How To Keep Your Girlfriend


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Senior Member
Jun 9, 2005
1 - Dont laugh at her. If she's trying 2 tell u something important and its
hard for her, dont laugh it will make it even harder.

2 - Tell her u love her, but only if u really mean it. Tell her 2 on her face
and not over an sms or over the net, it will mean alot more if u tell her
in person.

Dont worry if u cant find the right time 2 say it theres never a wrong
time to tell someone u love them, and she will tell u she loves u 2 coz
she wouldnt be with u if she didnt love u.

3 - Buy her little presents 2 show that u love her, it doesnt have 2
cost much it can be cheap as long as its nice she'll love it and she'll
love u even more for it, and u might even get a present from her

4 - Always offer 2 pay for things when u go out but dont pay all the
time, if she wants 2 pay for herself let her.

If u hav a girl that always wants u 2 pay for her and she doesnt offer
2 pay for herself tell her u dont have much money and ask if she would
like 2 pay for herself, but if she wont u'll probably be better off without
her coz if u stay with her u'll never have any money for urself coz she'll
spend it all.

5 - Dont ever hurt her. If ur mucking about and u accidently
hurt her u should apologize but if she still goes mad at u it will be coz it
really hurt, so if she does go mad an still hits u bk give her a cuddle and
tell her u really didn't mean it.

6 - Never ever cheat, she'll always find out, even if u thuink ur being
smart cheating on her with someone she'll never meet, chances r one
of her friends will know her or one of ur friends will tell her.

7 - Dont keep secrets if u do she'll start 2 get paranoid and think ur
cheating on her

8 - Dont lie its worse that keeping secrets coz u'll make her feel like u
dont trust her and cant tell her anything so she'll keep secrets 2 and
wont tell u anything.

9 - Always give her a kiss and a cuddle, even if ur out with ur friends.

10 - Never ever talk about how good looking other girls or women on
the tv are u'll make her feel really bad, and she'll think u dont find
her attractive.

And never talk about ur exs, unless ur saying something really horrible
about them, she'll think u still like them and u dont like her as much

11 - If shes got guy friends and she talks 2 them alot dont get jealous
and think that shes goin 2 cheat on u theyre only friends nothings
going 2 happen between them.

12 - If she looks upset about something ask her whats wrong, but if
she says nothing that means she doesnt want 2 talk about it and
theres nothing u can do 2 make her talk about it so just give her a
cuddle coz it will make her feel alot better.

13 - Always ask her how her days been she'll always have something
2 say, and it will show that u care.

14 - If she does smoething that really annoys u, u have 2 tell her u
cant jst go in a mood or she wont know wot she did wrong, she will
really appreciate u telling her coz she'll know not 2 do it again.

15 - Whenever u talk about the future always talk about it as if u r
going 2 be together forever it will make her feel like u really love her
and u always want 2 be with her.

Ok i am adding some more things here:


1. kiss them in the most romantic way

2. always hug and cuddle with them

3. buy or make them thoughtful gifts

4. stand up for them

5. kiss them everywhere ( neck, lips, cheek, ears, forehead....)

6. try not to act stupid around them ((OVERSMART))

7. try not to act like you r cool ((OVERACT))

8. put your hands on their ass once in a while ((IT WORKS, they
just like ur hand in their back pocket at times))

y always bout girls? how bout guys? wut girls shouldnt do to a this THE WORLD ACCORDING TO GIRLS?
good one...... have to take the oppurtunity to touch as much ass if in the rite time.... hehehehe
ehmm Mel...
that one works well provided the girl has nice round ass..I wouldn't do it to the flat ones....feels funny though....:tongue:
because without this list, u would have to use your hand, or be a planta man...
with this list, u can get the girls or keep the girl...and then do the opposite to dump a girl, then get a new girl, and repeat x??
"How To Keep Your Girlfriend" .... be a freaking mind reader coz they fucking changes every damn seconds ...
How to Keep your GF?

With these, lot's of these...


PS: I just re-check the list, the pic above represent item No.9
No gf for quite some time already, past few years only focus on work and let go a few opportunities comes by.....

hope to meet the right one soon and see whether these tips helps.. :P
totally agree...sometimes, it's a very lovey dovey thing to do~

8. put your hands on their ass once in a while ((IT WORKS, they
just like ur hand in their back pocket at times))

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