard to be the same colour. And always park with 1st gear in and your car nose facing the wall so towing is harder.

Sure the car still can be stolen, but at least it makes life harder for them bastards.
well i am using it for my satria gti...very tough....value for money....just that i bought it for 250 selling at 125....damn....
Izso said:
haiya.. steering locks are useless la. I personally can brake ANY steering lock under 5 minutes.

Autolock isn't immune as well, but it's better than the stupid steering lock. You really want good security? Install a good alarm, immobilizer, tracking system, hard bolt extra pieces of security plates on your doors, and ensure the alarm covers all doors, bonnets and boot. Put sensitivity alarms on all windows (ALL!) and then dead bolt items that you feel you will never be changing (like seats). Then change all the wiring under the dashboard to be the same colour. And always park with 1st gear in and your car nose facing the wall so towing is harder.

Sure the car still can be stolen, but at least it makes life harder for them bastards.

thieves with tow trucks :eek: havent heard of that before...

btw whats this disklok made of??? where can i find it???? pandan indah??? brothers???????????
DO NOT BUY THE LOCAL AUTOLOCK... I have the original one from smart shop.. using it for almost a year now.. no problem. Last month i bought the same Autolock for my fathers car....but from Parkson (RM89) looks exactly the same.... but its difficult to lock and unlock.... i think the material also not the same....
again I repeat : Steering locks are useless. I've never seen this disklok but if it's anything like what I've seen b4.. it's pretty useless too. The autolock is something (the original one.. from smartshop I think).. but it's not invincible either. There's this type of lock that is hard bolted onto your car's chassis and locks onto the pedals, similar to autolock. That's a little more effective than autolock and more importantly, the lock is made of very non-reactive material. Costs about 400+ to install on a Civic. No idea what it's called and no idea for what car models. Ask CV Audio in Uptown. They sell the thing.
so my primary targets are

i) the cv audio in uptown thing
ii) Orignal autolock
iii) disklok

hope im correct at this. Any one else has any other better suggestions to make????
Stoplock may be unbreakable....but your steering is.

i guess most of you guys havent seen a real live demo on how a steering rim (the part where you hold) can be saw off easily.

no matter how expensive your steering lock is, as long as the car thief use a hacksaw and saw through the rim of the steering, they can easily slide off the steering lock. you see, the steering rim is designed to be collapsed in the event of an accident when the drive slam against's made of soft steel. Thus, it can be cut easily. i have seen the demo before and it's scary.

before i seen this demo, all the i thought that stoplock is one of the "unbreakable" steering lock in the market.

so what do i use now? a pedal lock (clam)...solex. Pedals are made of hard steel that is almost imposible to,lock the pedal is the better choice. Also, it aint easy for the thief to crawl under the dashboard in order to remove the pedal lock....thieves need to look around while they are stealing a car, remember????
nuggyn said:
Stoplock may be unbreakable....but your steering is.

i guess most of you guys havent seen a real live demo on how a steering rim (the part where you hold) can be saw off easily.

no matter how expensive your steering lock is, as long as the car thief use a hacksaw and saw through the rim of the steering, they can easily slide off the steering lock. you see, the steering rim is designed to be collapsed in the event of an accident when the drive slam against's made of soft steel. Thus, it can be cut easily. i have seen the demo before and it's scary.

before i seen this demo, all the i thought that stoplock is one of the "unbreakable" steering lock in the market.

so what do i use now? a pedal lock (clam)...solex. Pedals are made of hard steel that is almost imposible to,lock the pedal is the better choice. Also, it aint easy for the thief to crawl under the dashboard in order to remove the pedal lock....thieves need to look around while they are stealing a car, remember????

you sound like the guy on smartshop promoting the autolock........
well the disklok covers the whole steering which i at the moment think is quite hard to break if its made of something tough enough to cut through
sometimes i wonder the ideas we're coming up with end up letting all the thieves screening thru this forum to get more ideas on breaking every lock we're using...
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darksin, exactly man.

Cad843, pls delete your posting. We are here to promote security not teach people how to bypass it.
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