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reduce "subsidies on existing " , voice up ur opinion.

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Feb 2, 2010
Kuala Lumpur
hey friends ,
what do u think about "kurangkan subsidi kerajaan " , this few days there is alot of discussion on this matter even the discussion share with majority of the rakyat Malaysia .

reduce Subsidies on existing items (sugar , petrol , etc item/bills ) , from my point of view reducing subsidies is good to ensure that Rakyat can enjoy more facilities on EDUCATION , TRANSPORTATION , HEALTHY as well boost up economic as per our mission n vision of 2020 I believe there is always positif n negatif , increase petrol n other items .Reduce tax on the import cars as well reduce service Tax or increase rakyat salary no matter in private or Gov sectors so that Rakyat can reduce the impact on the increasing ..:adore:
last time when on 90s , salary around RM1,500 is enought to live in City like Kuala Lumpur , but nowdays RM 1,500 is not enought for a living , as per my calculation RM 2,000 is cukup cukup only .
last time roti canai kosong 50C now 80c even RM 1 , i know every year they are increasing on daily item including food even other items . :bawling:
sometimes did u do any calculation on ur daily / monthly expenses + with ur monthly repayment - with ur current salary , some plp maybe is enough and some are totally not enough even they need to works part time as a income support for daily living. i still remember last time advertising on "Bijak Penguna " now I think it wont help so much due to increasing of cost .how much u can save ? how long it can help ? .:hmmmm:

whats is ur opinion on it ? , sometimes my voice is just a small voice which maybe cant be hear but i want to share with everybody about my opinion. there is always no correct or wrong ...but just want to hear other forum friends voice and opinion . :itsme:
govt can reduce the subsidi...
tapi make sure gaji naik la....especially private sector....
saya agree.....or else we also in doom....
GOV so try to revise the salary according to the currenlty market.
Most goods prices are based on demand (except some controlled item). The retail price is set based on demand. The marketing strategy is to study the demand and set the price so that the company can make the most money. Simple example:

Roti canai shop. The cost of making a piece of roti is about RM0.15 (some even less), including gas but excluding labor. If they sell at RM1 but the selling volume still the same as selling Rm0.50, why not?

Actually I got few more example but due to my time is limited at the moment, so cut it short.

The economy ecosystem will be balance up itself. If average income in certain area is like RM1500, all the ecosystem supporting elements will match the income, if no other external element to mess up the system. I can see the problem in Malaysia nowadays that stopping the ecosystem to be back to natural from artificial:

1. Corruption - Due to heavy corruption for the past decades, and many scandal just close case without giving a fair judgment, rakyat has lost their trust towards the gov on how to use the country's money and would not like to let their piece as those corruption parties can still remain their portion (maybe expanding).

2. Pressure from business men (big businessmen) - Removing the subsidies will make them have to reduce the profit margin in order to survive in the business. If they don't reduce the profit margin, and the rakyat cannot spend money, they will have problem.

3. Land/shop/house properties owner/investors/developers - They are having good time all the while in Malaysia. If cut the subsidies, they have to cut their selling price/rental so that their building/land got people to buy/rent. Of cause, it depends on location. But anyhow, they will be forced to reduce the profit margin for short future new investment till the economy back to normal and start going up again.

4. Tukang cari contract - No need to say, their labor for 'adjust-adjust' will be reduced as all company will need to cut cost.

5. a lot more and likely will be endless. Stop here.

As a general people who work as an employee, We actually don't need to worry so much if we can manage our wallet smart enough. Use upper head to think more will still able to live well. Got manual boost controller sell cheap cheap don't want, only put the eye on the latest release of e-boost, apply to all other thing, sure increase salary FOR 200% ALSO NOT ENOUGH. Look at the price of the reduction of subsidies, you can ask yourselves how much sugar, oil and etc you consume every month? If the restaurant increase price, can you spend yourselves 1 hour everyday to prepare food for yourselves? Electricity bill expensive? Can live with fan or not? or without AC will kill you? Fuel price raise, why not to offer/join your neighbor/colleague to share the cost?

