Proton 4G13/4G15....Satria/Wira/Saga

cant afford UNICHIP... n i think the price i pay for UNICHIP not worth for the power i get..

last time my fren use UNCHIP on wira... the difference not too much... but now he use on the new vios.. very big difference...
Both can be used as piggy back for those who want to bolt on turbo to the engine...

btw...ur car are svdo or mmc.....what is the different....

Can i just pnp ecu from mmc to svdo wiring??
my car is MMC.. so can use piggyback... SVDO using piggyback will be useless as the ECU will compensate the new mapping after a while... so go back to stock settings.. hehe.. unless u fit in standalone ECU like Haltech... dump the original EMS400 ECU.

MMC n SVDO have quite a big difference in terms of wiring n sensors... so cannot be pnp just like that. even some parts are totally different like the TB, target wheel on the crank pulley, additional air temp sensor, rampipe, distributor, bla bla bla
Thanks for the info bro...last few days i went to chop shop...looking for for da mivec bumper...

Just saw the 4g15 japan enjen lantai....complete wiring,gb with tb...just watching only and quite interesting....totally different from proton engine from outside...i should ask the price la when i go to there again...

Actually is there any 4g15 turbo engine in the market from japan?

Just qurious...
4G15 turbo?? not too sure... dun think so.. if not there will be many 4g15 turbo running around already... if i'm not mistaken 4G15 got MIVEC version.. but the engine orientation is terbalik compared to our 4G15.
if i'm not mistaken 4G15 got MIVEC version.. but the engine orientation is terbalik compared to our 4G15.

really? I didnt know this..

what other tech does Mitsu have other than MIVEC, heard its fuel efficient, but so rare & expensive already lol
Guys, i'm driving satria 4g13p injection... the problem is, it seems that the air cond has been pulling the engine power in a quite significant amount... the different in terms of power between aircond ON and air cond OFF is a lot.. how to overcome this problem? some people said that you can fabricate new aircond pulley using light weight material.. has anyone done this type of modification? some said that you can inter change some parts with toyota parts, (i'm not sure which model and what parts to change), if anyone have any idea on how to overcome this, please advise.. thank you..
well.. whatever it is... my philosophy of car modding is to bring out the full potential of the factory fitted engine... not that i am anti engine transplants... the reason for using the factory fitted engine are as follow:

1. no JPJ inspection problems - u dun even need to send for any inspection

2. maintain the overall car weight - u get better power to weight ratio as u will experience better handling and better performance even the HP is relatively smaller

3. u know the history of ur engine - less problems with the reliability

4. the initial proper modification cost for hp/torque might be more expensive but u get the reliability out of the money spent.

n here are some reasons not to go for engine transplant:

1. heavier overall car weight which deteriorate the overall handling of the car

2. the stock chassis is not designed for a much more powerful engine resulting chassis crack or bend. Weird noise will occur in time to come.

3. JPJ always like to kacau cars with non-stock engines - even u have endorsement, but still kena kacau.

4. u usually end up with a higher cost than ur expected budget as u are getting old engines. Most ppl do not overhaul or rebuilt the engine from halfcut. WHen problem occurs, be prepared with lotsa cash.

5. a proper modification for more powerful engine would usually be more than just the engine itself, for a proper balance, it would include the following:
a) chassis strengthening with either additional spot welding or foaming the chassis
b) bigger brakes
c) stiffer suspension for the heavier engine
d) heavy duty parts for more power n wear n tear
e) n some other unexpected things

So make sure u got enough money then onli proceed with the engine transplant. Else u might just screw up ur car, n maybe ur life.

In short... modifications done to a car has to be BALANCED between each other... for example the suspension need to be matched with the car overall weight, the brakes has to be matched with the engine power, and engine mods also has to be balance in between different parts. The biggest/stiffest/extreme is not always the best. Just sharing some knowledge from my experience and the ppl around me.
^^ sifoo guan has spoken...:adore::adore:

ehh, wanna ask u ah... u stroked up to 1.6, did u change the injectors and throttle body??... if yes, arent u should be using any piggyback ecu??....:hmmmm:
eh me no sifu la... still learning niah.. still got lots of things i duno yet...

the injectors are still the stock ones... no problems at all.. but i changed the TB to GTi one... need some modification in order to fit the TB... i got the GTi one cos cant find the 1.6 version at that moment.. check my gallery for the TB replacement pics...

currently no piggyback yet... that one will be next year project... this year no money already... hehe
eh me no sifu la... still learning niah.. still got lots of things i duno yet...

the injectors are still the stock ones... no problems at all.. but i changed the TB to GTi one... need some modification in order to fit the TB... i got the GTi one cos cant find the 1.6 version at that moment.. check my gallery for the TB replacement pics...

currently no piggyback yet... that one will be next year project... this year no money already... hehe

khguan, time for save up for 8k...then plonk in a suppaaaahhchaarrrgeeerrr from powerzone!

off-topic= eh, wiseautoclub forum got problem ar? cant access anymore
nolah, as quoted by powerzone, it is around rm8k...complete bolt-on items...100% optimised for our small engines hehe

btw tenks for the link!
erm.. i wun think of forced induction at the moment la... too extreme for me... hehe.. besides that.. i dun think i will like the SC noise... and again.. the money spent might not be worth the performance u get...
eh me no sifu la... still learning niah.. still got lots of things i duno yet...

the injectors are still the stock ones... no problems at all.. but i changed the TB to GTi one... need some modification in order to fit the TB... i got the GTi one cos cant find the 1.6 version at that moment.. check my gallery for the TB replacement pics...

currently no piggyback yet... that one will be next year project... this year no money already... hehe
careful ur engine might run lean at high rpm... haha...

next up get larger injectors (4g93) and piggyback ecu to fine tune the fuel mapping....
erm.. i wun think of forced induction at the moment la... too extreme for me... hehe.. besides that.. i dun think i will like the SC noise... and again.. the money spent might not be worth the performance u get...

Yup i agree....not worth it just want to supercharge the small engine...:)

With 8k can be converted to the higher capacity engine and better performance....
careful ur engine might run lean at high rpm... haha...

next up get larger injectors (4g93) and piggyback ecu to fine tune the fuel mapping....

well... i have been high revving quite often for sometime... the plugs look fine... combustion seems very good... no problems at all... and i'm using the Works APFR to increase the fuel pressure a lil bit...

the stock injectors are good enough as one sifu told me the stock engine management is already supplying 30% more fuel than needed. So there is no worry for increased displacement n slightly higher compression.
well... i have been high revving quite often for sometime... the plugs look fine... combustion seems very good... no problems at all... and i'm using the Works APFR to increase the fuel pressure a lil bit...

the stock injectors are good enough as one sifu told me the stock engine management is already supplying 30% more fuel than needed. So there is no worry for increased displacement n slightly higher compression.
icic... hehe...
ohya, u know anyone selling 1.5 mmc complete wiring set??... i'm planning to go digital... haha...

Just wondering... anybody using MSD product here?
can ask tofu sifoo... he is using it in his 4g15...
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