Questions on ECU

as i know ... u need to add / remove chip ... dun remember la ... but wiring is different manual & auto...

ask the sifoo here .. hehe
heard b4 they say can use but the fuel map and everything different ....not sure bout tis too
yesyes... like cusco said. try see this and tech_pages/ECU Japan 4age_20v_Black.htm

Part # for 20V Black-head ECU

89661-1A360, 1A470, 1E090 (5 Speed manual compatible)

89661-1A470, 1A480, 1A490, and 1E100 (4 Speed AT compatible, OK for 5 Speed as well)

89661-1A660 (6 speed manual compatible)

All have the same pin outputs except for AT specific outputs on AT models that can be ignored for MT applications.
heard the auto svt ecu has a higher rev cut compared to manual svt ecu...
my ride w auto svt ECU but svt manual gear box & found tat higher rev cut than manual

wat about fc?
same as mmy car.. SVT auto wiring auto ecu + manual gb

FC ar.. haha RM 0.20per KM.. not much rev ler,,

higher RPM cut??? how high u means.. 7.8K rpm?/
same as mmy car.. SVT auto wiring auto ecu + manual gb

FC ar.. haha RM 0.20per KM.. not much rev ler,,

higher RPM cut??? how high u means.. 7.8K rpm?/

8995 rpm (RSM) on gear 2 still not yet cut.

wat about u & others?
8995 rpm (RSM) on gear 2 still not yet cut.

wat about u & others?

HUH!!!??? 8995rpm still didn't cut? Aftermarket ECU ka?

me 16v non tvis just can get 8.2k rpm only, during the time the engine still want to go... but can't gom already... -.-'
bro 7.. ppl say using RSM reading at 8995rom not yet cut ler..

mayb japanese guy done something on tat ecu which can go up to 11k rpm.. hahahah
im not sure d ecu on my car is aftermarket ecu o not.

im not sure wat did d previos owner done.

btw, don't misuderstanding tat i'm showing off, i'm just sharing; din mean 2 show off.

i apologize if my words do make one feel tat, SORRY
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i got a friend with silvertop auto ecu and manual gearbox..not mistaken c56..the rev was quite impressive you all know..fix apexi neo to it...found that the rev was 8277RPM!!! much can an auto silvertop can rev to redline..seem that mine is auto...unable to rev to 7400rpm even with power mode is on..only highest is 6000rpm...confuse..any experince with this kind of situation??
since tis thread is question on ecu....
i have few question bt cut at do we make it goes higher (ecu tuning ?).......if it exceeds 7800 will the power band drop ?????
mind to help me out ,,,thx
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