Talk until tomorrow also cannot finish. The few main things that are important as below:

- Control your spending. Lives within means. If barang gatal, cuba picik ia kuat-kuat.
- Improve productivity. Work harder and smarter can bring more job security. Pay raise also more power.
- Plan for the future - You need to plan ahead for everything. If you think your work place is far and you plan to work there for more than 5 years, then you should consider to move somewhere nearer or at least can take bus/LRT to reach, without the need of using a car.
- No more excuses for downgrading - If your salary not enough to sustain your current lifestyle, should make a new plan (ZTH got many consultant FOC :burnout: ). You should struggle to make money, not struggle to keep something that drain off your money.
-and etc

If got chance to participate some survey or anything regarding the country, tell them you want transparent, fair and justice, else you will vote the opposition political party regardless. Gather all of our votes and make them use their power to straighten up everything. This is what we call the power of people. Those who go out for riot or rally is just a show for making certain people to get rich easier without the need of working hard. I'm sure I don't want to become a so hai keh leh fay actor (no name supporting actor).

Although our current prime minister and deputy doing quite well. But it doesn't mean that we have to give away our vote to those useless MP candidates. We should only vote for a person who can help. Like the one who fck up for kahwin dua, based on his records, we should vote the other party regardless they put cow to compete. By this way, political parties will not dare to put those useless people in the election because got relationship or money.

Now is just starting. The change that brought by our PM will need a lot more time to implement and even more time to be able to see the result. This will be the only way that Malaysia can get out from a dead end road. Those perkasa people are using us to sustain or expanding their personal wealth. Their direction will only lead us to those day's Indonesia, which has rich people that being too rich and poor people being too poor. If we really wanna help ourselves, we should work hard and make more friends.
If corruption is rectified, i don't mind give up my subsidy to help more lower income people... but if money goes into asshole's pocket then tell them go fxxk themselves...
everybody wants the piece of the cake. even those rich people somehow they really know they actually can strive for themselves and they end up using the subsidy much more than the lower income group. somehow maybe the subsidy did not reach the targeted people and thus all "sapu" by the rich where they got more knowledge and cable.
I don't mind if they do away with the subsidy....but the government also need to change itself..
agree with CSL ... but hor ......how much cost for a dinner of two ( cook at home ) ? RM 10 ? RM 20 ? or RM 30 ? .....i just want you to know no matter u buy food or vege at pasar malam , pasar pagi even tesco RM 10 enough for only 1 dinner ? what about a cost for you to eat at mamak ? RM 10 enought for 2 plp ? i just want to let u know nowdays no matter u cook or makan at mamak the cost almost same .......

sometimes work hard and think smart also good , but works hard and think smart also need to find a extra income to support their daily expenses ..... see consultant also no use ....u just ask them only 1 question .....current salary enought ? did u did something for extra income ? they also need to survive ....how can a consultant give a consult if they also facing a same problem like us....u know why ...cos we living in same enviroment ......

as per my training conduct a research on the current enviroment ....salary RM 5k cukup makan if got only 1 loan +1 children ( not including personal expenses ). RM 2k++ only cukup cukup for plp which have 1 loan ( kereta / rumah ) ( not including personal expenses ) .for those without any liabilities RM 2k maybe cukup cukup makan only cos ( daily expenses sudah mau pakai separuh liao of salary ) .....nowdays insurance (e.a 1 medical cards ) izzit enought to cover ur hospitallity in future ? at least 2 medical cards to cover a person cos cost of medical increase at least 20% a year ....unless u pergi hospital kerajaan ...then cheap cheap lo..(kena beratur .angkat number).

nowdays alot plp work 2 shift ( 1 is full time + 1 is part time ) for their survivor ....if only 1 salary how much u can save and how long it take you there ......

simple question ( u can try ).
1). i just ask urself how much u earn currently monthly ( keep it secret )
2) how much ur daily expense ( keep it secret ).
3) how much u need to pay for ur loan ( kereta / rumah ) .
4) then ur Q2+ Q3 then minus with Q1 . how much u will get ? ( keep it secret)
5) then set urself of target on ur dream car ( japanese car )...( keep it secret ) .
6) how much u need to save to buy ur dream car ?1 / 2 / 5 / 8 or 10 year ....
7) then what happen with ur dream car that time ?

i just ask u 1Q : to get ur dream car u must not sick / harga barang jgn naik / said no to your extra expenses .....e.a travelling..

---------- Post added at 09:10 PM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 09:06 PM ----------

what i said is my opinion and not against some plp ....if my words is heavy sorry that hope didnt keep in ur heart
What you said is kinda true, but we mist live positively... strive hard and also change the gov's wrongdoings with our tiny power... just don't give up and keep doing then one day you will see the difference... cheers...:proud::proud:
""“And when are we going to stop subsidising the G?”
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From my point of view, giving up our 'piece' 1st will be the best way. kick the ball back to themselves. They cannot say they protect the rakyat and ask for subsidies but actually earn the money from subsidies and sell the product based on market demand price.
Bro CSL, they already doing it lah, look at sime darby, plus, petronas and many more glc... if you kick the ball back they wallop it... I believe many willing to give up subsidy but under one condition which is clean govt... ask them to bulldozed khir's palace first before talk to rakyat...:thefinger:
If we accept the reduction of subsidies, big company like them have to adjust themselves to suit the environment. If not, the chief officer series of people have to face the pressure from share holders regarding the profit margin drop and continue to drop. Actually a lot of people among themselves are waiting to sit on the chair so secret will difficult to be kept nowadays. The multimedia war was launch few years back. So many scandal exposed is not without reason.

What I can predict is, they will 1st raise the price to test the market. Then adjust the price accordingly later. If we die die also don't let go our urge or pride, we will become more skinny but they will remain fat. Need to learn smart consuming. If they refuse to change, then new player will come in for sure because other company will expand their product range to maintain the profit after raw material subsidies reduction. If not the existing of Vico, you think we can still have RM2x per tin of Milo? If die hard, they will become like Overtine. Of cause, the workers no need to panic, new player would like to have skilled workers and also like to know more about the competitors business strategy.

We need to surfer 1st for sure. If we can tahan more than 2 years, our future will be totally different. This is the chance to rewrite our fate. If we lost it, We will forever become slaves of those rich or politically powerful people.
"rakyat didahulukan. pencapaian di utamakan"

so if i go up the ranks from manager to director level, PM gonna utamakan me ahh??

gomen care for me kah???

my advice is, forget about the govt. all you need is just 10 minutes to set your priorities straight. here is a guideline to help you to spend wisely.

1. Food & drinks - we need food to survive but we don't need to dine at expensive cafes and restaurants. Keep your breakfast and your lunch at work simple. Its a habit now to drive to the nearest big mall, especially on fridays. Kick that habit and you'll save a lot more. You didn't grow up on drinking starbucks latte or mocha so don't think that spending RM 10 for an ice blended while you sit there for few hours "is a bargain". if you have the freedom to be out-of-office, use those few hours to do things that helps you make money (side income or whatever).

2. Shelter - got room/place to stay is enough lo. don't think about moving out to bigger room/house yet. Cash is king now. don't be surprised that our RM will depreciate in value. don't be fooled by the dropping value of the USD, Euro and Pound Sterling in that our currency will appreciate. our currency value will drop as well because the whole world's financial market is in trouble.

3. Car - if its not broken, don't fix it. drive what you have now. don't swipe your card (spend future money) to mod your car. if you have more than 1 car, think about selling it off to get some cash in hand. you don't really need so many liabilities anyway. (who wanna buy my car? hahahah)

4. Hanging out, leisure - its nice to go out and lepak with friends or go ****** with your gf. just make sure you don't overspend "just to have fun". don't go clubbing/drinking so often. cut down your traveling (air asia cheap so what? cheap air fare but you still have to pay for hotel, food, other expenses or worse, pay for your gf also). if your gf complains that you're cutting down expenses, ask her to go date a ATM teller or a money-printing machine. you need a companion, not a parasite.

remember this. ONLY you have control over how you GAIN money and SPEND money. we all know that once we get our pay, more than half of it is gone to pay for our monthly bills and expenses. and we have to live with a small remaining sum for the rest of the month. don't let peer pressure or gf pressure or kiasuness force you into spending unnecessarily. even if you can afford it, you don't need it so why make yourself get into more debt?
what will happen next election? i doubt much will change. my personal opinion is parliament will be deadlocked like how it is in UK now. either the new government start governing and lessen their politicking to gain the favor of the rakyat or go back to the good ol ways.

CSL,miunori,WJL8229...good advice given. i like the part about waiting 2 years and then things will change. i really hope that things will change but what will happen if things dont change?what if cronyism and corruption still continue?life will be really hard then...

WJL8229...i understand what u trying to say. my bro is working in KL. single and renting a room. takes LRT to work and eats 1 big meal a day and 1 small meal for dinner...skips breakfast and rarely goes out for entertainment. he barely survives on his salary and he has a degree....i kenot imagine how long he'll take to equalize in the white collar environment.

i myself dont mind all the subsidies being taken away. as long as we see the fruits of our labor and no more over corruption happens. it's like working hard as hell on a project...then when the project suceeds, all the credit n bonus goes to somebody else n yr boss tells u sorry, no bonus and credit as the project failed.
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